trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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Time to hit the MUTE button! Not going to sit here and listen to the lies from this Defense Team and listen to them murder Travis over and over and over again. This is just disgusting. I hope their Karma comes back and haunts the entire Defense for their entire lives. This is shameful.
when you run for your biobreak during sidebars today, please do not forget to wash your hands


i don't know what it is, but the lizard ones just KILL me!!!!! i love this guy!

Praise be that she didn't read every one of those 10 pages of text messages again!
Is that the ones the birds poop out? :what:

Nay; you may be confusing my coffee beans with Kopi Luac.

These are what mine look like after roasting.

I'll post a before picture of green, unroasted beans later.

But now, back to the trial...
Sneaky. 5 months before you testified. Yes, but 2 months before trial started.
About this 'gun'.

To even force yourself into believing Travis had a gun is almost an impossible feat. Why didn't anyone know about this gun? Not even his roommates (who were in potential danger with a firearm in the house) knew. Nor his best friend, Chris. And Jodi even admitted Travis didn't own a gun. The fact that she re-invented it speaks for itself.

No one is likely to keep a gun for protection (because it wasn't for fun or for hunting seeing he couldn't carry it anywhere without a permit WHICH...he didn't have) and keep it far from reach on top of some closet.

What purpose is it serving up there? That's like buying a spare tire then...leaving it in your garage. Placing it somewhere where it's not useful is fruitless. Unless of course we're to believe Travis expected to catch burglars in his closet one day!! The whole gun-the-closet theory is ridiculous.

What are the odds of Jodi's house being robbed and a .25 being stolen and then Travis being shot by jodi with a .25 caliber gun in AZ...I mean for you to believe all of that is just a coincidence is just highly unlikely. If the jury finds her innocent of this murder then I know for sure 12 people moved from florida to utah.
:seeya: You're in fine company, my husband is also in Afghanistan currently; has been gone 6 weeks now. If you ever need an ear, I'm here!!!

Tell him THANK YOU!!!

Thank you to your husband for his service, and big hugs to you from this Navy mom. Deployments are so hard. My son is leaving for boot camp on the 23rd, and his twin brother deploys this summer. Hang in there!

Your boys will come home safe!!
ALV w/JW . . . . TA . . sexual degredation . . . tirade made 5/26 but 16 days earlier he participated in phone sex w/JA . . . plan of coming to see ja in Yreka and their plan for sexual fantasies when he got there.

exhibit #391 - photoshoot fantasy 10 pg text message - how dirty they will get - he is really graphic @ end of text message . . . all this info about his behavior what he said, did, and wanted to do does not make him victim of sexual degredation.

interview w/prosecutor was in JW's office - ALV does not live in AZ - she didn't bring all the boxes of evidence with her @ the time . .

conversation about whether ja shot TA in the closet
approach please
The defense loves bringing up the "dildo with a heartbeat" comment. The jury isn't stupid. They can see that he obviously meant that SHE used him for sex and that she didn't really care about him. That comment is negtive towards Jodi but they obviously have it backwards.
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