trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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:dunno: Just a guess from what was going on this morning, JW needs more time to come up with something to continue her cross.

It will be hard to top this morning's bombshell that someone sitting in jail for 3 years scored above normal on the depression and below normal on self-concept scale.
Well, darn it! Hubby just called and said he's on his way home (way early for him), and he's gonna need the PC for a few hours... and I have no other internet access. :frown:
Wishing everyone a Juanderful afternoon!!! :seeya:

Mother's Day is coming HINT HINT..good luck!
A tablet would work for you too...
in case this happens again..sharing a computer is a tough thing to do...:seeya:
it makes me :furious: when I have to..or when a storm comes...:seeya:
I would bet JA's three whispy bangs that we are done for the day.
HLN saying JW questioning if Dr. D practiced therapy without a license?
Just enough time for her imitrex to become effective.

I hope so! Tired of Jodi playing sick when things don't go her way... and today is def not going Jodi's way. :jail: I sometimes think she wants to delay the trial just to get into some street clothes and be around "normal" people.

By the way, I love your new avatar and your prancing kitty siggy. Reminds me of my Blondie cat who thinks she is the Queen of England! :great:
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Kudos to you, too, Bravo! (And so nice to meet you... there aren't that many of us out there who can sing through the entire score of "A Chorus Line".) Btw, where's "local" for you?

And do you think Jodi ever got herself to that Shakespeare production she invited Travis to after she butchered him in cold blood? :furious:
She did. There is a picture of her with the guy who played Othello on her Facebook page.
Recess until at least 2:30 PM.

This could be a few things.

1) Jodi really DID try and call in sick due to a "migraine" and the Judge said no way. Take some medicine and see if you feel better a little later so we can resume.
2) Some request or motion was brought forth and the Judge wants to look into it.
3) The DT wants to cross Dr. Demarte on something but don't have something prepared like an exhibit or transcript to do the cross. So time is being given to get it or create it.

My personal guess is that it's 1.

if it's another wasted afternoon, it's another day the jury is 'out there' and something could happen and the possibility of a mistrial.
it's another day a juror could get sick or quit.
it's another day farther away from talking about the MURDER we're here about.

and i sure put nothing past JA. she hates this witness and the only thing she can really do to her is keep her hanging for one more day. or maybe she's REAL sick and she can screw her over for the rest of the week.


hopefully it's not about this, but i'm with you----it won't surprise me.
It sounds to me like she said "let me check" at the time she was looking something so she may have just been muttering to herself.
I believe she is with the nurse,checking on her to give the judge a status , so the judge can make a decision to call it a day or not.

Is their court on Friday? If not, I bet defense is hoping to stop today due to illness and drag out cross until end of Thursday so jury supposedly leaves for long weekend with negative impressions about Dr. D. to ruminate on. Any which way, it's not going to make a difference in the outcome in the long run, IMO.
... maybe if she has such horrible migraines she shouldn't be writing so furiously? I know it's not directly related but it's a lot of focused stress. Not that's she's not entitled to a good defense/appeal but I doubt any attorney can do anything with the mountain of daily papers she has prepared anyway.
Sometimes there are meme's that freak me out, however, this one is adorable!! :great:

I love the kitties, but the sloth one gave me the creepers. Nope - didn't like that one. Gotta give Weebles a time out! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
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