trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #143

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I am so anxious and excited for rebuttal that I can't help but predict that the defense is going to do something to delay it tomorrow as well. It's like they are trying to stop a moving train with their big toe. So frustrating! So I'm trying not to get my hopes too high that rebuttal will start tomorow.
OK question for people who are truly paying attention and don't have their time divided by the bombings.

What were JSS's EXACT words?

Did she say the photo doesn't prove she was holding a weapon?

It doesn't SHOW she was holding a weapon?

There is no indication one way or another if she was holding a weapon?

I mean, this is just mind boggling that it was brought up. Who on that jury thought that there was any indication at all what was reflected in his eye??

I am as blown away (maybe bad choice of words here) by this as I am by the bombings. Guess that shows how desensitized I personally am by this type of tragedy. That this could blindside me as much as public bombings!

JSS: Both sides stipulate that on exhibit # 159 (I could be wrong on the #) that Ms. Arias is not holding a gun or knife. x repeated that.

JSS: Does everybody understand? (she looks at jury - jury must've agreed)

JSS: I have good or bad news, court will resume tomorrow at 9:30 tomorrow. (paraphrasing here)
What difference does it make if she was holding a gun or knife at that moment? She has confessed to killing him! I think he saw her there for the first time in that pic - jmo.

Premeditation is what matters.
Best way...HDMI cord....but your computer needs to have an hdmi output.

I remember when we bought the TV and the DVD player, we had to have a special HDMI cord because the DVD player is 3D. I'm trying to figure out if I need to connect my computer to the TV in order to do this. I can get lots of internet stuff because it's already on there. I've got to do some research right now. I may need to get back with you for some help!
Ms. Wong (In-Session Producer) was called to the stand (outside the presence of the jury) and asked if she saw jurors outside the courtroom who saw Juan signing autographs. Her answer was no.

Nurmi tried to get a mistrial due to JM's prosecutorial misconduct and for trying to act like a rockstar w/ the media.

Nurmi was denied mistrial twice (again)

Judge was pretty pizzed at Nurmi asking for mistrial but she handled it like a pro.

An expert for DT (outside of the presence of the jury) showed a blown up picture of Travis' eye of the shower picture (his face close up) and tried to show that there is an outline of someone.

During this time, JA was allowed to sit in jury box 1 row behind Travis' family :furious:

Eventually JA was moved.

Juan looked at the same picture and said it looked like a German Shepheard or a Mexican Chihuahua, he said that it was up to interpratation.

They went into the back into chambers for hours and then the judge finally called the jury to tell them in the picture, both sides have agreed that JA was not holding a knife or gun while taking the picture of Travis.

Court dismissed until tomorrow at 9:30am

o/t There was a bombing at the Boston Marathon today.

I hope this helps - you didn't really miss much.


So, JA didn't have a gun or a knife in her hand when she snapped that pic. Once it was taken, she did have a weapon and that is why the camera went wonky and shot the ceiling pic. Maybe Travis saw the weapon and tried to get away, bumped her, knocked her and the camera took the ceiling shot. Not to worry.
I think Travis saw what was coming and reacted. I think JM has convinced me singlehandedly of that scenario with his stipulation today. Pretty cool. I feel much more safe with this scenario than the one with her taking the picture with him at gunpoint or knifepoint.
And for those who think she did a surprise attack, this stipulation doesn't affect that in a negative way at all. IMO.
Isn't it strange that Nurmi claims that the jurors are watching the news etc. but at the same time he allows his client to post deranged comments on twitter?
"deranged" :floorlaugh: .... :rocker:
I wanna know what was UNCOVERED about ALV!!!!!!

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If that's the case, the eye guy was the last witness for the defense, then I wonder why the judge did not ask if the defense had anymore witnesses to call, thereby allowing the defense to stand up and say "The defense rests Your Honor".

I mean, we had plenty of court time left today to do just that. Let the defense rest their case if no more witnesses.

Throw the JURY a bone at least. :banghead:
I don't care if they say everyone stipulates to:

no knife and gun while this photo was taken
no braids at 1:54pm
no ky at 12:05pm
no class...ever
IMO this stipulation fits perfectly with the states theory of the crime. It changes nothing.

If you listen to Juan's opening... He says after she lures him into a vulnerable position under the guise of picture taking.... She then pulls out the knife and plunges it into Travis.

No one ....but people here ...said he was held or forced at gun point or knife point while pics were taken,

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I hope there weren't any jurors hanging their hat on the theory that she had the gun or knife when that pic was taken.
IMO this stipulation fits perfectly with the states theory of the crime. It changes nothing.

If you listen to Juan's opening... He says after she lures him into a vulnerable position under the guise of picture taking.... She then pulls out the knife and plunges it into Travis.

No one ....but people here ...said he was held or forced at gun point or knife point while pics were taken,

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And I think Juan is very in touch with this jury and how they are feeling. They want this to wrap up. Juan does not want to fight needlessly over a piece of evidence that is a moot point. Let the DT have their 'victory.' Because it does not really help their case at all. It means only that she pulled the weapons out a few seconds later, that is all.
I think Nurmi would have kept the Eye Guy on for 5 I guess bottomline for me, it's good. Nurmi still trying to get more jurors off.
I wish I had the choice of where my tax dollars are going in regards to this trial. I'd send it all to the jury. Let JA pay for her defense by selling all her art, after she pays Travis' family for killing their brother. Let the defense team get what's left over. OH maybe that wouldn't be a "fair" trial for the killer.
IMO this stipulation fits perfectly with the states theory of the crime. It changes nothing.

If you listen to Juan's opening... He says after she lures him into a vulnerable position under the guise of picture taking.... She then pulls out the knife and plunges it into Travis.

No one ....but people here ...said he was held or forced at gun point or knife point while pics were taken,

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Yep. I think Nurmi has been considering/reading some of the more bizarre theories posted at webslueths.
No. the eye guy is OUT because both sides stipulated that she wasn't holding a weapon during that ONE photo only.

Court side mike
Thank you for taking time to answer me. So the eye guy is not going to testify?
If i was a juror i would be like ,,are they showing the right photo? Wheres ja in this photo? Ok i agree the photo dont show ja with a knife or gun but i cant see ja in this photo so why was i sitting here all day for you to tell me this
I think from what we've heard from the jurors questions, this group is pretty smart. If they understand what a stipulation is we have nothing to worry about. No one is claiming to KNOW exactly what happened, JM is just stipulating to that sentence. The wording of the sentence is vital.
There is still one minute from the time that pic was taken to the one where the ceiling shot was taken. Plenty of time to grab a knife or a gun. The exact wording is the key.
No one is claiming to know. And the TH's are saying this is HUGE HUGE HUGE. NOT. NOT. NOT.

I dont understand then what a stipulation is then..:banghead:
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