trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #143

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Same reasoning: The Holocaust couldn't have happened because I can't believe one crazy loser could gain enough control of an entire nation to convince the citizens to engage in the systematic murder of a segment of the population. I can't picture it; it didn't happen.:banghead:
I'm saying I think Jodi might have been one of the 'intruders'. The female one. I believe she had help.
Like say...............Matt!?

She would have turned on him in a New York second. IMO
Are we certain that ALV was in court today? I didn't read any Wild About Trial's tweets or anything confirming her presence.

Anybody know for sure?

Iirc after nurmis morning bs...the judge stated that they were next going to be holding the sealed hearing with ALV.
I suspect she won't in case Sheriff Joe finds out about it.:floorlaugh:

Seriously, tho - someone upthread said after that came up in court all her tweets were being fast and furiously deleted.

I thought I heard a comment from the jail last week that Jodi is allowed phone calls and they cannot control any tweets that are sent by another on her behalf.
When we ever get to that point, how do closing statements work? Do they have to be presented within a certain timeframe? If so, how long is that timeframe?

Well lets figure this out. Normally openings are 2 to 3 hours, closings maybe a little longer 3 to 4 hours...but the DT closing, I'm thinking 3 to 4 day. Seriously, it won't go that long, the Judge won't allow it...probably...maybe...I don't know.
It indicates to me that the State believes Travis was in the shower willingly.

If she doesn't have a weapon in the other hand in that photo - she doesn't have one at all until the attack. No way he waits while she makes the exchange or threatens him with an unseen weapon.

Logically if there's an expression to be read in his face, it's more likely annoyance than fear.

Other than that, it's a non-point.
Given the fact she admitted killing TA, given the fact that she slit his throat. There is no reason to worry for one minute about the stipulation.

Today was just a demonstration of the Defense using their oars while their ship is sinking.

Their engine has blown a gasket.

And that is why he stipulated. He knows this case needs to move on. He cut the DT out of making more money off the state by eliminating this witness.

Great call on Juan's part.

I just rewatched the final few minutes of court today several times on YouTube - they are definitely watching the jury like hawks - what I can't figure out is WTH are they looking for? Jodi literally leans over while standing to look at someone. She smiles and whispers to Wilmott who kinda tosses her head back and up and sneaks a peek. (This happens very quickly - I caught it because I stopped the video several times during this moment.) Very weird. Jodi is always so oddly animated and excited while looking at the jury, but in a creepy way. I don't know how to describe it - she is excited in a predatory way.

(And Jodi doing her usual licky-lip thing while looking at Wilmott's lips during her whisper. This creeps me out every single day!)

The defendant has been doing this behavior the entire trial. Our WS trial observers say there is nothing there. Jury not looking at her.
big deal.

so all that for a stipulation. what's the time on that photo and the one of the ceiling?

somewhere in between those 2, she DID get a weapon. so that was much ado about nothing.

i just want to know if alyce got in trouble. other than that, the day was a total bust.

... and I want to know why Arias was blubbering when they returned to the court room for the stipulation.

Was it because the chat about Dear Alyce did not go her way?

Will we see Alyce back on the stand tomorrow for Juan's BIG question?

Stay tuned ............
Forgive one more speculation. Difficult to think anyone would be so dispicable, but because there seemed little purpose/value to be gained from this morning's photo testimony, it almost seems as if Jodi & Co were mostly interested in torturing Travis' family by getting them to sit for hours in the dark, with nothing to look at except larger than life images of Travis' final moments.

Even to the point of showing them the last thing Travis ever saw.

I agree, I get so upset hearing all about JA rights, and how much money for her defense, etc. and I feel as though Travis' rights and reputation are getting violated.

DT continually try to make JM look like a bully when they show no compassion toward Travis' family. I believe during opening arguments JW left an injured picture of Travis on the overhead during a sidebar.
If she wasn't holding a gun or knife then she would have had to retrieve them from her person or somewhere nearby and then use them in deadly fashion fairly quickly.

I.e., no time for all the struggling, chasing, shooting, stabbing, cutting and slashing in just 62 seconds.

She did, however, inflict more than 30 knife wounds and shoot Travis in the head in that amount of time by striking furiously and surprisingly first, thereby slowing him significantly and then finishing him off directly.

What didn't happen, of course, was the foot-chase, and not much of a struggle, either. Only those defensive wounds when an already-dying Travis was attempting to fend off the knife of the murderess.

Did she use a towel, blanket/comforter, or a pillow for the silencer when "the gun went off" and Travis "passed away"?
Image what else she may stash and where!

Eeeeewww shiver...

Imagine how she stashed that knife and gun in her socks or pants. That kleptomaniac has probably been stealing from a young age. Look how she has stalked and snooped on all her boyfriends. I bet she has done it on everyone associated with her, paranoid and sneaky, from a very, very young age.
Are we certain that ALV was in court today? I didn't read any Wild About Trial's tweets or anything confirming her presence.

Anybody know for sure?

I think the meeting was about her which would not need her presence. She will return tomorrow unless they resolved the issue and don't need her to return tomorrow.
I just can't get over that picture of Ari-as with a pencil stuck into her shoe, as she sat next to Wilmot in court today.:what:
Then I'd expect to see some kind of physical damage to the camera. I have a bridge camera, they're not exactly tanks. The computer guy Melendez testified to finding no damage on the camera except for the shutter button that fell off during his handling of it, and as we can see from the last three pictures, the camera was in working condition when it found its way down the hallway.

arms and legs were flying. the attack was fast and furious. he was crawling, she was chasing and stabbing. i find it easy to believe it got kicked down the hallway to the bedroom.

nobody had on shoes. she was in socks and he was barefoot. so maybe even though it was being propelled by the action, it wasn't enough to damage the camera's exterior?
This same lady said that the killer was arrested 5 days after the murder. And she also said that Juan's demeanor was probably very unpopular with Travis's family and they likely resented him. She is CLUELESS about this trial, imo.

Seriously, there are probably hundreds of WSers, that could talk about this trial in a more informed and intelligent manner than all of HLN TH's. Just sayin' :dance::dance::dance:
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