trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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All I could think of when they stressed the time was that he only had about 40 minutes to live.

And the 90+ pics which weren't deleted! I agree with another poster on here who said she didn't take the camera b/c she was afraid someone in those 90+ pics on Travis' camera would be looking for those pics after his death since they would be the last pics they would have with Travis...and Jodi knew if they couldn't find his camera it would point to her. That is so brilliant, that poster is very smart! Sorry I can't remember who it was, then another poster quoted her again from a while ago onto this thread.
Mine too! Hilarious!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

With all his bases covered today, Juan brought a home run in for Team Travis.

My prayers are with the Alexander family...we're 1 day closer to Justice for Travis, Remember, Our ultimate goal!

In Joey Jackson's words.."Keep your eye on the prize!" hehe
tweet 4hrs ago:

MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 4h
#jodiarias defense team's motion 2 stop #JuanMartinez from calling 5 witnesses also includes Suzie Dittman, Robert Brown and Dr. Kevin Horne

Anybody know Suzie Dittman? I'll go find out.

O> M> G> Fraud Investigator at JPMorgan Chase · Banking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HUh? THERE was no human error or anything resembling the possibility of such in the walmart testimony today. What are you referring to?

I was referring to the part of the Wal-Mart custodian's testimony where she uses the words "human error"
I think this is exactly what she did. She took pictures of pictures so that she could plant them on his camera. She then changed her mind and tried to delete them...

I don't think this will come out in trial and probably shouldn't as it will simply confuse the most relevant issues (primarily pre-med) but somewhere along the line, we might just find out what really happened.


. The exit info on the memory card shows exactly what camera each shot was taken with, and all the data about that photo, shutter speed, whether or not flash was used, etc. All photos were taken with Travis's camera. and at the times indicated on the timestamps. It's in the testimony
Has anyone been able to find Jodi's Manifesto or full unedited interviews with Jodi's parents?
Um no. There is a "manifesto" but we are not allowed to see it. And there are more "unedited interviews" with her parents but we can't see those either. Most probably because both of these make it extremely obvious that
JA is a cold-hearted killer and that is not allowed to be presented in the court of law that she resides in...We'll find out about these things later, maybe and only if it is too late to hinder her access to a "fair" trial. That's the same reason that we are allowed to see all of TA's "horrible" and "inappropriate" verbage to JA while we have not seen anything about what would have provoked his reaction by her "verbiage" or response.

This is "justice" and a "fair trial"...

Didn't ya know?

Amen! If she planned to take the camera with her, she wouldn't have wasted time deleting any pictures before making a getaway. Had the camera gone into the washer with the sex and shower pictures on there along with the other 90, then maybe I could see the possibility that she unintentionally scooped the camera up with the other wash. It's clear she thought that once deleted, they'd be unrecoverable after going through a wash cycle-bleach or no bleach. Who knows, if she hadn't deleted the pictures, her fog defense may have been slightly more credible--except of course, it isn't real and everyone in that courtroom knows it.

I don't know what nuts were loose running around in her head to not just delete every single photo. She's dumber than rocks for that, not to mention for not throwing the camera where she threw everything else. I mean, people claim she's so smart.:facepalm:
tweet 4hrs ago:

MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 4h
#jodiarias defense team's motion 2 stop #JuanMartinez from calling 5 witnesses also includes Suzie Dittman, Robert Brown and Dr. Kevin Horne

Anybody know Suzie Dittman? I'll go find out.

Holy! Five more witnesses?? Juan is showing no mercy!
Is that a stunt? Sounds like HLN to do something like that...hmmm.....

I know what you mean. I have to say that I am an HLN fan for the most part though. I especially like Vinnie Politan, Mike Galanos, Ryan Smith, Nancy Grace, and also Dr. Drew. They all seem to be pretty sharp and on top of things. Also, I really appreciate that HLN is covering this trial so completely. It gives me options that I otherwise would not have, such as listening to it on XM when I'm in my car. Is it perfect, maybe not, but what if we didn't have it? Thank God for HLN, imo.
That's just a Juanism I think.

No, it's not a "Juanism". ALV made a statement (seemingly of fact) that numerous pictures were found on TA's laptop/computer of breasts/women from the waist up. That's the total bullchite that JM was rebuttling today.

It is crazy talk regarding knife vs. a scissors. BUT..most people/men I know cut items with their knives..not scissors. When my husband needs to cut something, he uses his pocket knife..we have a few pair of scissors around the house..he still likes to use his knife. I have cut rope with a knife, not scissors. I had no idea most people would cut rope with scissors. Maybe it is a regional thing? Anyway, when JA said they used a knife to cut their rope..I did not think twice about that.

Did Jodi actually claim that she was tied up to the bed, or just tied up? Because I don't see how she could have been tied to the headboard of a sleigh-type bed.
I was referring to the part of the Wal-Mart custodian's testimony where she uses the words "human error"

I caught that also - What she was referring to is there might be "human error" when an employee may forget to either cross out or circle an item on the receipt once it is returned.
But what astounds me is that this critical evidence might not have come in but for the juror question? Or did I miss something while gagging over Nurmi?

No, I think we knew there were other photos. In fact, Melendez said the first time that some were of Travis on a bike. We didn't know there were 90 photos, though.
I didn't see After Dark, however there was a lengthy discussion about the rope in one of the threads this past weekend. While I think the rope story is a complete sham, I also thought it was strange that Travis would cut the rope with a knife when it would have been faster, easier and safer to cut it with scissors.

I think the rope story is a sham too, but one of the attorneys on HLN's After Dark tonight said the rope was way too thick to cut with a regular pair of scissors.
Forget about bondage play. Common sense will do just fine. They stretched out a 25 foot rope across the bedroom and into the bathroom for him to cut it with a knife? For one, she said the rope was about 25 ft so why the need to cut it if they needed about that amount? 2. Fun and erotic chit spending time stretching out the rope in preparation? (Not.) 3. How the frig did they use it around a sleigh bed? Oh, and why did TA need a deadly knife to cut the friggin' rope? Why not scissors?


Yes, we covered scissors vs. knife up thread and came out on the side of scissors had it been true and not a made up story to put the knife in the bedroom. It also made no sense to stretch the rope from the bedroom to the bathroom when they could have run the rope under the mattress or bed frame to secure it (horizontally or vertically), cut the excess, then fashion cuffs (or nooses as Jodi called them) from the leftover rope. Honestly, with that set up, she would have been better off saying that Travis bound her wrists together, but she does love to tell stories, doesn't she?
This is strange. I was just drying my hair and I was thinking about Nurmi and the saying that when you lay down with dogs, you get flees. At the beginning of this trial I had nothing against Nurmi. I felt he got stuck with something he didn't really want. I still have nothing against him, but today he just stooped to a real low, and I think this trial has had an effect on him. And even Willmont has changed. I remember reading something written by Scott Peck about how dangerous it is to be around people like JA.

Yes, the evil rubs off on them. It sucks them in. One cannot associate with evil without becoming evil. :(
Not even *advertiser censored*. I'm shocked. I mean regular *advertiser censored*.

What I don't recall is why do they keep asking about pictures of breasts?

I think the point of that question is to show that there were NO pictures at all on his computer that could be considered erotic or racy or sexually titillating.
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