Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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Here's another link to the Juror 8 DUI story, in case the other link doesn't work.

I saw this this morning. My only thought was the that the juror was drunk enough to discuss the trial with the police.

He had to be taken off the jury because of comments or things he said.

I can't thiink of another reason unless there is a rule that says if you get in trouble while you are a juror you are eliminated. IDK.

Video of Travis with pictures and his friends and family made me cry. So sad to know a young life was taken so viciously. Wish he was here to tell the real truth and the whole story. It is a shame what the defense has done. I will never say they are just doing their job. They hacked him to death and enjoyed every minute of it. You can throw ALV and RS and Gus and Darryl in that pot too. They are all guilty and should all serve time with the murderer. Darryl and Matt are just little wimps, just man wannabes. That is the way those two will forever be remembered. Ugh.
I saw this this morning. My only thought was the that the juror was drunk enough to discuss the trial with the police.

He had to be taken off the jury because of comments or things he said.

I can't thiink of another reason unless there is a rule that says if you get in trouble while you are a juror you are eliminated. IDK.

I asked on the legal thread what the potential impact of this is on the JA trial-- as in, is the situation now resolved with his dismissal from the jury, or are there any lingering concerns about mistrial related to this, etc.

The only thing that bugs me now is Atty Wilmott was all smiley at the end yesterday. When I was watching the video, I was puzzled about this in light of yesterday's testimony, and figured something favorable to the defense had happened behind the scenes. Now I wonder if there are more ramifications to Juror 8's dismissal, such as another Nurmi filing for a mistrial over this.

It worries me this close to closing arguments.
Thanks for the link. That really brings it all together doesn't it. The links to the other videos posted by this person also point out motive as according to JA's journal entries. I don't remember some of this so maybe it didn't all come out in court. I wonder why that is.

What jumped out at me is she says he is bleeding everywhere and at one point he is down not really moving but she also says he was STILL breathing. She mentions it a couple of times in the interview with Flores.

Imo, when she drug him back to the bathroom to put him back in the shower she heard breaths leaving his body. She freaked that the knife attack had not killed him or so she thought and used the gun to shoot him in the head to make sure he was dead.

Good morning friends! I hope everyone had a great evening! TGIF!!

Im going to go back and catch up, but I wanted to say hi!! And bring in a little humor! :seeya:

The water is reflecting on the door. The shot is a close up picture so you would not see the frame. The frame is even with the shower wall enclosure so you would not see it in a picture shot this close. But you can clearly see the water on the door. You can see the frame in one of the other pictures that Jodi took of him at an angle. In the picture where he is sitting where you can't see his head the door open. In the picture where you can see his face it appears the door is closed because of droplets of water reflecting off the door.

I do not think when she started taking pictures he knew she was there. One picture has a surprised look so at that point he knew she was taking pictures. But there is a picture where you can see the top of the frame in a shower picture. screenshots/rtyr.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2067

When I was looking through your photos I realized in the photos of Jodi's grandparents home and her small room, was relative squalor to life she envisioned with Travis in his big beautiful home. Most 18 year olds with their very first apartment have better living conditions and belongings than Jodi seemed to have. She thought by leaving Daryl and her home there, she was going to be marrying up to be with Travis. She wound up renting a room from strangers, and still waiting tables for the one or two dollar tips folks would leave on the table she was to wipe up. It was a far cry from the life of say, Sky Hughes , who was a millionaire. Sky said once, "Jodi tried becoming Mormon to get Travis. When that did not work....she used the sex."

In the interrogation with the female officer, Jodi said something very telling. The lady was explaining she had a limited understanding of the LDS faith. Jodi answered, "Religion is mainly cliches, anyway". Jodi was no more Mormon than a lady and Travis realized that you can't put lipstick on a pig.
I asked on the legal thread what the potential impact of this is on the JA trial-- as in, is the situation now resolved with his dismissal from the jury, or are there any lingering concerns about mistrial related to this, etc.

