trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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I say chaps! Morning to all, pip-pip-cheerio and all that sort of thing! I'm feeling positively bursting with fairness for all parties today!

I, totally imagined it was your gorgeous, little avatar Boyce saying this in a proper British accent....
He looks so happy and " pip-pip-Cheerio"....

I had no idea that 11 other experts had turned this case down...yowza!

Ordinarily, I would have just posted the part that I've bolded. However, IMO
your post was most excellent.

In the interest of bandwidth space I promise to cooperate in making this site run a bit smoother and just bold what I feel is the most significant part of the post.

OT for just a moment...many thanks to those who have encouraged me to join as a member. I've read some friendly posts while perusing this website and I did take note of your kind offers.:)
This website exceeds all others regarding crime.
:blushing: I am totally out of the loop with the discussion about cyberstalking. I don't do social media and have no idea what is going on with regard to the various sites. When the trial ended yesterday (7:00PM for me), I got off the computer for the remainder of the night, didn't watch any commentary, and haven't read any overnight posts or those from this morning. I don't plan to listen to JW's continuing redirect but will be awaiting the juror's questions.
I am seriously reviewing my thoughts here re: posts I have made and would probably make. To follow the rules to not make disparaging remarks I will only be able to post about JM and the PT. Any post I would make about the DT or their witnesses would be considered disparaging.
My silence will be golden. I appreciate this site too much to put my membership here in any jeopardy, no matter what I may think about the source of the issue.
Thank you mods. I appreciate your positions and will abide by the rules. :)

I think of Thumper. "If you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." That is all that has protected me during this trial.

Oh, and the fact that I've been a lurker for over 5 years. I'm used to being silent. :D
Fox News was just talking about the twitter account and how she talks to her friend Donavan B. each night and then HE tweets them.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
For those in the know, which certainly isn't me, where did the info come from that LVA is the 11th-12th DV approached about assessing JA? tia!!

There is no evidence or record of such, so it is either a rumor or a leak, not sure if we will ever know.
She, like so many others, was manipulated by Jodi. When the trial is over and she looks at all the videos, ALV will get a better picture of what she was dealing with. Jodi is a monster...and ALV will see that in the end.


No way. She would have realized it by now. She's entrenched and it's about her ego, not the truth.
does your mentor think that alyce is going to lose respect in the community because of this trial? i'd be curious to know.

i don't mean to be crass but is your mentor and the other people female by any chance?

Interestingly, no one I spoke to about ALV is even remotely following this case. I will ask about what others are saying in regard to this trial.

And, just an aside, when my children held their lemonade stand (fundraiser) for the family almost no one who stopped by knew about this case, or who Travis was. My neighbors did, because I follow the case, and they know I am a member here (we are a very tight-knit street).

One female and one male, my mentor is the female.
I, totally imagined it was your gorgeous, little avatar Boyce saying this in a proper British accent....
He looks so happy and " pip-pip-Cheerio"....

Well said, chappy! Indeed, he is a right-go-getter this fine morning! Cheerio! To the hunt then! Oh, we're hunting jury questions today, I hope!
Re-posting, doors closed on me! I am also editing to clarify that I am not talking about WS...I am talking about the histrionic reports in the media today about the scourge of social media on ALV and the DT, in addition to the DT's mistrial motion.

I wouldn't call any of what is happening on social media and in the media witness tampering. I also don't feel bad in the slightest for ALV or the DT. From a historical perspective, the purpose of an open court is that "justice is not done in the dark."

Justice would not be done if ALV and the DT were allowed to trash the good name of the victim for an admitted murderer which could lead to her acquittal or a lesser punishment than the community (as represented by the jury) feels that she deserves.

Name calling and ad hominem attacks are not necessarily the right way to express outrage over these proceedings, but the community has a right to express themselves. The limitations on those rights come only when someone could be done actual physical harm. Otherwise, no one ever died from hurt feelings and panic attacks.

If ALV did not want to be exposed then she should have turned the case down like the 11 other experts. If she wanted to continue on in her career as she had before, then she should have opted out. If the DT did not want to be exposed to ridicule for their tactics, then they should have tried this case honorably like so many other defense attorneys do for reprehensible clients every day. Since they chose not to, the chickens are coming home to roost and hopefully future hacks, quacks and hired guns will think more of themselves then to "de-edify' the judicial process.

Truth is not found in dark spaces or back rooms...sunshine is always the best disinfectant.

WOW. Were there really 11 other experts that turned this case down?? DV and otherwise?? So if there really were other experts that turned this case down, it surely tells ya something, doesn't it??? And that something is NO OTHER EXPERTS BELIEVED ARIAS WAS ABUSED OR KILLED TRAVIS IN SELF DEFENSE!!!
ALV and/her publisher would be getting notification of the reviews. Also, if people are calling her or the places she has on her schedule to speak at, she'd still hear what's happening.

She is sounding like a crybaby. She needs to woman up and take responsibility for her actions, imoo.
Plus, she's not supposed to be reading, watching the media, or talking with anyone about the case, so how is people expressing their negative feelings and opinions of her performance as an expert witness in any way intimidating? Still, I'll follow the rules to the best of my ability.

Exactly...and Alyce has said she is not computer literate. I surely would not call
her employer, etc. I really do think this is another attempt for mistrial. If the witness does not follow the judge's instructions, what happens to testimony?
I have been ever so fearful to click on one of your buttons in your signature, and finally this morning I put on my big girl pants and, with one eye shut - pushed the first button :floorlaugh: It was a video titled "Jodi Arias never ending answer"

Nearly. Peed .My .Pants


Steely's buttons are hilarious!

FWTW- my post quoting a funny review of a certain book was deleted.:facepalm:

Love Steely Dan buttons!
I definitely wasn't talking about WS, I can definitely restrain myself!! I'm talking about the DT's motion for mistrial and the new histrionics in the media today about how social media is cyber stalking ALV.

Editing my post to clarify...

And I didn't mean to sound as preachy as I came off sounding! Sorry! The never-ending DT theatrics in this trial are making my brain scramble.
public service announcement: for good reason the JAII website cannot be linked to nor discussed. Thanks for your understanding everyone.
I guess it would probably be best if I don't post as long as ALV is on the stand. I appreciate and respect to the utmost the Mods here and all the hard work that they do. But, my mama always told me that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I can't find ANYTHING nice to say about ALV or the defense team. I just can't...

I feel like Travis and his family have been allowed to be destroyed, but yet we must not say anything negative about witnesses or the DT? That makes absolutely no sense to me. But, I will abide out of respect for Websleuths.
I wonder where "cyberstalking" would fit in on ALV's continuum. Any guess?

Also, I wonder how ALV would define this.
I simply must repost this gem from Litigatrix this fine AM:

Truth is not found in dark spaces or back rooms...sunshine is always the best disinfectant.

Truer words were never spoken, say I. Man the cannons! We sail for justice!
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