trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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Regarding ALV.... I certainly don't wish any harm on her. I don't think people should harass her in public or online.

Having said that I do not feel sorry for her. She needed to go to the hospital due to anxiety? How about Travis' family having to hear lies about their loved one? How about hearing Travis being slandered! What about their heartache, sadness and anxiety? We have all seen the crime scene and autopsy photos. We've heard ALV's completely biased testimony. JM's method of dealing with her on cross speaks volumes.

ALV is purposely trying to stand in the way of Justice for Travis. I do see things in black and white at times and this case necessitates such a view. I'm taking time off from everything else in my life only for Travis. I don't find this trial to be entertaining. Quite the opposite. I support JM a 100%. My compassion is for Travis and his family alone.

Boy, I sure hope what you just said is ok to post, since I agree with you 100% and I don't want either one of us to get a time out. I would just like to add that going to the hospital could be a tactic proposed by the DT to "prove" just how badly ALV was affected by the fallout she is getting. Nothing that has been said about ALV compares to what she has said about Travis, and he has no voice in any of this. And his poor family.......I can hardly stand it!
Not calling names here.....hope this is ok!
I want to say this, without giving away the person/people I heard things from. I have a mentor who happens to be a therapist who is married to a professor at Cal State Long Beach.

This mentor travels in the same professional circles as ALV. According to my friend (and another person) ALV is extremely well liked and well respected and I have the utmost respect (personally) for the individuals I heard this from.

My mentor said she consider's ALV to be compassionate, intuitive, generous and very good at the work she does. She is apparently well liked among her colleagues.

I have come to my own conclusions as to why ALV chose to believe and testify for the defendant and I am weighing that with what I have heard about her.

I am sorry for her decision but have to believe it came from a well intentioned place. She was manipulated- wether or not I believe she allowed herself to be- I feel compassion for her as a woman, partner, mother, professional, and fellow community member.

I don't want to see anyone end up in the hospital or worse over this- well...except the defendant!
Here, here, I totally agree with you. But, take it from someone who's been there (me:blushing:), you don't give Domestic/Family/Intimate Partner Violence trainings to Law Enforcement without having a very tough skin. Only with those trainings you are in the boiling pot for a few hours not days and days. I could hear her frustration yesterday when she kept saying she was only brought on to evaluate whether or not see saw signs of domestic violence. Why it got so personal for her is beyond me.
I think of Thumper. "If you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." That is all that has protected me during this trial.

Oh, and the fact that I've been a lurker for over 5 years. I'm used to being silent. :D

Welcome out of Lurkyville! :seeya:

I had no idea that 11 other experts had turned this case down...yowza!

Ordinarily, I would have just posted the part that I've bolded. However, IMO
your post was most excellent.

In the interest of bandwidth space I promise to cooperate in making this site run a bit smoother and just bold what I feel is the most significant part of the post.

OT for just a moment...many thanks to those who have encouraged me to join as a member. I've read some friendly posts while perusing this website and I did take note of your kind offers.:)
This website exceeds all others regarding crime.

Please, before you post pictures check their size and resize them if necessary to prevent blowing the margins!
I understand Frigga, but that was before JA and this is now. What I have seen her do is not acceptable. And I think deep down inside she might be now realizing it but it is to late.
Also she knows what manipulation is being an advocate of domestic abuse. In other words she is well aware of what she is doing and has done during this trial.
Of course this is my opinion and I will stand by it.
I feel so bad for Travis's surviving family and friends to have to watch this.:moo:

Standing beside ya :seeya:
:seeya: Good Afternoon Y'All !

Another day closer to Justice for Travis ...

And now ...

Another week closer to Justice for Travis !

:great: I hope we get to Jury Questions today !
Regarding ALV.... I certainly don't wish any harm on her. I don't think people should harass her in public or online.

Having said that I do not feel sorry for her. She needed to go to the hospital due to anxiety? How about Travis' family having to hear lies about their loved one? How about hearing Travis being slandered! What about their heartache, sadness and anxiety? We have all seen the crime scene and autopsy photos. We've heard ALV's completely biased testimony. JM's method of dealing with her on cross speaks volumes.

ALV is purposely trying to stand in the way of Justice for Travis. I do see things in black and white at times and this case necessitates such a view. I'm taking time off from everything else in my life only for Travis. I don't find this trial to be entertaining. Quite the opposite. I support JM a 100%. My compassion is for Travis and his family alone.

I completely agree with you.
I don't so much see her as being manipulated because she spoke of looking at the big picture and yet she didn't look at the big picture. She knew she wasn't seeing it from Travis' side or the side of JA's parents. jmo

I do not believe that AVL did a good job on this case, for whatever reason. I have no problem with the public calmly and politely saying that. But some of the comments I have seen elsewhere have been way over the top and rather rabid. Thank you kindly to the mods and site owners who do not allow that here.

ALV chose to involve herself in this trial. She made her decisions about JA and TA. She stated those opinions under oath and in public. She should expect comment on that. I believe that most people are upset because they believe she is betraying the values that she loudly claims to uphold.

I could care less about her private life or her apperance, With those people that she deals with in her daily work out of the public eye is she this rigid, unwilling to consider another viewpoint, and combative? Perhaps the public outcry will be a good thing if it allows people to see another viepoint and make choices accordingly.
There's a lot more going on

The tweets and other social media posts began appearing by the next week. "You can show your disgust with LaViolette," they began, and they posted her office phone number and her website, and they suggested that people write negative reviews of her bestselling book on
As of Tuesday, there were more than 500 of them, panning the book and calling LaViolette a fraud and a disgrace.
People also were calling the organizations that had booked her for speaking engagements, trying to persuade them to fire her.

That's all clearly out of bounds. No sympathy for witch hunting in any guise here.
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Welcome out of Lurkyville! :seeya:

Well we all have a choice between chaos and order in these discussions and unfortunately there is no in-between :-( I personally prefer this sites orderly discussions compared to other sites chaotic discussions... MOO :):rocker:
Posted thes in the timline thread just now but thought you'all might appreciate them...
NOTE: This layout appears to be the opposite of TA's layout. Thought I would post these comp pics of what the bedroom/bathroom/closet layout was in TA's house. Msg me if any issues.

Thanks for those. Gives me a much better feel for the size of the rooms. I note that two of Jodi's jail cells would fit in that closet!
I wonder where "cyberstalking" would fit in on ALV's continuum. Any guess?

Also, I wonder how ALV would define this.

If JA's tweets are real (i.e., authorized/dictated by her), then isn't she "cyberstalking" JM?
Morning all!!!
I agree with upthread posters....can someone give an example of what would be would considered disparaging and an example ofwhat would be considered amusing but not harmful.

Pretty please
Oh, tosh and bother. Off to lecture on the finer points of the Inquisition! Quite appropriate today, if you ask me. ;)
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