Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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I would highly reccomend it to any one with eyesight problems! Permanant contacts, without the uncomfortableness!

O/T: Are you discussing Lasik (I'm still debating on getting this) or are you really talking about 'Permanent contacts"? What's this about seeing "brighter colors"? Really?

(On topic) I heard on HLN that Arias has a female lover whom she plans to move to Europe with, and live happily ever after? Wait a dog-on minute! Didn't she just recently claim to be straight? This was when she was on the stand. I wonder if her lover heard that?
IMO, Jodi did make plans to murder Travis. In all the testimony, even some evidence not heard in Court like her parents, Jodi lied and did bad things without ever considering being held responsible and paying consequences. It's why she always was on the move.

The bad stuff Jodi did she was able to move far away from to make it more reasonable for the victims to just chalk it up to a psycho, learn from it and move on with their own lives. Looks to me like the pattern Jodi had for a quarter of a century. Act out, stop just on the edge of egregious enough to make it worthwhile for the victim to pursue her for litigation, move far enough away. Out of sight out of mind.

The Flores investigation tapes, and subsequent MSM interviews show (me) Jodi still thought she could do whatever vile she wanted without paying any consequences. Like in the past, Jodi expected this to be ignored like everything else has been.

IMO, nobody in the blink of an eye goes from petty little liar/criminal to brutal calculated murderer.
LoL seattlechiquita, now don't be dissing Nancy's hair.

Seriously, I posted several less than flattering comments on here about her barrette, and how she needed to get herself a grown up hairdo. Well, lo and behold a couple shows later she's sporting that very ladylike up-do.

I think either Nancy, or her people, read here. And I felt really bad when I read somewhere that it was her little girl that wanted her to wear the barrette, so they would look the same. I love Nancy. She doesn't "share" an opinion, she "owns" it. But at least she always seems to be on the same side as me, even though she's busy cutting her guests a new one. ;)

Now, back...away....from....the hair. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I like Nancy G. too. I actually like HLN for the most part, could do without some of them, but won't say who as I don't feel like being mean. :rolleyes:
I do not like the DP, but for JA -- I want it for her crime!!

I do not believe in any LWOP -- as I HAVE said it her before, IF SHE does not get the DP. Then she should get LWOPPPPATS

L - life
W - with
O - out
P - parole

She should never be allowed to have any of the following for the rest of her life. I have heard/read too many thinks about inmates in prison THAT take Classes (legal classes included), cooking classes, watch TV, play card games, laugh, make jail friends, seeing the sunlight, breathing the fresh air playing sports outside in the Prison yard, and even where they can have sex in Jail.

To me...............PRISON SHOULD be losing rights!! :moo:

If your there for LIFE should be tough!! :moo:

As TA will never get to experience any of these things, so WHY should JA in Prison. She should never be allowed any of those things. If no DP, then lock her up in a cell for 22 hours in a 24 hours day. Let her think of her crime.

Maybe then the FOG WILL LIFT!!

So IMHO, that is why I wish for the DP. Prison mighT be too Good for her, and PLUS she still cost the system $$$$. She does not deserve that

An Eye for an Eye!!!!


Lethal injection is way more humane and compassionate than alzheimers is or cancer, or________________.
Terrible things happen to really good people everyday so what happens to JA is of no concern to me. I hope she gets the DP but sits for the next 5 decades in her cement cage eating slop wishing it would end. :lookingitup:
Video Link At Bottom On How Jodi Killed Travis Alexander By Her Own Words.

#1 Jodi says Travis said (kill you *****) after she shot him in the head and she broke free.
ME said that Travis would not have been able say or do anything immediately after being shot.
M.E said either the throat slitting or the gunshot to the head would cause incapacitation immediately. The stab wound to the chest that cut the return artery would have likely allowed Travis to be conscious enough to walk for a few seconds.
While M.E was testifying Jodi looked at every autopsy photo that was shown, she had to see each and every one of them.
M.E says by being shot in the head as Travis had done to him he would have been incapacitated immediately after shot to the head.
This means Travis could not have chased after Jodi after being shot in the head.
The M.E said the bullet had to have passed through the front of the brain, there was no way the bullet could have missed the brain.
M.E said the defensive wounds would have to have come when he was still alive.

