trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #142

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when I first brought up the live on stand and TAs family in jury box, they panned out and showed the back of the courtroom and I thought I saw ALV sitting there alone? Anyone else see?
I think that juan should bring it up and get the tweets and bring them to the court..

I wonder why ALV's issue is sealed??? If it was contempt it would be public yes???

The judge mentioned Rule 702. That is regarding expert testimony.

In September 2011, the Arizona Supreme Court adopted an amendment to Rule 702 to conform to the federal rule. The new language of Rule 702 (identical to the federal rule) is:

A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if:

(a) the expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue;
(b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data;
(c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and
(d) the expert has reliably applied the principles and methods to the facts of the case.
Nurmi kept talking about the alleged "continuum" of behavior by the prosecutor insinuating "abuse". Lol. He got spanked by the judge.
Let the self absorbed murderer continue tweeting... she can tweet herself right onto death row!!!
I don't see how they can stop a "friend" from Tweeting messages she claims to get from Jodi.

Even if we believe that is how the message is passed on, then actually entered by that friend, Jodi is not Tweeting from her jail cell.

And frankly, Tweet away, you look even more guilty with your bad attitude, disrespectful, rude tweets that remind me of her foul potty mouth we have heard, F-word and all. Her tweets make her look pathetic and guilty.

So I say keep them coming, why stop this girl from talking, she is a loose cannon and her own worst enemy. I'd like to have a mic in her jail cell

Exactly! How many times have we seen celebs make complete twidiots of themselves by posting their every brain fart on the interwebs? I say give her and Donovan all the rope they need.
Half the time Nurmi is seething with jealousy at Juan, the other half he's sitting there gazing at him like "I wish I were that guy".
I don't see how they can stop a "friend" from Tweeting messages she claims to get from Jodi.

Even if we believe that is how the message is passed on, then actually entered by that friend, Jodi is not Tweeting from her jail cell.

And frankly, Tweet away, you look even more guilty with your bad attitude, disrespectful, rude tweets that remind me of her foul potty mouth we have heard, F-word and all. Her tweets make her look pathetic and guilty.

So I say keep them coming, why stop this girl from talking, she is a loose cannon and her own worst enemy. I'd like to have a mic in her jail cell

Right. While I'd love for them to somehow control the situation and deny it the ability to use social media through fellow convicts (because it would piss it off), let it speak early and often.

Only so many more days on this Earth to do it. Have at it, killah.
I hope someone has a screenshot of JA's tweets because they are currently being deleted fast & furiously :furious:

Not surprising. I guess big D doesn't want to risk her freedom or have to answer her PO's questions regarding her alliance with Jodi. Could be a no-no for her to be associating with someone up on murder charges. Just guessing.

Does anyone know if Donovan's communication with Jodi could be a parole violation? I know convicts aren't supposed to interact with other convicts but what about people up on serious charges (especially since she's confessed to killing Travis) anyone know?
I want to know how to sign up for the Juan Martinez fan club. I'm really hurt that ya'll didn't tell me about this.

I can't deal with this anymore today. :eek:fftobed: I guess I'll find out if there is any afternoon televised trial.
What we have just witnessed is an epic failure on the part of a desperate defense team. A completely childish display with personal insults lobbed in JM's direction by an outclassed and out-matched defense attorney who frankly is just not very good at feigning outrage. This is one very jealous attorney who just doesn't like that he got handed a big steaming pile of Jodi Arias as a client with an unbelievable lie to try to fool people into thinking she butchered poor Travis in self defense - yeah, because I know I fly into a homicidal rage whenever someone drops MY camera...and I jump naked from a shower, dripping wet, just so I can chase a clumsy person on a tile floor and carpeted closet. Mr. Nurmi and Ms. Wilmott should be, but are not, ashamed at their hysterics, their courtroom demeanor, their personal attacks on a skilled prosecutor, and for their unflapping devotion to a cold blooded killer.
What a COLLOSAL waste of the court's time.

If honestly Nurmi thought he was going to get anywhere with either of these 2 motions, I highly recommend anyone thinking of hiring him rethink it.

Or is this the type of stuff the defense MUST do in order to present the best case? It seems so strange to most of us, but maybe there is in fact some legal basis for it????

I know that none of us like JW and KN. but I do have some level of respect for them in that in this case, they are on month 4 with no evidence to support JA' claim. They have kept JA out of prison for a few months. I don't like their style but they are doing something right. NO evidence for the DT and the trial is still going on.
I do not support the DT just making a comment. No out of pocket expense for JA.
My 5kpho livestream just became what appears to be raw livestream of something.....explosion aftermath it looks like. Boston marathon?
Nurmi saying Juan has no respect for the court!

Okay, lounge Boy! :what:
The Defense is very defensive today and their desperation is wafting from Phoenix all the way up to Toronto where it's so thick I swear you can taste it. Oh my. :floorlaugh:
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