trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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They're going to be angling for a mistrial due to the juror question about interviews and statements by Travis's friends and family.

I guarantee they think jurors are watching the media coverage and Internet mentions.

Nurmi already stated to the Court that "'s a fiction to believe otherwise."

They're going by previous testimony... KN can state anything... but he cannot win!
best post of the day in my opinion^^!!

I actually feel bad for her as she has already testified that she was "restricted" with the information she had to work with. She doesn't know this case, doesn't know the people, and has gotten taken by a sociopath imhoo.:twocents::twocents:

As a human being, I am happy someone can feel sorry for her.
As someone following this trial since day one, I have so sympathy for her biased, outdated views and in my opinion, flat out lies.
:blowkiss:THANK YOU JURORS for the great questions! :blowkiss:
JA doesn't like the bailiff standing so close to her AT ALL.

He's trying to get her out of there. She is the one that lodged a complaint with the court that she was not getting back in time for dinner and Nurmi asked that court end at 4:30 sharp to get Ms. Arias out of the courtroom in time. It appears she was arguing with the deputy.
best post of the day in my opinion^^!!

I actually feel bad for her as she has already testified that she was "restricted" with the information she had to work with. She doesn't know this case, doesn't know the people, and has gotten taken by a sociopath imhoo.:twocents::twocents:

I'm starting to feel bad for her too. I think a lot of the anger expressed for her and Samuels is based in the fear that their testimony will jeaparodize justice. As that seems less and less likely, they start to seem more like sad figures than diabolical ones.
I agree with this 150%. The problem I have is that she hasn't conceded the "possibility" of having been duped, keeping the shammery alive in the courtroom. On questions where she's been given an "out" where Juan or the jury has used the "is it possible?" phrasing, she still refuses to concede.

The BIGGER issue I have with her is knowing she's been duped, she seems to take it out on Travis by slamming him even harder. (My opinion, here)

Seriously can't take much more of her, and she looks beaten down today, so hopefully she will do her best to get herself off the stand tomorrow.

It's getting tougher, and tougher to look at her. After today, and the major Travis slamming, my empathy is thread-bare.

Don't get me wrong -- I am not completely excusing her or the way she has testified. Even though she was presented with an incomplete and inaccurate view of the relationship, she still was overly willing to help jodi and say whatever the defense wanted her to say -- like changing her testimony and saying she misspoke about shooting Travis in the closet, having pedo pics on the computer vs. print outs, and Jodi cutting her finger on apples. Among other things ...

My comment was really just kind of my own revelation about how Alyce came to be so biased in her view, which really reflects more on the sneaky, underhanded tactics of the defense to actively exploit their own witness by withholding information etc.
It was AWESOME. I did not expect the questions to be so extremely pointed. They did everything short of just coming out and asking her, "Are you a moron?"

I think there are more questions. And the way things evolved this afternoon, you just might get your wish!!
Wenwe, you are truly a silent champion here at WS!!! Thank you so very much for transcribing so diligently. We are fortunate to have you here with us.

:blowkiss: :rocker: :blowkiss:

Aw Shucks Ynot . . . thanks so much!! I was still feeling the love from yesterday!

ps. . . did you get that $20 I sent you in the mail for saying nice things?
I wear it looked like Jodi just popped a cyonide pill.

And, what was with the pageant smile that JSS gave Jenny before leaving the bench?

Can anyone screen capture those 2 moments? I did it wrong yesterday.
It was AWESOME. I did not expect the questions to be so extremely pointed. They did everything short of just coming out and asking her, "Are you a moron?"

Imagine how Juan feels? Imagine how the family feels? I'd be bouncing up and down in my seat!
Heard the judge just say 9am after most had already left the courtroom... was watching the live feed after court had recessed and she said this when the attorneys left the sidebar.

So I wonder if we are starting court at 9am or just in chambers at 9am ?

I think she wants the attys there for 9 but said trial to start at 930 - but we know it will be more like 10 or 10:30 the way it usually goes..
Wait a darn minute ... she started to describe one case as a man who abused his son-in-law. That's a man on man situation. What I want to know is how many cases did she testity where the man was the victim and the woman was the abuser. I bet ZERO.

I caught that too and you can bet your bottom dollar so did Juan. I would be very surprised if he didn't ask her about that on follow-up. :)
See - she's saying she only reviewed what was provided to her.

Here's what I think happened: When ALV was approached by defense, she was first given very limited information, all of it showing Travis in a very bad light, and showing Jodi in a favorable light. They were priming the pump to bias ALV and get her to conclude Travis was abusive so that any further information she was provided would be tainted with her conclusion that Travis was an abuser.

If this was the case, then I think that she actually believes most of what she is saying and really does have a very distorted view of the whole deal. To this day, Alyce still only has very limited information, and she does not have a clue about all the psycho things Jodi has said and done.

All this time, I had assumed that Alyce had read ALL the journal entries ,ALL the text messages, ALL the emails, etc, but that's not the case. Alyce was not privy to all the testimony that came before her, so she came into her testimony without the benefit of a complete picture. It would explain why she says she hasn't seen anything showing that Jodi was jealous or anything to indicate Jodi was manipulative. She literally has not seen that information.

This is what I believed- they gave her limited info- she doesn't have the :banghead:whole picture for her "contexts"
Before somebody has a hear attack over my "hung jury" comment, I'm just looking at the fact that one person could be a quack, and not get it. I absolutely feel the jury as a whole is seeing through all the BS. Juan will bring it all home! The look on Jodi's face is priceless! Oh....go sell some art! Travis' family will take every dime you make!

Hi Maryann: i so agree with you. I believe most of the jurors are with the prosecution but a few of those questions suggest that a juror or two may be buying the abuse/DV angle. I do believe Juan will bring it home.
The question about ALV's side glances towards Arias was amazing! That was a like a real personal question. lol.
He's trying to get her out of there. She is the one that lodged a complaint with the court that she was not getting back in time for dinner and Nurmi asked that court end at 4:30 sharp to get Ms. Arias out of the courtroom in time. It appears she was arguing with the deputy.

She should be careful. This is a man who truly does have a gun and knows how to use it.
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