trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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WildAboutTrial says everybody coming back into court room now.
I would be interested in the opinion of any “well respected” forensic psychologist who admires the ALV testimony content and who concurs with the ALV method of “data acquisition”.

Apparently ALV takes at face value the entire JA story based on “corroboration” of all other collateral material. This material apparently includes JA journal entries transcripts of interviews and text email exchanges.
It is hard to imagine why any interested 3rd party would regard an opinion so derived as “valid”.
ALV seems to “divine” truth and accuracy in written words based on “context and patterns”.

It is eminently obvious to trial watchers that JA has concocted a story then carefully selected material to back her up. The entire enterprise of fabrication and selective corroboration has become a colossal fraud and it seems ALV has totally bought into this strategy. ALV doesn’t show the least bit of doubt that her methods might be flawed and her conclusions skewed as would any “truth seeking” investigator might believe. Because of this ALV is shown to be nothing but another JA advocate or cheerleader.
Her testimony and court demeanor closely parallels Samuels. Her combativeness did not become her.

To me ALV comes off as something of monomaniacal flake who has vastly too much regard for her talents . Her life has become completely immersed in issues of “domestic abuse” such that the world events are always viewed in terms of “abuse”. She is a living example illustrating the truism “when all you have got is a hammer, all you see are nails”

Reminds me of taking psych classes. After a while you see pathology in all your behaviour and everyone else's! LOL Then maturity and experience take care of that.
Good day everyone! Did I successfully sleep through JW/ALV by any chance?? :countsheep:
We are in court . . . ALV on the stand
Good grief, I can't believe there are people out there harassing ALV. I think this woman is doing an awful job on the stand and she's extremely biased, but to try to ruin her professional and personal life? Some people need to get a life.

Bears repeating & thank-you.
Good Day to All - So looking forward to jury questions, hopefully today, to gain an insight to what they have taken from the last witnesses' testimony. I am thankful that we are one day closer to Justice For Travis.
Up up and awayyyyyyyyyyy

Just an FYI from a still sorta new poster...

My husband leaves for Afghanistan tomorrow morning for a year, so here I be. :panic:

Please tell your Husband I said Thank You very much for his service to this (our) country.
Another dreadful day of defense questioning. I hope it ends very soon!
ALV, please remember you are still under oath, you may need your glasses, and make sure your cell phone is on silent.
These Defense Talking heads on HLN just irk me to no end..
Ok maybe Travis had a hard time telling people no, maybe he was a people pleaser and wanted to see the good in people. maybe that's why he never he reported the stalking issues to the police, maybe he thought it would pass in time.... His weakness was the sex Jodi gave him and she knew this..thats the control Jodi had over him..
ALV doesn't look as thrilled to be there today. Wonder what happened in chambers
Ms. Davis was blonde in the '30s when she began her prolific film career, but her hair got darker in the '40s and beyond. I had never seen the "red sweater" photo previously but came across it while searching for a new avatar.

She definitely sported a 'Bettitude.'

To paraphrase ol' Blue Eyes, she did it her way.
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