trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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No, it's not a "Juanism". ALV made a statement (seemingly of fact) that numerous pictures were found on TA's laptop/computer of breasts/women from the waist up. That's the total bullchite that JM was rebuttling today.


OK, did JM question ALV about it?

Edit: Never mind, I checked and it was actually Samuels who said that Jodi told him this.
She can't ever negate human error and she acknowledged it right up front. I think, from the question, that one of those jurors knows what kind of employee fraud that goes on at Wal-Mart and asked about the dummy sku because of that.

The "human error" issue had to do with whether or not the employee marked it with an ink pen, via a mark or circle concerning the returned item, along with their initials, on the receipt when an item was returned. Even if this was not done, It still would have been entered / scanned into the computer system. Thus the real evidence as was determined by the the computer data as discussed in court today. Am I missing something? :waitasec:
No evidence of rope in any of the naked pics plus in her fog she had the presence of mind to gather the "nooses" used to tie her up and the unused rope that was left in the bathroom? Moreover, Travis had a sleigh bed. I'd like to know what the "nooses" were attached to since there are no posts on a sleigh bed. Another fake story. I hope at least one of the jurors has some experience with bondage play.

I don't think that there was any rope either, but here is JA's set up (and it is quite doable -- not that I'd want to!):

The rope goes around the whole back of the headboard and the ends that come around the sides to the front are made into nooses for the wrists:
True but the Walmart lady knew her stuff and put it to rest with her answer!

I wished they'd delved into voids. I don't think it's possible, but could there have been a void?

I have had same day returns before and I have gotten cash, but the charge stayed on my credit card. I don't EVER think that's happened where the people didn't write all over my receipt though. I believe i've had this happen at smaller businesses, with the cash thing. Not walmart. If you don't have a receipt, walmart will give you a gift card to use to buy more stuff later. But I believe you get print outs with that, as well.

I figured the defense would go that route or go the void route. I was surprised they didn't try something. Why do you think they didn't even bother to question the Walmart thing?

Strangely, I saw some people on youtube defending Jodi up and down about how this return could still be possible. It was very surreal.
IMO, it is not a "regional" thing. JA worked for many restaurants and had a great collection of good sharp knives (probably from Germany). (Remember, when they finally found her with the rented car, she had two (2) knives hidden in books or some crap plus her new 9mm hidden in the hood somewhere of her rental car). I also think she learned how to use these knives with her ex-Bobby Juarez...We cut things with Scissors in our house. That is normal. JA is not.

I was thinking that TA used knives vs scissors. From what his friends said about him, he enjoyed outdoor activities. TA's friend, Dave Hall, provided video of TA shooting a gun. Where I live, guys that shoot guns, use knives to cut..anything..not scissors, so where I live, knives vs scissors is a regional thing. And before anyone thinks I am defending JA, I live in Texas and we do support the death penalty here. [video=youtube;hk9fjUPvDJ4][/video]
The "human error" issue had to do with whether or not the employee marked it with an ink pen, via a mark or circle concerning the returned item, along with their initials, on the receipt when an item was returned. Even if this was not done, It still would have been entered / scanned into the computer system. Thus the real evidence as was determined by the the computer data as discussed in court today. Am I missing something? :waitasec:

No, you aren't missing a beat. When I was watching today, I wondered if Nurmi would ask the witness about "human error" but he didn't.
She can't ever negate human error and she acknowledged it right up front. I think, from the question, that one of those jurors knows what kind of employee fraud that goes on at Wal-Mart and asked about the dummy sku because of that.

Now we have "employee fraud" trying to extricate JA from her crimes. Good one, that. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Or she was watching him secretly from someplace where she was hiding.

Jodi testified that when she showed up to his house she went to his office and just stood at the door for a few minutes watching Travis on the computer and he didn't know she was there. How creepy is that?
It is crazy talk regarding knife vs. a scissors. BUT..most people/men I know cut items with their knives..not scissors. When my husband needs to cut something, he uses his pocket knife..we have a few pair of scissors around the house..he still likes to use his knife. I have cut rope with a knife, not scissors. I had no idea most people would cut rope with scissors. Maybe it is a regional thing? Anyway, when JA said they used a knife to cut their rope..I did not think twice about that.
I'm on the side of scissors to cut rope that you'd use in the bedroom, HOWEVER, you make a fair point about men and pocket knives. I know guys who carry them too, and maybe some of them would use it for this purpose. Agree that it could be a regional thing or whether you hunt or favor certain outdoor activities. Scissors just seem faster, easier and safer to me, but I'm a woman and a knife in the bedroom wouldn't turn me on. Jodi claimed that Travis cut the "nooses" off her wrists with the knife she later used to butcher him. I don't believe she was ever tied up that night, but cutting rope off her wrists with that same knife would have been risky.
I tried to find out who's in the rebuttal witness list and came across a pro-ja site. I know I should not read comments there but I did anyway just out of curiosity. Some of the commenters are just unbelievable dumb and I doubt they ever watched the trial before leaving a comment. :stormingmad:
Now we have "employee fraud" trying to extricate JA from her crimes. Good one, that. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Another "freak coincidence" that goes against Jodi. Add it to the mile long list.
No way! Didn't Mimi testify Travis told her he suspected Jodi had gotten into a bank account of his?
well THANKYOU. I thought I was going to have to figure out how to put it in RED 8inch letters. This is GREAT NEWS!!!
I'm on the side of scissors to cut rope that you'd use in the bedroom, HOWEVER, you make a fair point about men and pocket knives. I know guys who carry them too, and maybe some of them would use it for this purpose too. Scissors just seem faster, easier and safer. Jodi claimed that Travis cut the "nooses" off her wrists with the knife she later used to butcher him. I don't believe she was ever tied up that night, but cutting rope off her wrists with that same knife would have been risky.

I think she actually told Juan that he didn't cut the rope off of her wrists, he just cut it at first to get the correct length. But then I think Samuels said that she told him that Travis cut it off her wrists. Who knows, it's all lies anyways.
Flores and Brown will be testifying about the closet shelves if Juan has his way.
I dunno.

Kinda liked the Napoleon question, personally.

I choose to see that as JM spiking one for TA and his family & friends.

You see Jodi smiled to hear that Deanna has Naps? I was happy Deanna has Naps. She should have had Travis. I didn't see a ring on her ring, so I'm guessing she's not married.

The whole time she was testifying, I kept thinking, dang, Travis. If you had only just been freaking ready to marry Deanna!!!!!
I was thinking that TA used knives vs scissors. From what his friends said about him, he enjoyed outdoor activities. TA's friend, Dave Hall, provided video of TA shooting a gun. Where I live, guys that shoot guns, use knives to cut..anything..not scissors, so where I live, knives vs scissors is a regional thing. And before anyone thinks I am defending JA, I live in Texas and we do support the death penalty here. See Travis Alexander shoot a gun - YouTube

Good on you. I lived in the Great State of Texas for many years.....I too believe in the Death Penalty. This is certainly the case where the DP applies, friend.
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