trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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Good Morning all.

Soooooo as of yesterday next Friday the jury will get to deliberate. I wonder how long it will take? Anyone want to jump in with any idea's?

I'm so confident in this jury.....I will say no longer than 3 hours :rockon:
Good Morning all.

Soooooo as of yesterday next Friday the jury will get to deliberate. I wonder how long it will take? Anyone want to jump in with any idea's?

I'm hoping they'll do like one of the teams did on Survivor the other week, and just say, "Judge, we don't even need to go to the jury room. We'd all like to vote right now!" :seeya:
I'm so confident in this jury.....I will say no longer than 3 hours :rockon:

It will be a relief when it is over but I am very very hesitant and can not come to an opinion. The Casey trial blew all that out of the water for me.
I know this case has much more evidence etc. but still, CA just walked away and she lied through the whole damn thing too.
I believe he let her in for:

a. returning something (ring, sex tape recording)
b. money or discussion about the BMW

The sex came afterwards because I do believe they were attracted to each other.

Did he let her in thinking she was paying him for the car? Remember she inquired to Det. Flores if that check would be cashed? Is that why she showed up there? Also, one would NOT show up at 4 in the morning to do that either, that's why I don't think she stayed all night there. IMO
so did the judge agree to a surbuttal? Or is it a witness for the state that can't make it til Wed of next week??
so did the judge agree to a surbuttal? Or is it a witness for the state that can't make it til Wed of next week??

I thought it was a witness for the state that could not make it till Wed. but I could be wrong. Things happen so fast on here!
Is it just me or after yesterday's abrupt ending I cant see them sticking to the schedule presented yesterday?

I forsee jodi having some sort of sickness as she knows it is coming to an end and the constant sidebars.

If this "expert" for the defense is testifying on Wednesday hence why the judge said we will stay til we are finished even if it is past five o'clock I can't help help but think that was a dig at the defense but also feel so sorry for the jury. They will be there til midnight if wilmott/nurmi have their way

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The DT better be careful with this jury. They've had it right up to their eye teeth, whatever those are. :moo:
That was one of my questions, too. There is no way I'm going to go back and listen to the entire trial again, but I think I would pick up on a lot more if I did. It would be like watching a movie with a lot of twists and turns a second time and catching things that I didn't catch the first time.

I think I know what people are saying about the hair dye. She didn't really get her nails done, but used that as an excuse for the time she actually got her hair dyed, and then went to WalMart afterwards. Because we can't trust a dang thing that comes out of her mouth, it's hard to know what is or isn't true. She's still trying to cover her tracks. That's why I said it's possible that she dyed her hair at MM or DB's house - she could have used the nail thing as an excuse for why she left so late because it would have been curious as to why she stayed at DB's house for so long.

Do you know if JM asked DB if JA's hair was blonde or brown when she was there? I'll have to go take a listen if nobody knows.

About the remote, JA said it was a TV or DVD remote but couldn't remember. Again - can't believe her words, but why would DB's garage remote be in her car?

I sort of think it was the stolen DVD player. I think she possibly traded it for the gas cans. Maybe she told DB is was her DVD player and she didn't want it any longer, so he wouldn't have thought he was receiving stolen property? Just throwing another possibility out there. Did JM ask DB what the remote was for and if she did indeed turn back to give it to him?

I wonder if Arias got her hair done at the WALMART? You all know how they have those hair places in the Walmart's? We need to find out if they had one of those hair salons in that Walmart at the time she was there! I would bet MONEY that is where she had it done!
Good Morning all.

Soooooo as of yesterday next Friday the jury will get to deliberate. I wonder how long it will take? Anyone want to jump in with any idea's?

Has anyone seen that Futurama episode where the jury walks out of the jury box and then right back in--they just walk in a circle? THAT'S what I'm invisioning!:floorlaugh:
I don't know...

But when I heard the "pregnancy" thing, I thought Jodi may have scammed Travis out of money for a "fake" abortion?

Whatever she did....Travis felt like she scammed him in someway.


IMHO the "pregnancy" thing was just another way she was trying to manipulate Travis and keep his attention. Problem was by that time he saw her for what she was... a sociopath.
Defense filed a motion; I don't know whether it's officially in--that's up to the judge.

I thought it was in from the "get go". 1st, degree, 2nd degree, manslaughter.

