trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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Hey - Wasn't - What rope? It never even existed. You are against the death penalty, right? What country do you live in, by the way?

I don't understand this question. Someone earlier posted that someone on HLN remarked about the thickness of the rope. I'm asking how they could possibly remark on it when it hasn't been seen.

So I'm not sure why I keep getting a bunch of responses about this that don't pertain to how these HLN people know how thick the rope was--if there was one.

I personally cannot say there was no rope. We see fibers in the bathroom and we see even fibers on that bottom frame of the shower door. The fibers came from somewhere, be it a rope or something else. Jodi chose to say there was a rope.

My REAL question about this is--why? Why would she make up a story about a rope to explain these fibers? Why would she lie about them if she truly didn't know what they really were? Maybe it's not from a rope, but I don't think she'd lie about it IF she didn't know what they ACTUALLY came from.

I don't know how I feel about the DP on any given day. I have seen too many "innocence project" cases. I'm in the united states.
It is my opinion that JA brought her own killing stabbing slashing knife and her stolen 25 caliber gun that she stole from her Grandfather. After seeing her keep all her receipts during her "mission" to torture and kill TA, it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't "hide or bury" the gun and knife used along the way somewhere as part of her "prize for fooling everyone".
I disagree. The relationship was secretive to some and not others. Even Deanna Reid did not know Travis and Jodi were in a sexual relationship.

Travis confessed to his bishop, noted a couple times his desire to find a wife as he was 30, but yet was having sex with Jodi. imo

For example, Gus Searcy knew of their relationship. It was secretive and it was kinky.

I know I'm behind, but it wouldn't surprise me if Jodi told GS a bunch of mixed up truth and lies about her "relationship" with Travis as a back-up person for "proof". He's so slimy I don't think he would care if it was true or not.

That guy = I do not like
If you can be snarky, I can be catty. The MS has much larger breasts (and shows them off) than JA. JA probably wants a do over. lol

Totally O/T here, but I've been curious. What happens when JA's fake breasts have a problem or need surgical attention after she gets sentenced for life or is awaiting the DP? Do they just take them out? I can't imagine AZ tax dollars fixing them if there is a problem, but what do I know?
What I'm hoping, is that it negates their right to a surrebuttal.

On the legal thread one of the lawyers on WS (who practices in AZ) said that he thinks the Judge will allow surrebuttal BUT they would have to use Samuels for the surrebuttal as he is already involved in the case.
I hope it is DENIED, but if it is ok'd, I hope they do it this way!
Might as well not waste their time with Samuels as far as I am concerned...
What a mental visual that is. hahahahahaha :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I am now envisioning Nurmi running after her and it is a very disturbing visualization.

I'm so tired I'm punchy, now you've got me laughing. Nurmi running after anyone, well... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
We have not seen the rope. insert floor laugh here.
Nobody has EVER EVER seen the imaginary rope because it only lives in JA's warped mind.

Yes, so I'm asking how the HLN people can say how thick it was.
Yeah, Jodi was so fearful of Travis that she drove across state lines to let him tie her up and use big knives around her. :nyah:

IMO, there was never a rope or tying to the bed scene. However, I do carry a folding knife in my purse. I might also consider cutting rope with a knife rather than a scissors, but knives in the bedroom would make me nervous too. Oh, may I assure you, I don't slash tires, but use the knife to open potato chip bags.
I carry a small Swiss Army knife in my purse. If I had both on hand, a decision between knife vs. scissors would depend on the thickness of the rope. It's that simple. :)
Yes, and there was a guy on HLN saying she could have returned it to another store. HLN's "experts" are so bad on the case facts.

If I turn on HLN it typically stays on mute, unless I see something note worthy, which is rare. I, however, cannot bring myself to mute Beth Karas, nor Joey Jackson.
All a void is is canceling something after you've scanned it and before the transaction is paid for. A void does not result in any cash transaction as it happens before any cash is paid. There is no way a return could show up as a void. It is something that is scanned and then they cancel that scan. Have you ever had a cashier accidentally scan something twice and they turn around and cancel the second one? That is a void.

I think at this point the jury would have to have a remarkable and illogical belief in coincidences. Jodi would just have to be the most unlucky woman in the world for all this to stack up against her, pointing to premeditation. I mean, of aaalllll the returns that happened that day Jodi's is the one that doesn't show up? And that doesn't even explain the third gas purchase.

This jury isn't stupid.