This video reference to how the murder was done is probably exactly right, watch for your self then decide.

The following Youtube reference is depicts a theory of how Jodi Arias killed Travis Alexander based on the forensic evidence & her own statements to the police.
It contains graphic testimony and photos.

Thanks for the link. That really brings it all together doesn't it. The links to the other videos posted by this person also point out motive as according to JA's journal entries. I don't remember some of this so maybe it didn't all come out in court. I wonder why that is.
Ever since seeing Gus in court I have thought there is more than meets the eye there. Not sure what but it's just his manner when Juan cross examined him, his very defensive manner when questioned about ppl (that's a whole other can of worms) and his attitude towards Jodi. I'm not implying anything went on there but I believe she used her "charms" to manipulate him. He could of course just be a limelight seeker but something is not all as it seems and maybe, after the trial we may find out but who knows.

I agree, more to Gus than meets the eye. The Helio phone is questionable to me in particular. This guy claims he hardly knows Jodi actually but yet nice fellow that he is, he gets her a Helio phone which just happens to have recording capabilities. Overall I don't think Gus much liked anyone who took more of the stage in PPL than he did and young upstarts such as Travis and Chris Hughes could be examples.

I tend to think Gus was less than truthful on the stand as I do believe he had an understanding relating to, and possibly was the instigator of, the May 10, 2008 recording. I say that based on his words of sympathy for Jodi. After watching his performance with Judge Judy, lets just say my take of his integrity was much less than favorable. His performance on the stand in this case, was openly hostile towards justice itself IMO. More to the interactions between he and Jodi, agreed.
I just found this vid -- it was only posted just a couple days ago. Team Travis. Only 92 views, so all WS watch this vid, and share with all TA supporters


Share via social media....Really nice Vid!!

Pass it around, please In Memory Of Travis!!

Juror 8 is being talked about on GMA and they said he was known as the CEO. Who reads here from GMA I wonder? They did not give a reason.
I just found this vid -- it was only posted just a couple days ago. Team Travis. Only 92 views, so all WS watch this vid, and share with all TA supporters

Share via social media....Really nice Vid!!

Pass it around, please In Memory Of Travis!!


One of my favourite songs. Beautiful video

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I used to watch this channel at night. I can't sleep without the tv on, the quiet wakes me up. It's one of the few channels that doesn't go to paid programming which also wakes me up. I started having nightmares around the shows I was hearing in my sleep. Now I watch Hallmark Movie Murder She Wrote and Matlock all night.

:gasp::gasp: I would have nightmares about Angela Lansbury. :gasp::gasp:
I actually like your theory of that she actually saw that the gun only contained either 1 bullet or maybe just a few to begin with, and so she chose to just keep that in her back pocket as backup while she stabbed him.

It is entirely possible that given her professed lack of knowledge of firearms, she failed to realize a round was not chambered in the 25 auto. She may not have been aware that the slide must be pulled back in order to chamber the round or failed to do this prior to pointing the gun at Travis. It may be she pointed a gun at him that was not capable of firing because the round was not chambered. Thus the "kill you bi--h" was uttered. It is entirely possible the gun started the fight into motion and she had to resort to the knife at the beginning. The shot to the head coming after he was dead and drug back to the bathroom where the gun had been knocked from her hands. She picked up the gun and chambered a round just to complete her initial inspiration of fulfilling his worst nightmare as described in the video provided by Jacob Mefford (sp). Did not matter, he was already dead from the slit throat injury...
Good morning WSers! (To those in different time zones, change that as needed :) )...
My mind must work on this when I sleep...when I got up this morning it occurred to me that as much as I've wondered if JA snuck into Travis's or did he know she was coming, I've come to my own conclusion. I think he did know she was coming. I think. Travis can only speak through the messages and texts that he sent. In the one where he blasted JA for whatever indiscretion she committed, the one which I think set the final plan into action, Travis said he didn't want to hear from her unless it was an apology..
That tells me that he was on the far end of the spectrum in being done with her, but he still had that door open just a little bit. He was done, but he would have been man enough to end it with her apology and then go their separate ways. He didn't have a hateful bone in his body and he would have ended it kindly if she would have apologized for whatever she had done.
That is how she suckered him into that last visit. She said she was going to meet with him and settle it, end it on a 'let's be friends note'.....
I think it speaks volumes as to the kind of man Travis was. After all the evil things she did to him, and we only know the tip of the iceberg, he wasn't cruel and he didn't even cut her off completely. Much to his demise. I have to correct that. By the time of that ranting message, Travis was already dead, for all intents and purposes. JA was going to end his life, no matter what.
I just found this vid -- it was only posted just a couple days ago. Team Travis. Only 92 views, so all WS watch this vid, and share with all TA supporters

