trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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I am no expert on DV, but something ALV discussed at one point on direct got me thinking. She testified about how in the DV "world" experts are beginning to expand their definition of DV to include more non-physical "attacks" such as verbal and psychological or emotional abuse. IMO she testified about this to cover the bases in case the jury decides to throw out JA's claims of physical abuse because of no corroborating evidence - then ALV can still fall back on the alleged non-physical abuse by TA and still try to claim JA was a DV victim.
My thought on this is that if ALV (and other DV experts) are widening the definition of DV to include non-physical behaviors, then it would surely follow that the stats on male-on-female and female-on-male DV would dramatically change. IMO in general (not in all individual cases) males and females express control and anger and fear in different ways; males stereotypically are more physical and females stereotypically tend towards passive aggressive behaviors (crying, withdrawing/withholding, manipulating etc. - sound familiar, JA?!).
So, if current DV stats (which are probably based on studies from more than 2 years ago anyway) are reporting DV stats based on physical abuse then it would follow that of course male-on-female rates are higher (this doesn't even take into account the factor that men who are abused physically by a woman likely have a lower rate of reporting it due to societal pressures). IIRC ALV on direct claimed that non-physical abuse can be "more damaging" than physical (again, she wanted to be sure that if the jury rejects JA's claims of physical abuse, they might still consider the "more damaging" non-physical abuse and put JA in the DV victim category anyway). Since women in general (IMO) tend towards more non-physical tactics, if studies start including non-physical abuse in their stats then it seems there would be a sharp rise in the rate of DV of the women-on-men type.
Didn't realize I was rambling on so long.... my apologies!

Here's my analogy:

When I was a kid, I never heard the word dyslexia. I think there were a few experts who knew what it was, but schools were pretty much unaware. Kids were dumped in classes for "slow learners" and treated like they had low IQs.

And yet today, many people are being diagnosed with dyslexia. So does that mean that this is some new phenomenon that is ever increasing? Or have we just learned to recognize it better?
I didn't see it, but would like to...can someone repost it please??

I wish JM would keep reminding the jury what JA looked like before her librarain transformation. The 'costuming' is ridiculous.

Just quoted it for ya, my friend. :)
Here's my analogy:

When I was a kid, I never heard the word dyslexia. I think there were a few experts who knew what it was, but schools were pretty much unaware. Kids were dumped in classes for "slow learners" and treated like they had low IQs.

And yet today, many people are being diagnosed with dyslexia. So does that mean that this is some new phenomenon that is ever increasing? Or have we just learned to recognize it better?

Same with autism. I wonder about that too, G&AMom.
Good morning all!! I haven't always been the biggest JM fan but after yesterday, I am CONVERTED!! I couldn't fin'd any spideys but I did find this...would I be bowing down to control and patriarchy if I wore them?

I want one!
:seeya: I am ... and I do the same thing: hit refresh, and it's not "thanked" so I have to hit "thanks" again ... and sometimes that doesn't work ...

I am also having trouble with the "More Smileys" ... and I luv those "smileys" ...

:waitasec: It's a good thing I have some of the "codes" "memorized" for the smileys ... lol !


I mentioned this previously and realized that it's not just my computer :) When I started having to refresh constantly yesterday, I just read posts but didn't acknowledge them :( As for smileys, I've memorized the typed format for the ones that I use frequently ;)
Morning all! :seeya: I wish JM's first question of the day was "Maam, do you have your glasses with you Maam?"

And maybe the second could be, "Ma'am, do you want to go ahead and get your attempted zinger sound bite out of the way now, or would you rather pick some random time later this morning like on past days?"
I wonder what the last question of the day was? JM asked the judge if he could ask her about.......and the judge cut him off and ended the day. Would it be about the slashed tires??? I :please:
Good Morning Websleuthers :seeya:

I have been reading here for a long time. Thought I would go ahead and jump in here.

I can't believe ALV told JM that he needed a time out. No reprimand from the judge except "please just answer the questions" I too believe she had that rehearsed just waiting to throw it out. I think it made her sound silly.

You all are great I love reading your posts. Hope I did this right :please:

Welcome to the board GiGi! I was a longtime lurker as well. Everyone is very welcoming here. Although my own input usually consists of something along the lines of "ALV is a poo poo head" I do enjoy reading all the spirited, intelligent debates and comments. :seeya:
Nurmi's so interested he's taking a little cat nap :giggle:
New here but enjoying reading all the posts.
It almost felt as though JM was sometimes handing ALV an olive branch at times but she wouldn't take it. She could have retained some credibility if she agreed that she hadn't seen some of the evidence or kept her testimony to broad strokes.
I think JM should ask her about character assasination and does she realise that this is what she has done to Travis. Just my 2 cents, now back to reading

First....Good morning all you wonderful WSers! :seeya:

ALV is a shill. I agree with you minazoe, that she's being paid to turn Arias into the victim. I don't buy that she actually believes what she's being paid to say. And that makes her even more of a sellout. Can you imagine how many DV experts that had to go through before they finally found one who would lie on the stand like that?

I do think she was charmed by JA, though. And she can't stand being challenged by JM..that is VERY obvious! It's a pleasure to watch, though. :)

There was one point yesterday where she caught herself: "... the vict-- the defendant..."
I agree 100%.