The only thing that bugs me now is Atty Wilmott was all smiley at the end yesterday. When I was watching the video, I was puzzled about this in light of yesterday's testimony, and figured something favorable to the defense had happened behind the scenes. Now I wonder if there are more ramifications to Juror 8's dismissal, such as another Nurmi filing for a mistrial over this.

It worries me this close to closing arguments.

Yes, it bothers me a little bit too. I hope for nothing though. It would be awful to be this close and be so far away from Justice for Travis.

Hopefully there will be news surrounding it. My hope is he wasn't partying it up with the other jurors so they can't call a mistrial because one juror was out and about.

Honestly, though, if I was on the jury I would have a hard time not going home and drinking myself to oblivion. And I don't drink.

What an idiot juror #8 is/was. Driving while intoxicated? Fool. The last thing this trial needs is a drunk juror during deliberations.

Also he had to tell the cop he was on the jury. Cop arrested him, he probably said BUT WAIT! I'm on that jury, have to be in court tomorrow! Cop probably said TOO BAD.

No loss of Juror #8 IMO.
12 Characteristics of Psychopaths/ Sociopaths

The Psychopathic Child displays signs as early as age 3. This juvenile delinquent shows early red flags of psychopathy including lying, fighting, stealing, bullying, bad judgment, cheating, cruelty to animals, vandalism, truancy, sexual activity, fire-setting, substance abuse, and running away from home. Many see him as 'sneaky'.

Defense Strategy: Fix the problem, not the blame. Maintain domestic stability. Recognize signs in early childhood. Reinforce and reward positive behaviour. Seek therapy. Establish firm moral integrity practices and standards within the home.

Read that page, JA is all over it.
When I was looking through your photos I realized in the photos of Jodi's grandparents home and her small room, was relative squalor to life she envisioned with Travis in his big beautiful home. Most 18 year olds with their very first apartment have better living conditions and belongings than Jodi seemed to have. She thought by leaving Daryl and her home there, she was going to be marrying up to be with Travis. She wound up renting a room from strangers, and still waiting tables for the one or two dollar tips folks would leave on the table she was to wipe up. It was a far cry from the life of say, Sky Hughes , who was a millionaire. Sky said once, "Jodi tried becoming Mormon to get Travis. When that did not work....she used the sex."

In the interrogation with the female officer, Jodi said something very telling. The lady was explaining she had a limited understanding of the LDS faith. Jodi answered, "Religion is mainly cliches, anyway". Jodi was no more Mormon than a lady and Travis realized that you can't put lipstick on a pig.


I agree. Another posted that last night on NG there was conversation with the girl TA bought the engagement ring for who said she knew that JA and TA were dating in Oct 2006. Yet, JA says not until 2/2007 IIRC were they 'official'. I wonder if TA, knowing she was a pathological liar, along with the Christmas scenario, is when JA amped it up to include sex. In Oct/Nov was when she was 'baptized' and that didn't work, so they were official in JA's mind once the sex started.

It seemed to be the same in the MM/Bianca scenario, friends with benefits and JA thought they were official. She stopped sex with DB that late summer of 2006 to save herself for marriage, yet was living with him each and everyday. Its like she only was official with someone when the sex started and they were just friends when she decided to stop the sex.

Sex, sex sex...its weird. Everything in her life revolves around it. IMHO.

I asked on the legal thread what the potential impact of this is on the JA trial-- as in, is the situation now resolved with his dismissal from the jury, or are there any lingering concerns about mistrial related to this, etc.

The only thing that bugs me now is Atty Wilmott was all smiley at the end yesterday. When I was watching the video, I was puzzled about this in light of yesterday's testimony, and figured something favorable to the defense had happened behind the scenes. Now I wonder if there are more ramifications to Juror 8's dismissal, such as another Nurmi filing for a mistrial over this.

It worries me this close to closing arguments.


