trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #148

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De Marte is just a mouthpiece of JM. Of coarse she hasn't done anything wrong....she hasn't done anything to solve the problem. If I suffered from depression she would be the last person I would see.

She wasn't hired to solve a problem or cure Jodi's depression.
I have come to the revelation (as if I didn't already know) that she knows nothing about anything whatsoever. She is a horrible attorney. Horrible. She needs to choose another profession. Do-over!! Get a refund. I want to exchange this one.

I absolutely agree that JW is showing her inexperience - JM's expert Dr is so far above her in intelligence and precise language skills - not much is getting past her if anything. JW is grasping at straws. The DT has demonstrated sloppy conduct with direct, cross and with the quality of their expert witnesses. I can only imagine that they had a hard time finding experts who would concur with Jodi's story, showing both domestic violence and PTS. If the jury weighs impeachment of testimony, I think they will side with Juan.
Hand on hip like some mean girl in high school, Willmott asks the expert clinical psychologist if she's an expert on domestic violence. As you can imagine, Willmott sounds foolish and immature.

You're still young enough to change professions, Jennifer! You're just not cut out for the courtroom. You need voice lessons and speaking skills no matter what profession you go into. MOO

JW is certainly in need of some sort of voice modulation training, especially in her field of work, where she has to engage an audience auditory senses, that shrieking voice is hard on the ears.:what:
Wilmott is foolish for asking about updated research, when ALV used none whatsoever. Why does she suddenly value such things?
When JW handed DD the score sheet for PTSD and JW asked her if this was the sheet Dr. Samuels provided to her she looked at it and looked puzzled and tried to say something but the question was already answered. She acted as if she saw something on the sheet that she had not seen before???

I am sure she will tell Juan what it was she wanted to say!
Is this seriously the best Wilmott has to offer as a Defense counselor? Tearing up a very polished and professional expert and asking the same question 20 different ways?
"So you're not an expert in domestic violence"
"So, you wouldn't label yourself a domestic violence expert"
"So, domestic violence is not your expertise"
"So you don't call yourself an expert in domestic violence"

It's so friggin egregious-- it's repulsive!

JW doesn't seemed prepared at all for this line of questioning. I guess she can't get on board with a qualified doctor who doesn't read peer reviews from the Seven Dwarfs!
Did JA really not stand for the jury? If so, I missed that. Was it after the 10 minute recess?
Hi to you all!
First time poster in this thread, long time reader of your wonderful posts and please excuse me as English isn't my first language at all...I'm a portuguese woman reading from my own country so far away.
I've already tried to post but my skills aren't good enough as I see...
I'm a spinner and a knitter(retired now as I was a bank teller in my professional days) and I've been following this trial from the first day, I think.
When I listen to these DA speaking I loose control of my spinning wheel or knitting needles and my yarn takes a life of it's own.
How I whished to give a big hug and lots of kisses to Travis sibblings if I could!
I'm old enough to have been their mother as my only son is now 34 years old...
Sorry for these ramblings but I just felt the need to post this.
God bless you all websleuthers and keep the good job youre doing

Welcome Ana!! :Welcome1:

So glad you decided to join in!
When JW handed DD the score sheet for PTSD and JW asked her if this was the sheet Dr. Samuels provided to her she looked at it and looked puzzled and tried to say something but the question was already answered. She acted as if she saw something on the sheet that she had not seen before???

Yes! I caught that too. I was hoping she would say what she was thinking.
Yep. Maybe JW is trying to appeal to her hoped for one -juror- who- is- going to- save JA. Guess at this point that juror would have to be:

1. female (JA creeps out the guys),

2. old or older AND resentful of younger women, just because

3. doesn't like smart people, just for the principal of the thing

4. expects expert witnesses to have photographic memory and to be able to tell them the name of every book and article experts have read in the past 10 years

5. forgetful themselves, though, enough so that details of prior experts' testimony doesn't stick around in memory

6. appreciative of sarcasm, snark and snits

7. able to look over at the frantically scribbling, detached JA and see her as a likable granddaughter

8. be a member of the Pinella 9, who moved to AZ thinking it was far enough away to escape

You might want to edit one part: 1.
JA creeps out females (probably as much as males).
JA creeps out human beings.
JA creeps out animals.
JA creeps out every living non-psychotic/sociopathic creature on the planet.
I sure hope she gets done GRILLIN the witness soon,Her psych talk is getting me very
ah without getting angry I'll say..
Did JA really not stand for the jury? If so, I missed that. Was it after the 10 minute recess?

No, she didn't stand for the jury. She just sat there like she was zoned out. It was when they stopped for the lunch break.
I think Wilmott is sly like a fox and knows fully well that the title of article/name of journal is not important but is trying her hardest to make it look like it is. Wilmott's trying to confuse the (mostly older) jury banking on a few many jurors not understanding the internet/how to do medical research on the internet, so it looks like Demarte is not doing a complete/competent job imo. I guess when you're (duhfense is) that desperate the only thing left for you to do is grasp equally as desperate straws. Lame....

The defense is trying to make chicken salad out of chicken s***
De Marte is just a mouthpiece of JM. Of coarse she hasn't done anything wrong....she hasn't done anything to solve the problem. If I suffered from depression she would be the last person I would see.

It's a good thing she didn't solve the problem because that is NOT why she was retained.
De Marte is just a mouthpiece of JM. Of coarse she hasn't done anything wrong....she hasn't done anything to solve the problem. If I suffered from depression she would be the last person I would see.

Another equally amusing post. ROTFLMAO!!
Did JA really not stand for the jury? If so, I missed that. Was it after the 10 minute recess?

No it was just now when they went to lunch. Everyone was standing and the camera went to Jodi who was sitting down. The DP lady walked up to talk to her sitting at the table and the camera scanned the courtroom everyone was still standing. Watched it twice.
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