Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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Good Morning!!!!

I could not get back on here yesterday, I think it was overloaded. I am so lost I think. Last I read nothing for 5 days and I saw on my computer this morning another juror has been dismissed???????
Ok, at owrk and going to try and start reading backwards!
I had both eyes done 2 years ago and was amazed at the color. Get lots of pretty sunglasses...the world is brighter than you knew!!

I would highly reccomend it to any one with eyesight problems! Permanant contacts, without the uncomfortableness!
Sitting here reading, posting 11 minutes does not seem very long.

The 11 minutes of terror Travis was experiencing would seem like an eternity.
Can't sleep been up all night. It is 3:40 a.m here.

So might as well get you laughing here.


I am thinking THAT IMAGE -- HAS something to do with me NOT being able to Sleep. SCARY!!!.

Good Morning!!!!

I could not get back on here yesterday, I think it was overloaded. I am so lost I think. Last I read nothing for 5 days and I saw on my computer this morning another juror has been dismissed???????
Ok, at owrk and going to try and start reading backwards!

Yes juror 8, judge just announced it at the end of the day no reason given so all we can do is speculate for now.

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Just wondering, was her camera recovered by LE and were there any "road trip" photos? Just another thought for premeditation if Einstein didn't take any good pictures along the way.

There were photos shown in court Wednesday of her in her car on 6/3 taken with her phone.

Trial times up for next week. Nurse will add these to the first page in threads again

5/1/2013 9:00 Trial
5/2/2013 9:30 Trial
5/3/2013 9:30 Trial
Were there specific pictures that were shown to the jury yesterday? I missed that whole part.
I hope there's some way in closing JM can remind the jury how Jodi was begging to see the gruesome crime photos during interrogation, but crying and turning away when they were shown in the courtroom.

I was not there. But, even at home watching, there was a tangible dynamic of doom for Jodi. The past few days of this case has been brought back to the victim Travis. None of it about Jodi's trying to prove she was the abuse victim.
If it is true about juror 8's DUI then I think the Defense would have fought to keep him on the jury. The Judge and prosecution would have felt otherwise. I appreciate his dedicated note-taking for all these months though...

What gets me about JA is her belief that even after what she did (even going with her story of self-defense) that she is worthy of even breathing. She comes into court with her 3 strands of hair on her forehead making a stupid fashion statement, she glares and stares at people she doesn't like, she gossips and smirks with her lawyer. If I were in her shoes 'I'd want to jump off a bridge.'

What makes people think that if she had really planned this murder from May that she would have done a better job of hiding her tracks and covering up evidence? She is SO stupid that she cannot even pretend to act normal in front of this jury. That tells you all you need to know about her. Being manipulative/sneaky and being able to parrot 'big' words does not make a person smart.

Trial times up for next week. Nurse will add these to the first page in threads again

5/1/2013 9:00 Trial
5/2/2013 9:30 Trial
5/3/2013 9:30 Trial

OK I may be developing mid life dyslexia. I read the little part below your avatar as 'The team prosecutor' and was just sitting thinking how cool that was until I realized I was dyslexic. :floorlaugh:
If the DUI is true, it makes you wonder how loose his lips were in the bar or wherever he was doing his drinking. How truly pathetic a 50+ yo man we would refer to as CEO would be drunk driving and showing such reckless disregard for the lives of his fellow men and women.
I'm hoping the story doesn't relate to our juror because this is mistrial worthy :twocents:

Please do not say the word "mistrial". After all this time I think we would all lose it.:banghead:
They should clear the desk of all pens.

I truly believe that if yesterday wasn't a short day, we'd have seen JA completely lose it. She was building up ready to blow.
Please do not say the word "mistrial". After all this time I think we would all lose it.:banghead:

I think it would have been asked and received if the story were true. I won't use that word again.....promise!!
If it is true about juror 8's DUI then I think the Defense would have fought to keep him on the jury. The Judge and prosecution would have felt otherwise. I appreciate his dedicated note-taking for all these months though...

What gets me about JA is her belief that even after what she did (even going with her story of self-defense) that she is worthy of even breathing. She comes into court with her 3 strands of hair on her forehead making a stupid fashion statement, she glares and stares at people she doesn't like, she gossips and smirks with her lawyer. If I were in her shoes 'I'd want to jump off a bridge.'

What makes people think that if she had really planned this murder from May that she would have done a better job of hiding her tracks and covering up evidence? She is SO stupid that she cannot even pretend to act normal in front of this jury. That tells you all you need to know about her. Being manipulative/sneaky and being able to parrot 'big' words does not make a person smart.

I do not like the DP, but for JA -- I want it for her crime!!

I do not believe in any LWOP -- as I HAVE said it her before, IF SHE does not get the DP. Then she should get LWOPPPPATS

L - life
W - with
O - out
P - parole

She should never be allowed to have any of the following for the rest of her life. I have heard/read too many thinks about inmates in prison THAT take Classes (legal classes included), cooking classes, watch TV, play card games, laugh, make jail friends, seeing the sunlight, breathing the fresh air playing sports outside in the Prison yard, and even where they can have sex in Jail.

To me...............PRISON SHOULD be losing rights!! :moo:

If your there for LIFE should be tough!! :moo:

As TA will never get to experience any of these things, so WHY should JA in Prison. She should never be allowed any of those things. If no DP, then lock her up in a cell for 22 hours in a 24 hours day. Let her think of her crime.

Maybe then the FOG WILL LIFT!!

So IMHO, that is why I wish for the DP. Prison mighT be too Good for her, and PLUS she still cost the system $$$$. She does not deserve that

An Eye for an Eye!!!!

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