Oh well. What the heck do I know. :confused: This trial had been going on sooooooo loooong!
Yepper....Bombshell tonight ! She is planning on moving to Europe with her lesbian lover and having a baby...she has a sperm donor lined up...when she gets out...not if...NG is having a fit !:floorlaugh::facepalm:

Sometimes when these crazy "reports" come out I can't help but think JA leaks ridiculous items just to see how upset and inflamed she can get everyone. She is a manipulator and probably gets a perverse pleasure knowing these little spiteful tidbits get back to the family. I have also wondered if she throws them out there to see if any juror member references something that could give JA grounds for appeal. I believe the jury is not purposely looking at news/media reports but maybe Einstein is hoping the more outrageous things may inadvertently be seen by one or more of them. Just has always made me nervous when everyone discusses these Looney tunes stories.
Geeezzzz I don't know. This poor jury has had so much time off. This case should have been 5 days a week period. Migraine, fog or whatever.

Hi, the judge said no to weekends I think because there is no security at Courthouse on weekends, the jury seems to be thinking things through during the trial so may not need long deliberations. IMO.. I think she is now getting scared!!:scared: I agree on a five day week. :seeya:
I like it when they do split screen of Jodi and the witness. She seems to be losing her cockiness now and starting to truly understand the ramifications of what's going on. Just one more week and (hopefully) it's :seeya: off to the 'Big House'.

Right now Jodi's dealing with a charm school of people compared to the lifer, bad assed hardened career gang type criminal. DP would be too easy. Give her LWOP. Keep her healthy for a very looooooong life in that hell hole.
I didn't watch NG last night, but from what I am hearing about the pregnancy is all BS...IMO If this really happened it would have screamed out loud from the DT in this is all BS
Sometimes when these crazy "reports" come out I can't help but think JA leaks ridiculous items just to see how upset and inflamed she can get everyone. She is a manipulator and probably gets a perverse pleasure knowing these little spiteful tidbits get back to the family. I have also wondered if she throws them out there to see if any juror member references something that could give JA grounds for appeal. I believe the jury is not purposely looking at news/media reports but maybe Einstein is hoping the more outrageous things may inadvertently be seen by one or more of them. Just has always made me nervous when everyone discusses these Looney tunes stories.

She knows nothing! She wont get out, if ever paroled she'd still be a felon and most Countries including U.S. wont admit felons. She is really wacko! :seeya:
I like it when they do split screen of Jodi and the witness. She seems to be losing her cockiness now and starting to truly understand the ramifications of what's going on. Just one more week and (hopefully) it's :seeya: off to the 'Big House'.

Right now Jodi's dealing with a charm school of people compared to the lifer, bad assed hardened career gang type criminal. DP would be too easy. Give her LWOP. Keep her healthy for a very looooooong life in that hell hole.

But I want to see her face when they say DEATH. Like she saw Travis's face for the last time.
If not LWOP will have to do.
I'm hoping they'll do like one of the teams did on Survivor the other week, and just say, "Judge, we don't even need to go to the jury room. We'd all like to vote right now!" :seeya:

Even better than my response!!!!!!!!!! :rocker:
Is it just me or after yesterday's abrupt ending I cant see them sticking to the schedule presented yesterday?

I forsee jodi having some sort of sickness as she knows it is coming to an end and the constant sidebars.

If this "expert" for the defense is testifying on Wednesday hence why the judge said we will stay til we are finished even if it is past five o'clock I can't help help but think that was a dig at the defense but also feel so sorry for the jury. They will be there til midnight if wilmott/nurmi have their way

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I'm hoping that if this person for the defense is the reason for JSS's statements about Wednesday, then the judge has given strict instructions as to what can and cannot be asked of him. Remember, if they really do have another witness testifying, the DT has to do their questioning, then the State asks questions, then the DT asks more questions. We all know the DT cannot question one of their own witnesses in less than like a week, so I believe the judge must have given strict instructions on this questioning, otherwise there's no way everyone would be able to get their questions in.

Also, I just don't understand what this new witness could possibly say. I don't think that he's ever even spoken to JA and if he bases his testimony on what she already testified to, everyone knows she's been proven to be a total liar over and over again. I just don't think it's going to help at all, it's just going to make them look very desperate and like the DT hired someone to give an opinion for money.

Some people have suggested that the jury is asking questions because there are still some skeptics on there. I disagree. I think the questions are a way they are letting the other jurors know what they are thinking. So when they get into jury room they will elect a foreperson, take a vote, find her guilty.
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