trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #129

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So she's blatantly lying again. Jodi said the trip was a last minute decision, but it was obviously planned because of the gas cans...and Alyce...believes Jodi. Mmmm hmmm.

Respectfully, ALV does not believe JA. She is just SAYING that she believes JA.
Just for clarification WINNING means JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS AND FAMILY, don't get it twisted.

JM is mad as well he should be....they have dragged TA thru the mud.....he is not on trial.

EXACTLY! The defense had the nerve to file motions to prohibit Travis from being referred to as a victim but this paid psuedo-professional is testifying that JA is the victim. Uh-uh, no.

I would be thoroughly disappointed in a prosecutor trying this case or a similar case who was NOT this invested and passionate and yes, MAD.

The defense set the evil tone, it's Juan's JOB to reset it.
Juan has finally succeeded in breaking this witness down. She is finally giving in a bit, and not being as resistant to his questions. IT takes him awhile, but he always gets there eventually.
Juan is sooooo smooth, he just keeps on going no matter what she says

He surely does...... And, to the TH's that are so quick to criticize and find fault with Juan's approach - I have this to say: If he asked these bs witnesses a few direct questions and let it lie .... where would that get him? Absolutely no place!! The bull-headed and inept high paid "experts" have their heels dug in and Juan is obligated to pick at them detail by detail to get at some degree of truth. I get it - why can't they? jmo

She only takes what people say to her.


She ONLY considers those things that other people say IF they fit within the framework of JA being an abused and battered woman.

This is SO clear. He is doing just a phenomenal job with this bowl of jello witness.

I wonder if the jury questions are piling up.....
On NO...Alyce has lost her memory...Having to look at her notes...And she has started going..."Umm..Aww???

Hoping that the DT does not call Samuals back to the stand and say that Alyce is suffering from ""PTSD Amnesia"" due to the stress of her Cross Exam by the horrible Juan Marteniz.

Get this Bi-o-ich off the Stand!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Today if I was taking shots of jager every time a objection or may we approach was uttered, id be out cold
Juan going for impeachment. why cant this woman realize that jodi is NOT the person yu would want to throw your career away for!!!! WHY not? What is her IQ??

Hey, She can't remember her glasses. not even one time.
The jury will pay more attention to the issues that Willmott objects to, runs to the sidebar and that get overruled by the Judge!
Please God... let JSS rule that Juan may in fact impeach this witness, with HER OWN DAMN WORDS! I am about sick of Ms ALV. She has proven to me, to be as much of a liar as her "client".
ALV is saying nearly everything JM is asking was not her main point in evaulating DV ,now I am curious to know what in gods name did ALV evaulate to come to that decision

She evaluated how frogs can be boiled, in other words if done slowly, the frog doesn't figure out it is being boiled, if you are too quick, the frog tries to escape...:facepalm:
Idiot! Her lies about her finger cuts is germane to her domestic violence allegations. She was trying to cover up the fact that she incurred her finger injury, which she attributed to Travis on Jan 22nd during direct, on June 4th!

Per Detective Flores speaking to Jodie (believe video 5 will check):
The types of cuts on Jodi's fingers are consistent with a type of injury Flores has seen "many many" times.

When a stabber's thrusting knife hits bone, the hand gripping the knife slides down across the edge, resulting in a horizontal slice along the inside of the perp's fingers.
REALLY Alyce? You thought that, in the United States, where there are gas stations everywhere, that it would make sense to borrow 2 gas cans to go on a trip? And the reason this makes sense to you is that you don't know how far Utah is?

How about a tad bit of critical thinking, Alyce? She wasn't traversing the Sahara Desert, she was taking a highway to another state. Do you know a lot of people who would put 15 gallons of gas in gas cans for a trip? Wouldn't it make more sense to hit a gas station on the way? What world do you live in Alyce? This is just sickening. Such a liar.
Does anyone know why Flores was asked to leave the courtroom?
To whichever poster said yesterday that JW is up and down like a whackamole, you have given my husband more fun yesterday and today then he ever thought he'd have while watching this trial. Everytime she gets up, he tries to whack her back down, haha
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