Here is the story I read about it, I just saw it yesterday.
Is it just me.... or does anyone else think that JW must be thinking... every time Jodi whispers in her ear......"Eeewww... Jodi has icky jailhouse breath!"
Wow. I flipped on the trial and saw TA's brother and sisters sitting RIGHT behind Jodi in the jury box!!!
They are extremely strong people. It would take all that I have in me to not reach right down to Jodi's neck and strangle her right then and there. I would have to be held back.
My heart BREAKS for them.
The pencil in JA's shoe!
She gonna say mm was there?
Well if there were three people there, it sure can't be self-defense. Sure sounds like premeditated murder one !!!!!
I'm sorry - I am totally L O S T - anyone that can help me???