Juan didn't explore a void possibility because it doesn't make sense. They would not void transaction hours later.
I don't understand this question. Someone earlier posted that someone on HLN remarked about the thickness of the rope. I'm asking how they could possibly remark on it when it hasn't been seen.

So I'm not sure why I keep getting a bunch of responses about this that don't pertain to how these HLN people know how thick the rope was--if there was one.

I personally cannot say there was no rope. We see fibers in the bathroom and we see even fibers on that bottom frame of the shower door. The fibers came from somewhere, be it a rope or something else. Jodi chose to say there was a rope.

My REAL question about this is--why? Why would she make up a story about a rope to explain these fibers? Why would she lie about them if she truly didn't know what they really were? Maybe it's not from a rope, but I don't think she'd lie about it IF she didn't know what they ACTUALLY came from.

I don't know how I feel about the DP on any given day. I have seen too many "innocence project" cases. I'm in the united states.

She made up the story about the rope so there was a reason for a knife to be lying around somewhere in the bedroom or bathroom. That's why there needed to be a rope. No fibers of any rope were found in the bedroom or bathroom.
I apologize if this was already mentioned, but does anyone else think that Samuels mentioning of Jodi possibly having BPD on the stand is going to haunt the DT in the near future?

Exactly, and I think that the DT wanting a sur-rebuttal to oppose Dr. Demarte's testimony will bite the other cheek. I know Dr. D's evaluation is not legally "criminally insane" but it's the DT's ace in the hole if the jury doesn't buy the self defense theory. They sure aren't buying the PTSD or the DV testimony, and they need one juror who may feel sympathy for her being borderline looney.
On the legal thread one of the lawyers on WS (who practices in AZ) said that he thinks the Judge will allow surrebuttal BUT they would have to use Samuels for the surrebuttal as he is already involved in the case.
I hope it is DENIED, but if it is ok'd, I hope they do it this way!
Might as well not waste their time with Samuels as far as I am concerned...

That would make sense though, this DT already has expert witnesses, they should not be allowed to call in another just for this. That they aren't satisfied with the way their witnesses that they chose performed, well, too bad.
Totally O/T here, but I've been curious. What happens when JA's fake breasts have a problem or need surgical attention after she gets sentenced for life or is awaiting the DP? Do they just take them out? I can't imagine AZ tax dollars fixing them if there is a problem, but what do I know?
I hope only ONE of them deflates, and she has to walk around like that the rest of her life until she gets the needle.
Totally O/T here, but I've been curious. What happens when JA's fake breasts have a problem or need surgical attention after she gets sentenced for life or is awaiting the DP? Do they just take them out? I can't imagine AZ tax dollars fixing them if there is a problem, but what do I know?
If she really paid $300 for them, then they very well could kill her before the State gets its shot. You get what you pay for!
Watching a rerun of NG. They are showing the part where Nurmi is asking Deanna those awful questions about sex. It's horrible, and even worse the second time around hearing it. I felt so bad for Deanna, although she held strong! I wonder why Juan didn't object to the way the questions were asked?

Because Juan doesn't allow his "compassion" to get in the way of his case.:rockon: Seriously, I don't mean that in a bad way about him.

But I actually thought Nurmi was trying to be a little sensitive because he could see Deanna getting worked up over the questioning. He said a few times that he wasn't trying to judge.

I have to give him a little leeway on that, because I did think he seemed to feel a little awkward about it himself.
I am curious, no need to mention this person specifically to get my point across. I wonder if a computer scan was made on this specific person's laptop, this individual who seems to have an unhealthy obsession with *advertiser censored* and kinky sex acts/phrases. I wonder what the scan find on his laptop........ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I don't understand this question. Someone earlier posted that someone on HLN remarked about the thickness of the rope. I'm asking how they could possibly remark on it when it hasn't been seen.

So I'm not sure why I keep getting a bunch of responses about this that don't pertain to how these HLN people know how thick the rope was--if there was one.

I personally cannot say there was no rope. We see fibers in the bathroom and we see even fibers on that bottom frame of the shower door. The fibers came from somewhere, be it a rope or something else. Jodi chose to say there was a rope.

My REAL question about this is--why? Why would she make up a story about a rope to explain these fibers? Why would she lie about them if she truly didn't know what they really were? Maybe it's not from a rope, but I don't think she'd lie about it IF she didn't know what they ACTUALLY came from.

I don't know how I feel about the DP on any given day. I have seen too many "innocence project" cases. I'm in the united states.

BBM - Is your rope in evidence? Why would JA tell lies

Let me correct my question, why are you so leaning towards the defense?
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