I think she said that to get a rise out of him, hoping he would lose his cool with her and say something he shouldn't. When he didn't, I think she was disappointed. She wants to be in control all the time and thinks she is in control when she's on the stand, but that's not the case. She repeatedly says "Mr. Martinez" to try to show she's running the show, but it comes off as rude and condescending.... not the result she wants. I'm gonna count how many times she says "Miss Willmott" during re-direct. Aside from a greeting, I bet it's zero.

I think ALV has spent quite a while coming up with a little note card stack of zingers she thought she could throw at JM just to try and keep some control. I don't know how many more we will hear since they have not gone over near as well as she had planned. Of course I don't think hear testimony has gone quite like she planned it either. She will go down with the ship.
Did you all see Smooth Operator's post from last night (or early this morning) about the physical transformation of JA's face over the course of this trial? She was spot on and it was something I've noticed as well.

I hope some of our great computer geniuses are able to do a video morph or photo side-by-sides so we can see it all in one spot.

Her face truly has changed. It's bizarre. Like the evil is really coming out and showing for all to see.

I still lol when they show clips of that ridiculous oh-poor-me expression she had plastered on during her direct exam talking about how horribly Travis treated her. Yeah. Riiiiiiight. A good actress she is not.
Actually, JW is the DP qualified attorney, not Nurmi.

I'd be interested to know ho wlong JW other murder trials lasted.

She may be able to pull off "decent lawyer" for a few days but after weeks and weeks of this, the exposure she craved has exposed some not so flattering things. Her inability to know when to shut up, her inability to ask a question in the proper form, her objection techniques (throw out a few things and see what sticks) her lack of professional decorum and sometimes dress, real immaturity shown by giggling and laughing, and the worst thing, now she's all kissy face with the literal face of evil.

She can't get to a point with anything, an unlike JM,. does not seem destined to wrap it up neatly at the end.

If hundred of people who like trials are dreading your turn at the podium, and probably won't even watch it, in a trial they are very interested in, one might want to think that it may be indicative of what jurors think and hire a coach. And learn to ask a question, just a few, with a point, and sit down and shut up. And for god's sake, don't touch your client much less look like you're going to kiss her.

This isn't a sorority. Ther's no giggling. there is no game-playing with witnesses, either by selectivity feeding them info or signaling them on the stand.

She'll get clients after this, the "as seen on TV" crowd who likes celebrity over quality. But I can't imagine other lawyers, having witnessed this horrible performance, being totally impressed.

My friend's daughter is home waiting to have a baby. She was named national moot court jurist of the year her senior year in law school. She promises an opinion of JM and JW this week.
My sincere hope is that, after an overnight "time out" in which to process the events of the day, the ExpertWitness has awakened with the scales falling from her eyes and a realization that she has been duped by the defendant and the defense team.

Surely she must admit to herself that she did not make her assessment based on The Big Picture, that she did not verify anything the defendant told her, that she read only materials supplied to her by the defense, taken out of context. Her assessment was flawed because of the sin of omission.

I suspect that JA presented herself to ALV as a bright, engaging young woman who was so appreciative of the interest that ALV was taking in her.

I suspect that ALV was charmed by the psychopath, duped by the defense team, and blinded by her domestic violence lenses.

I hope she feels thoroughly ashamed of herself.

"From your lips, to God's ears"!!
Every time she whispers or talks close to someone in order to be discrete, I think she's going to (or wants to) kiss them. WHen she was whispering in JW's ear this AM, she totally had this duck lips/kiss face expression on her face. She's so weird and inappropriate!

Oooh, momma, just soooooo creepy... :facepalm:

Any help would be appreciated!! Was there testimony or an interview by the prosecution with Bobby Juarez? TIA

Apparently, he's only available after hours. :dracula:

Agh, "what you're getting at." It's so aggravating. She needs to stop acting like every question is a trick question. If she's telling the truth about having made a solid conclusion, she won't have to worry about it. She can always elaborate in the redirect. She should know this if she's testified before. She's acting like this is her first time.

Must...control...keystrokes...Timout looming...

You could tell today's testimony really got to Jodi. I bet because it delved into her jealousy. She was always so desperate to hide it. She couldn't even admit jealousy over Cancun. This is pushing her buttons hard.

Even when facing the death penalty, she just can't stop trying to control how others perceive her.

She's so sssssllllloooowwww thinking. When he asks her a question you can actually see the effort it takes her to process it. Her face goes into this confused contortion for a few seconds, then she decides to say she doesn't understand the question. He explains it. She decides it can't be answered. :facepalm:

Morning all!

Morning Schuby! :seeya:

Adding to the conundrum, domestic violence statistics are by nature unreliable. Domestic violence is often under-reported (by both genders but I believe men specifically face a convoluted social morass) and there are types of abuse which manifest there are few, if any, legal protections designed for.

Never is this truer then for male victims of psychological abuse in my very humble opinion.

:) :seeya:

Lol, In Session just aired the, "I am not an expert in orgasms clip." Aren't we all experts in orgasms?

I'm still engaged in extended research, but I'll let you know.

The 'time out' insult was the camel's straw, no question. However, there was one other huge (imo) gaffe. When she and Juan were sparring over JA's 'need to feel normal' when she visited Ryan Burns hours after slaughtering Travis, ALV grinned and said: "If it had been me, I would have tried to feel normal, too....after such an event." I literally fell out of my chair!

I may never get that picture out of my head. :facepalm:
What about when Juan said to AVL "Don't look at the defense table look at me, I'm asking the questions!" Go Juan!!!

I can't believe I missed that. I watch his crosses like a hawk. Was it near the end of the day?
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