Share via social media....Really nice Vid!!

Pass it around, please In Memory Of Travis!!


So touching, I lasted about 5 seconds til the tears started flowing. I do not know TA personally, but I strongly suspect the world is not as bright, without Travis Alexander.
I used to watch this channel at night. I can't sleep without the tv on, the quiet wakes me up. It's one of the few channels that doesn't go to paid programming which also wakes me up. I started having nightmares around the shows I was hearing in my sleep. Now I watch Hallmark Movie Murder She Wrote and Matlock all night.

I always watch hallmark channel but now I am upset to hear there is a hallmark movie channel that we dont get over here.well I don't think so anyway.
Off to google it :seeya:

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Regarding the surrebuttle, will the jury be told why this new witness will testify or will they be left wondering. I sure hope they are told because if they are not that would leave them thinking many things. For example, JM was too aggressive with RS and ALV or it must be true what ALV was saying because they are getting another shot at it.

I didn't understand (still don't really) but now I know that it's because of BPD that was brought up by Dr.D (which doesn't make sense to me because they deposed her and knew what her reports said, but whatever). I just hope this is explained to them.
:gasp::gasp: I would have nightmares about Angela Lansbury. :gasp::gasp:

I wouldn't be one to live in Cabot cove :floorlaugh: probably a 1 in 10 chance of being murdered:eek:

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NG was actually good tonight, because of an interesting interview with Linda Ballard, the woman he bought the engagement ring for.

Most notable was she said the last time she saw him was October 2006 and he told her about he was dating Jodi, and one thing he said was that she was a pathological liar, she lied about an ex boyfriend.

That's very early in their relationship and he's already got her pegged. Yet, he kept dating her. Tragic, that he didn't listen to his own misgivings.

Did he start dating JA in Oct 2006? I thought they didnt start dating till later?
I dont recall them ever mentioning about the bullet itself either. I suppose if the lead bullet got severely deformed , then it is possible it was too damaged and deformed to tell what caliber bullet it even was. This could be why it was not mentioned much.

I've seen many bullets hit a target and some of them get really messed up and mangled where they are not recognizable at all and just look like a chunk of lead.

But they did identify the bullet casing as being a .25 calibre. I am surprised they were unable to determine (perhaps they did and didn't say) further information regarding the bullet from powder residue left inside the casing proper.
IIRC- Susan Smiths stepfather pled to the jury on her behalf and admitted to having sexually abused Susan repeatedly when she was younger.

Nothing justifies what she did. I know that sexual abuse was brought in as a mitigating factor, I get that. The Menendez brothers claimed the same thing, to justify their actions. What made me sick about the Menendez brothers was when they attempted to make "being orphans" as issue to feel sorry for them. Who do you think made them orphans, geesh. RIDICULOUS!!
Did he start dating JA in Oct 2006? I thought they didnt start dating till later?

I heard that too! And I was like "wth'"? I just thought I must have heard it incorrectly....anyone else catch that? I don't have time to research a vid of the show but I am really curious now....
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