IMO she's just putting on a brave face for the cameras. Like, see? I'm happy, our DT is doing good!!

It's called faking. And denial.
I really want that poem to have in my home as a piece of art if I can get my dear friend , who has the most beautiful handwriting to make it for me. The trial will come and go, but I want to remember Travis THAT WAY. Forever.

Travis changed my life. I now call my brothers every single day, just to hear their laughter.

Has anyone transcribed it?

Travis has brought so many people together.. even strangers who never had the honor of knowing him but wish they had. He truly was a remarkable young man filled with so much love and compassion for others. Every friend that speaks out about Travis does it with such pride and love in their eyes that he was their dear friend. Even today when they think of him he still brings them happiness and laughter. Travis is the kind of person once you meet them you never forget them or the impact they have made on your life. His friends talk about how he would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed his help.

Travis' case has brought much needed awareness to all when it comes to domestic violence being perpetrated on males by dangerous predator females. I think Travis would be thankful that now it has been exposed resulting in more understanding for male victims who for many years have had to suffer in silence.

Justice will come for Travis. There may be some sort of peace when that happens but never closure. If all of Travis' loves one could have their wish they would wish that he was alive and well... living out his dreams and achieving his goals. Going on to touch others in positive ways as he always did.

God bless him and all the many many people who love him.
12 Characteristics of Psychopaths/ Sociopaths

The Psychopathic Child displays signs as early as age 3. This juvenile delinquent shows early red flags of psychopathy including lying, fighting, stealing, bullying, bad judgment, cheating, cruelty to animals, vandalism, truancy, sexual activity, fire-setting, substance abuse, and running away from home. Many see him as 'sneaky'.

Defense Strategy: Fix the problem, not the blame. Maintain domestic stability. Recognize signs in early childhood. Reinforce and reward positive behaviour. Seek therapy. Establish firm moral integrity practices and standards within the home.

Read that page, JA is all over it.

Not all show signs ...if Jodi was capable of manipulating others to get what she wanted very young that's the tool she used. Red flags would be few and far between. Imo she had a pretty good childhood up until her younger siblings came along and the family business wasn't doing as well. It wasn't until she was older and obstacles became larger and her goals firmer that her behavior was problematic.

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Sounds to me her parents tried to corral her... Jodi didn't like to hear the word,"no". She had zero respect for rules, boundaries and her parents. She's a psychopath, that's just how they are.

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i think so too. i think she was born like that. her parents did the best they could. she is a pathological liar. i'll bet they never knew when she was lying or telling the truth.
i think so too. i think she was born like that. her parents did the best they could. she is a pathological liar. i'll bet they never knew when she was lying or telling the truth.

According to her parents she never really talked to them anyway after puberty.

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Not all show signs ...if Jodi was capable of manipulating others to get what she wanted very young that's the tool she used. Red flags would be few and far between. Imo she had a pretty good childhood up until her younger siblings came along and the family business wasn't doing as well. It wasn't until she was older and obstacles became larger and her goals firmer that her behavior was problematic.

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I've no idea what her childhood was like prior to becoming a teenager. Where have you read about that?

We know JA hit her brother over the head with a baseball bat (bullying, violence, fighting). Kicked their dog (cruelty to animals) (probably killed the poor thing too). Was growing weed on the roof of the house (lying, bad judgement, probably substance abuse). Ran away from home at least once when a teenager (running away from home). I'm sure there are more examples.

She exhibited plenty of signs IMO.
According to her parents she never really talked to them anyway after puberty.

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Yes. They probably spoke, but by then the parents knew she was lying and JA knew that. So, at a certain point it became a moot point. JA was going to do want she wanted to do, regardless of her parents or any rules.

I think they just struggled trying to figure out how to get her to stop and see what was going on with her. They just didn't realize how bad it was. I mean, who would lookk at their child and think this person will be a serial killer or murderess someday. Most do not. They think the child will grow out of it, mature...something. Parents always have HOPE.

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