trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

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Oh my gosh, what time is it for you?? It's almost 6 am in MN and I just got up. Must work the night shift??

Happy dreams of a conviction! :seeya:

I am in MA and already at work. I get up at 3:30am to feed and do animals and leave my house by 4:45am!
I am in bed early!!!!!
Morning :seeya:

Continues to rain and rain today. Work so won't be able to check in much.
Be good :)
Boy, mine have to wait for sun-up at least (Bad Mom)! Have a good day!

LOL,,,mine would to if I didn't have to work this job which starts so damn early. I am out there in the pich black with spotlights blaring.:floorlaugh:

The Judge does not have the credential to diagnose if Jodi is faking and must stay. JSS most likely has professional medical verification from the jail. Jodi doesn't get to make the rules anymore.
I remember one of the THs a few weeks ago said something along the lines of (except better than this): "Jodi has learned to imitate people so she can look like a human being without actually being one."

A POD person. Invasion of the body snatchers.
Good morning all.....ready for a Juanderful day!! My daughter is due to have my grandson any day now.....wonder if she can hold off til this is all over....not asking too much is it? LOL
I hold that Judge accountable for all of this mess. The judge set the precedent of ending court early the very first time JA pulled this stunt. Had the Judge said, give her meds and some crackers and put her back in her chair we are proceeding with court the very first time, the Defense wouldn't be pulling this stunt over and over again. She wasn't sick, Dr. Drews' Jurors said she wasn't sick and they even said that they were sure the Jury knew what was going on too. The Defense thinks they are getting away with this , but they are most certainly NOT.

Expect it to happen again. Its coming down to the wire .
I know today will be a great day for Travis' family!!!:great: This witness is strong! The only thing the jury needed to know if they thought she were young is that she is often hired by the COURT,so the court trusts her experience. Nuff said.

I belive the jury finds her very credible and they are with her, as she has confirmed what they likely were thinking and believing at a visceral level, ALV and Samuels were biased and based everything on Jodi's lies.

Juan Martinez hit it out of the park by chosing this witness.
I love how Dr. Lenore Walker said on Nancy Grace last night that she STILL USES her 6-step. JW told Dr. D that Ms Walker no longer uses it

Hats off to Dr. Lenore Walker!!! :rocker:

Really? Wowsers. That's a big ol' BAM.....:floorlaugh:
When you think about it, doesn't it seem like lots and lots of defendants would pull this tactic of being sick? I'm thinking as frustrating as it is for us perhaps judges and attorneys can see this coming a mile away.

After all if a defendant, any defendant is desperate not to face the inevitable how many tricks do they have??
I do believe Nurmi will need a Lazy Boy to get through the rest of the trial.

I saw he was actually taking notes during JM's questions of this witness, made me wonder if he and Wilma aren't going to tag-team know to REALLY throw her off (snark)!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Jodi knows her days are numbered, she's probably scared out of her mind and trying to postpone the inevitable. Here's to hoping JW finishes with DD today! Hopefully before the afternoon recess.

I'm one of the people that wants JM to calls the Walmart and Tesoro witnesses. Because Jodi would not admit at all that she had that gas can with her. I need JM to prove to the jury that he wasn't bluffing.
I can tell it is coming when she starts the day feeling her face with her very large hands....dead give a way for me..

yeah i noticed her touching or pinching her cheeks a lot and i could just feel it coming.

to be "sick" this amount of times i'd be having a doctor look at her.
Dr. Demarte testified she went over JA's medical history with her. I wonder if JA told her at that time that she gets migraines?

Expect JA to be hospitalized before the end of this trial. She's obviously chosen not to eat well, has lost weight, and IMO this is a tactic on her part to get to the hospital and put this trial on hold for who knows how long. JA is manipulative, everyone knows it, and the only thing she can control right now is whether or not she makes herself sick.
Jodi knows her days are numbered, she's probably scared out of her mind and trying to postpone the inevitable. Here's to hoping JW finishes with DD today! Hopefully before the afternoon recess.

I'm one of the people that wants JM to calls the Walmart and Tesoro witnesses. Because Jodi would not admit at all that she had that gas can with her. I need JM to prove to the jury that he wasn't bluffing.

The Defense is going to drag this out as long as they can get away with it...the trial is drawing to an end and so is the Def. Attys gravy train at the expense of the taxpayers of Arizona. Willmott is looking like a complete and utter fool. The jury is totally aware of who is responsible for these constant delays and they won't forget that come time to deliberate.
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