trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

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I wonder what Jodi is thinking every time she hears about her disorder... I wonder if she is like oh so that is what is wrong with me... or if she is in like total denial... I have no mental issues.


putting in MOO here, but I like that DDM answers the questions from JM in the same tone she answers JW. Well except when JW got snarky with her.....
Thing about Jodi and BPD is it's not that big of a deal, when it comes down to the driving force that caused her kill Travis. Lots of people suffer with BPD and do just fine in life; they are well adjusted and productive members of society - BPD doesn't mean someone is nuts at all. I think Jodi is truly nuts though, which has nothing to do with her BPD.

Do we know how many trials Dr D has been asked to help with?
I like the fact that Mr. Martinez takes an aggressive manner in his questions to Dr.D
No gentle voice coddling.
Just because the witness is his, the seriousness of the case calls for aggression on the part of State Council.
This has been another great day.
I've always been a patient soul, but dang-it!, long week-ends bug....

Best wishes to Mr.Tulessa.
Objection ... silence. Willmott could not think of an objection to state.

I think she's worried none of the below will float
a) Objection He's being mean to me
b) Objection I didn't think about that during redirect
c) Objection I know I said that but I didn't mean it
d) Objection He's just too damn good at his job and I need to try and stop him
He only got mad and used bad language when he was lied to and felt betrayed!
I think Jodi doesn't like being called "her" and Dr.D is not really acknowledging her, but I promise she's watching every move Jodi id making.
I just realized that some of you are watching on TV/HLN and not up to date---sorry for the advance notices....just so, so good....jest now after 2 OverRuled Objections by JW she got another "Approach"'re going to love watching...Ooops another Objection by burning toast
JM chuckles as reading Jodi's line in her journal that reads "lord knows we all have head problems" ....

LOL. I love this man!
i HATE to ask this! I've been gone all day and just walked in. Would you say good or bad for the Prosecutor?

How did the questioning go today?

I see Willmott a bit snooty asking about anger scales...

any bad things or bombshells for them, us?

DT -2
Juan 1+ and gaining
Just wondering if Wilmont's constant reiteration of the SAME pointless questions over and over made you sick as well?

No. I love it when DT does it. Would love to hear yet again about the sociopath email that has no context.:banghead::facepalm:
I have to say when DR.D was on the stand Yesterday and the professionalism of her speaking .............then when you looked over at JA with her hair pulled back that day. JA looked so *childish looking* and immature. Just like D was saying!!

Jodi even tries to sounds sophisticated in her speech in her journal.

who says abhors and not I hate that?
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