trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #142

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Wow...just caught up on the HLN live blog. WTF was that expert talking about with Travis's eye? I thought I saw the image of Jodi (really clearly, too!), until he outlined it and it was nothing REMOTELY like the place/size that I saw it lol.

Well, My boyfriend looked at his outline and swears he saw her arms in a position that would be consistent with one hand on the camera and the other holding the gun...:doh: Why is the DT trying to get something THAT subjective in?

Waiting to hear from my son, a college student in Boston. Left a VM and sent a text.
OT but there has been some type of explosions at the Boston marathon. Several reported dead and injured.

Another forum (not true crime related) had a spectator there, and he is claiming there are some awful injuries. How horrible :(
I found a new journal for JA to write in when I was at Barnes & Noble during my lunch hour. This is the actual journal.


OK I just got up so am reading back .. and a little bit STUNNED!!!! So if they're trying to get this two people in eye BS in, are they saying the second person is MM?? If so sounds to me like JM has MM on side, and he's coming in as a rebuttal witness, so Nurmi's trying to get this BS in because he's going to try and throw MM well and truly under the Jodi bus. AM I RIGHT? If so, this is a good day for the prosecution.

BTW how on earth can some dude who's not even an expert anything be used to testify like this in court .. oh and I have been laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing, it's so desperate.
Thank goodness Donovan went on NG's show and talked about the tweets :D :D :D I think someone's in big trouble!

Loose lips, sink ships.

Let her tweet. I love the fact that Juan preempted another mistrial motion by NOT investigating the tweets. LOL. He's so far ahead of the defense. I admire this man so much.

Justice For Travis!
I think the white blob above the center flash, looks like a bunny's profile. That's all I get out of it. Once it was outlined in court, I could see 2 legs, coming from the flash LOL

I wouldn't do well with the old inkblot tests, I guess.

I mean, seriously, in between the top flash and the bottom flash in this photo, can't anyone else see the torso of someone in a light top, dark braids, and dark pants with a light stripe down the side?
Synopsis PLEASE


All pending motions for mistrial denied.
DT has new witness who enlarged photo of TA so that his cornea takes up entire screen. He sees a reflection of......JA taking a picture of TA in reflection. JM sees a dog. Expert can't really show clear example of his findings unless jury takes a field trip to his lab. Judge to rule on this witness during lunch.

JM requested court shut down JA's Twitter account while Nurmi and JW play dumb to it's existence. Oh and ALV is testifying under seal starting at 01:15.
Let the self absorbed murerer continue tweeting... she can tweet herself right to death row!!!

Well I agree. Because apparently (from a post read here on Websleuths) these things (social media and tweeting statements) can be used against you in the sentencing stage. She might thing she has an Einstein-ish, but she is one stupid sociopath. She is so nef-arias that she doesn't even realize that what she says or does ... her attitude in court .. blah blah blah ... that it is just sinking that needle deeper into her arm. She is gonna get death and "you can mark my words" on that one .. because she's guilty. :jail:
Synopsis PLEASE


OK, a man sees an outline of a person in TA's left eye. This outline shows the hands in the same position that JA said her hands were in when she took the picture. Basically, the defense wants to introduce this as evidence to prove that JA at least told ONE truth. JSS will rule on this motion this afternoon.

Mistrial denied as per JM misconduct regarding Autographs and pictures.

Mistrial denied as per JM misconduct of intimidating witnesses.

ALV hearing will take place this afternoon. (Nothing specific was said but it does not sound good for ALV)

Other than when JM spoke, the whole morning was a joke.
I looked at the reflection in Travis's eye.

If you show it to the jury, they'll probably see the same thing I did -- a PRE-MEDITATING MURDERESS.
OK I just got up so am reading back .. and a little bit STUNNED!!!! So if they're trying to get this two people in eye BS in, are they saying the second person is MM?? If so sounds to me like JM has MM on side, and he's coming in as a rebuttal witness, so Nurmi's trying to get this BS in because he's going to try and throw MM well and truly under the Jodi bus. AM I RIGHT? If so, this is a good day for the prosecution.

BTW how on earth can some dude who's not even an expert anything be used to testify like this in court .. oh and I have been laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing, it's so desperate.

Not two people. Just JA with the camera without a knife or gun. fwiw
OK I just got up so am reading back .. and a little bit STUNNED!!!! So if they're trying to get this two people in eye BS in, are they saying the second person is MM?? If so sounds to me like JM has MM on side, and he's coming in as a rebuttal witness, so Nurmi's trying to get this BS in because he's going to try and throw MM well and truly under the Jodi bus. AM I RIGHT? If so, this is a good day for the prosecution.

BTW how on earth can some dude who's not even an expert anything be used to testify like this in court .. oh and I have been laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing, it's so desperate.

No, no, just one person in the eye. :) You're thinking of some other eye-theory out on the Interwebs. ;)
I think the white blob above the center flash, looks like a bunny's profile. That's all I get out of it. Once it was outlined in court, I could see 2 legs, coming from the flash LOL

I wouldn't do well with the old inkblot tests, I guess.

that is exactly what I thought but was thinking maybe I was cray cray.
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