trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #129

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JW is desperate now and it's really showing. She knows ALV is busted and JM is just going to delve deeper and deeper into how shallow and misguided ALV's evaluation of JA was, and any conclusions she has reached in this case are built on a foundation of mistruths, falsehoods, prevarications and lies, all done in an effort to acquit this defendant who is IMO not worthy to breathe the same air as the remaining Alexander Family members, or any of us, for that matter. Sorry for the run-on sentence. I am really peeved now.
While watching JA at her pretend lawyer desk...

I believe she was instructed to write...

"I will not murder.

I will not murder.

I will not murder."

One thousand times.... :waitasec:
Question: if she is impeached does that mean that they throw out her entire testimony? I hope but need an expert!
The good thing is no matter what the judge rules the jury can't unhear what was said. They now know that JA was planning to go to Mesa all along.
Sneaky Jennifer was trying to instruct ALV to say that it was a mistake and Jodi never said that she borrowed the gas cans for a trip to Mesa.
This is HUGE, folks!! Planned trip? = Premeditation ALL.THE.WAY.
Idiot! Her lies about her finger cuts is germane to her domestic violence allegations. She was trying to cover up the fact that she incurred her finger injury, which she attributed to Travis on Jan 22nd during direct, on June 4th!

Per Detective Flores speaking to Jodie (video 5 will check):
The types of cuts on Jodi's fingers are consistent with a type of injury Flores has seen "many many" times.

When a stabber's thrusting knife hits bone, the hand gripping the knife slides down across the edge, resulting in a horizontal slice along the inside of the perp's fingers.
Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq
Alyce is doing purposeful obfuscation because JM has her by short hairs of her haircut, & she's not getting loose #jodiarias
WHAT.......he's impeaching her. Please tell me what that means.

It means he's caught her in a lie about what she wrote versus what she just testified to writing in that same note. So, he gets to quote it to show that she's a lying liar lying out of her lie hole.
REALLY Alyce? You thought that, in the United States, where there are gas stations everywhere, that it would make sense to borrow 2 gas cans to go on a trip? And the reason this makes sense to you is that you don't know how far Utah is?

How about a tad bit of critical thinking, Alyce? She wasn't traversing the Sahara Desert, she was taking a highway to another state. Do you know a lot of people who would put 15 gallons of gas in gas cans for a trip? Wouldn't it make more sense to hit a gas station on the way? What world do you live in Alyce? This is just sickening. Such a liar.

How about a GPS for a scared frightened woman? And a print out of available gas stations!
I can see in a pure DV case ALV would only interview those immediately involved, but in a murder case that claims DV, one would think she would have done more of a "global" interview/research of the situation. I could be wrong, but if I were ALV, I would have covered every possible base!
If I was JM (haha!!) I would have to have an IV dripping some sort of tranquilizer so as not to jump over the witness box and strangle ALV. I would be walking around rolling my IV pole with me...

I have no idea how he can keep from exploding!
WHAT.......he's impeaching her. Please tell me what that means.

It means he can use certain evidence to discredit her prior testimony so that the jury will give her testimony as to the domestic violence less weight.

The evidence question is what does AZ allow? The notes are not being allowed into evidence - typically material used by an expert is not allowed to be entered (because it's usually voluminous and way over the jurors heads, think scientific reports etc.) but if they relied on it, portions can be read so I don't understand why Juan is being prevented from reading portions of her notes that she relied on.
So not only did ALV not help JA but she actually helped JM prove premeditation.
Obviously I'm biased, but if a single juror is buying her line of _______ they must have moved from Pinellas County!!
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