trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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Well. I liked those questions. :)

To summarize, "Assuming that the defendant lied to you and her attorneys failed to disclose things to you, would you acknowledge that you might have been played for a fool?"
Couldn't answer number of males she represented.

WAIT A MINUTE - Didn't she get to see these questions ahead of time and weren't we grumpy about that?

I got the feeling she wanted to give the impression that she had not read the questions earlier. Maybe I'm just too skeptical!
JA's personal deputy was standing right on top of her...JA looked PO'd!

wonder if the jail is having "problems" with her?

I Love this jury!

Yep, I heard she tried to sneak more pens they are watching CLOSELY and little Ms Sneakyface cannot pull anything so she is pouting lol.

And second that, I LOVE THIS JURY TOO!! They sure got ALVs number ha ha!
The question about ALV's side glances towards Arias was amazing! That was a like a real personal question. lol.

90% non verbal communication statement coming back to bite her once again :great:
Somethings been bugging me.
Travis was abused as a child.
Couldn't he be more likely to put up with abuse from JA (mental and physical) because of all he suffered as a child?
Heard the judge just say 9am after most had already left the courtroom... was watching the live feed after court had recessed and she said this when the attorneys left the sidebar.

So I wonder if we are starting court at 9am or just in chambers at 9am ?

Maybe they got some more questions to review? Or it's a short day and she wants any problems dealt with early?

Whatever, we know court will start late, no matter what she says.
IMHO everything that ALV says and believes in makes her so out of touch with the reality of this world in the year 2013. She's looking at this case with the eyes of a dinosaur. :moo:
I'm going cold turkey on the trial until 12:30 tomorrow... Going to play with the dog, pick up a pizza and watch the Yankees. See you good people tomorrow and prayers for Travis' family and Juan, Det Flores and Travis' warriors! :rocker:
I think the progression of the questions toward the end was quite telling . . . there are quite a few jurors not buying the story if JA is the one that told it.
Cannot believe HLN is so far behind on what is common knowledge by now..(twitter/Donovan/sheriff Joe)...

Its already been admitted/confirmed that Donovan is tweeting for JA....its not illegal--do they not have a producer/intern smart enough to Google? Or read a Fox news story/interview.

Do they think we are stupid??? Obviously they do....
There is court tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Arizona time. The Judge has decided that they will work on some Fridays!
So while everyone else shares a little joke, JA pretends she's not off back to jail!


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If Alyce was truly the professional she claims to be, she would have asked for more information, she would have demanded that she be able to have contact with some of the witnesses (esp. defense ones) and ask the hard questions. But, face it folks, she was probably not the first choice of the defense and once they got the invite and looked at the case, they undoubtably said, "Nope, not a chance... not interested." Because if you look at the case from the simplest of terms, would you try to present it as a Domestic abuse/battery? C'mon, folks... 29 stab wounds? That's a bit excessive... oh and the knifer had a small cut or broken finger. Sure.
crud, Maybe I will ask over in Katie's thread or somewhere not log jammed because if anyone has answered my question it was lost among the 10000000s of posts

Why the heck is JA wearing a bullet proof vest openly before the jury when just a few weeks ago her shackles would create a "negative" impression. Why is she wearing a bullet proof vest like some victim in danger of being shot or abused in some physically threatening way??????? Does that not create an impression on the jury??

Well. I liked those questions. :)

To summarize, "Assuming that the defendant lied to you and her attorneys failed to disclose things to you, would you acknowledge that you might have been played for a fool?"

Go ahead and spit it out AZLawyer . .. tell us what you think . . .
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