trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #161

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Caught the use of "ambulate" in juror question too.
I hope this does mean at least one juror has some medical background ... Will make sense of what the good doc has said & clear away the baloney story that JW is trying to sell.

Juan used the word in his direct.
Did you all hear JW say "when someone receives a neck wound?" Minimizing much! I have a neck wound at the moment because I scratched my neck on a zipper and then accidentally scratched it. I didn't have my neck sliced open.
Jodi's entire story has now been disproven so all that's left for her to do is make up another one. Too late, you cold blooded killer.
She has- there were reports last night from those who watched the HLN shows,Nancy Grace that Jodi is now claiming she had a miscarriage by Travis and that he wanted her to reenact the shower scenes from the movie "Psycho". So it's really Alfred Hitchcock's fault!
What kind of animalistic rage would a person have to have to cut a throat and stab someone like that? It's still mind boggling to me.

WARNING: This is a brutal scenario I am about to describe ...

If a video was played for the jury of a pig being sacrificed* to demonstrate the brutality and overkill, and timed to see how long the poor animal would be in its death squeals and convulsions as the 29 stabbings, throat slice and gunshot are reproduced to mimic TA's slaughter, wouldn't that leave an indelible impression in the juror's minds, as they can witness the incredibly bloody mess and the sounds and see how long 62 seconds to die can actually seem?

Also, on Body Farms (where they document the decomposition process under various environmental conditions), they take time lapse photography of how the body changes over time. Such a video would also be informative.

*(with the meat donated to a shelter to feed the homeless, as all meat comes from a slaughtered animal)
Guessing we are finished for the day

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Maybe it's just me, but I didn't see anything pro-defense or anything that shows one of the jurors buy the "Jodi shot first" story. :dunno:
It is interesting how people cling to the idea that the gun shot was the first wound in spite of the medical evidence to the contrary. In the absence of any compelling evidence contradicting it, medical evidence will always trump anything else. If there were any real medical basis for Travis being able to sustain a gunshot wound to the head and then continue an attack on Jodi, the defense would have presented an MD to testify to that.

The fact that TA was still alive when she slit his throat was just awful.
There's one aggravating factor (cruel/heinous) and yes this proves it. TA was alive when his throat was slit. And we know that slit came towards the end.

I cannot imagine doing this even to someone I hate, I don't think I could even do it to Jodi. I couldn't do it to an animal. It's beyond inhuman, I don't know what the word for it is other than evil. It's an act of pure and extreme hatred.
Read up on the frontal lobe. It would have done EXACTLY what the ME stated.:seeya:

Thank you for your post. You are absolutely right. While a 25 caliber bullet might not do as much damage as a higher capacity bullet, it certainly can do plenty of damage when it hits the frontal lobe. Other cases where the person could still move and think and talk likely did NOT hit the frontal lobe.
Juan Martinez you are a real life American HERO. In the absence of parents to wrap their arms around Travis' siblings, I am sure glad that YOU tried this case. No one else would have been so passionate.

I adore you. If I lived there, you could write your own ticket, whatever office you would run for , I'd be first in line to vote for you. I like, trust and respect you. It is rare that I can say all three about someone.
I don't know if peeps are appreciating the full impact of this testimony. The shot was NOT first. JA claims her memory loss came AFTER the shot. She has no memory loss because she remembers everything until AFTER the shot, which blows her ENTIRE story.
This IS important. This tells us she lied about the memory loss and the entire killing. It PROVES it.
I'm sorry but I just don't buy the coroner's theory that the gunshot would have immediately incapacitated TA. There have been many accounts of people being impaled by objects that went through the face and/or skull and have surprised doctors by being completely alert and normal.
I do feel that the most likely scenario is JA brought the gun to shoot TA and that is what she did first. And when he wasn't instantly killed or incapacitated (he walked to the sink and coughed blood) she went and got a knife and finished the job. That is how he ended up having stab wounds on his back (him trying to get away) and ended up in the entrance of the master bedroom where his throat was slashed.

I have always thought this was what happened. I don't think JA would have risked TA getting away or fighting her off if she attacked him with just a knife. She stole the gun from her grandparents house and there was a reason for that.

Now, I did happen to catch dr. drew last night and did see how the shower photos eerily resemble the shower scene from the movie Psycho. So perhaps if JA is crazy enough (and not just borderline personality) she tried to reenact the scene and stabbed TA first. But then why shoot him after you fatally slash his throat?


Those odd injuries to the skull and brain did not have a bullet entering the brain at 680 mps though. Much less velocity than a bullet exploding into the brain.

If she had shot him in the head first because the head bleeds profusely there would have been a lot of blood in the bathroom and there isn't.
I also want to add that just because I believe the gunshot was first, I don't believe that this was self-defense. Nor do I believe anything JA says happened. Her lies make absolutely no sense whatsoever. I do believe by the evidence of the gas cans, the stolen gun, and the hair color change that she did premeditate to kill TA.

I do hope that if there are jurors who do believe that the ME is wrong as to the gunshot not being first, that that doesn't affect there belief in her guilt of murder and not self-defense.

Hypothetically if I were a juror I wouldn't necessarily believe what the ME thinks about the first injury but I do feel JM has proven his point that this was not self-defense, and that it was premeditated murder.
That's why I like it here so good. We all have differing opinions.:seeya:
There might be some who think she did shoot him first. :frown:
There are posters on this board who believe the gun shot came first AND also believe that JA is guilty of pre-meditated first degree murder. I don't think it means that a juror who thinks (or thought) there is a possibility that she shot him first to incapacitate him and make it easier to stab him 27+ times and slit his throat, buys into her BS self-defense claim. I thought it was brilliant of JM to ask Dr. Horn about the obvious defensive wounds to demonstrate that Travis fought hard for his life--harder than she expected IMO). Even if you were inclined to believe she shot him first, where is the blood on the floor where she claims it would have occurred? If he was quickly incapacitated as Dr. Horn stated, he'd never have been able to get up, bleed over the sink and then be able to chase Jodi through the hall. Mark my words--this chick is going down.
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