Trial Discussion Thread #17

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Ah, my mate Mrs Stipp again. Wasn't Mrs Stipp the one who thought there was an intruder in OP's bathroom, and later realized there wasn't. else did that happen to?
...don't take this too seriously


Haha Steve. Although, nope. Mrs Stipp thought she'd witnessed a light figure (Oscar) going from left to right. Not an intruder. Oscar. ;-) Then realised she'd included her husband's words/witness account.

Only person who ever mentions/claims intruder is OSCAR. Quelle surprise!

If Oscar had a Mystery Machine and was a member of the Scooby Doo gang, he'd claim it was Mr McGraw, the janitor :p haha
I note that some posters think it impossible/unlikely that RS screamed. Having done some research I find it is most likely that she would have screamed and I think that is what the pathologist says. It is an involuntary action when suddenly suffering extreme pain/shock. I am sure you will all know if you hit yourself with a hammer or have a car door closed on your fingers, one will involuntarily yell or groan. One of the more odius examples is people being put to death by gunshot (Middle East conflict springs to mind) often scream when hit by a bullet to the head.

I was saying exactly the same thing earlier in the thread .. only I couldn't remember the correct terminology to explain it .. 'involuntary action' <<-- thanks for that (just couldn't think of it at the time!)
I dont know any shooting range in the world that allows, or encourages practising shooters to scream.. at ALL.

I have to use my shooting range every year to renew my licence.. ( very strict gun rules in AU ) and I have , but only twice used one outside Au.. one in Denmark and one in England.. but screaming on the shooting range?? lord almighty. you'd be escorted to the door, in a nanosecond.. and firmly encouraged to think things over before attempting to return..

Yet Oscar.. who actually wants the idea to take hold that he can double tap.. which requires years, years, daily, twice daily extensive and peer regulated tuition and endless endless practice... screams while shooting?? screams so high that ordinary people, quite used to the human voice mistake him for a woman??

Nel is going to spend 4-5 days with Oscar on the ropes pounding into his head, i can't wait.
I'd bet a pretty penny that OP could still hear RS screaming in fear and pain when those pics came up, that's why the thumbs/fingers in his ears. I'm hoping it was to try and block it out... I guess Nel will have to show him what he did again, just to watch his reaction when he has to answer to it and proceed accordingly.

Remember when some of those photos of Reeva's body came up on the court screens by accident? (I wasn't watching live at the particular point, and I don't think it was actually shown on the live streaming .. but I heard the report about it later) Well, I've got a theory that they actually show the occasional image 'by mistake' on purpose, and have body language experts there assessing his reaction to seeing them. I'm pretty sure I saw a photo of one of Reeva's ex's flash up on the screen while they were going through her What'sApp messages .. and I thought it most peculiar at the time, it was so quick and was flashed over, with nothing whatsoever being said, but I am sure that is what I saw (I need to go back and watch that entire part of the court case again to see if I can find it).
the thing is, he isnt allowed to kill an intruder, either... which is why he is on trial

this fact just keeps slippin away.. .. slippin away
Add to the fact he has lied already on the stand by pleading.." Not guilty milady"...on all four charges.

Hi Val .. I've seen that tweet before but I can't work out when/what time it was actually sent .. was this before the shooting or after? .. and it's the one that FH sent (to Reeva?)? I can't seem to find the actual text transcription of that tweet in that link to those articles, so am assuming it is referring to the same one? I can't find anything if I try and google that tweet message, either .. so I can't make out whether it was a hoax or not?

I think the tweet has since been deleted but there's still talk about it if you dig deep enough on google. As for the screenshot of it, you have to make sure you have the page allowed if you have a script stopper on your browser and then it will show up. The tweet itself was apparently sent at 10:59pm on 13 Feb 13, if I'm reading it correctly.
Oscar must have been so relieved when Dr Stipp managed to release his fingers from Reeva's clenched teeth.. there he was, down on his knees, paddling about in Reevas blood in the hallway as a consequence of his murderous ways, trapped.

he had something upstairs to attend to , PDQ, and in private..

and it wasnt that he remembered his cocked and loaded gun laying about on the bathroom floor , either. . that was still there.... Oscar, the great gun lover, .. leaves a loaded armed and ready to fire gun on the bathroom floor..

its a wonder he didnt shoot his own prosthetics off when he was 'battling' as he says, to get Reeva out of the toilet cubicle.
even odder ... in a whole restaurant, a busy Friday lunch.. Oscar , mucking around under the table, manages to push the safety switch off, fire off a round,

and the entire restaurant goes silent..

no screams from oscar.. nothin from no one..

whe he fires his gun off in Darrins car.. any screams from Oscar?? hell no..

but on Feb 14th.. the idea is proposed that he screamed for long minutes, over and over again. sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman and sometimes , obviously, as both a man and a woman at the same time.

He also doesn't appear to go instantaneously deaf after firing a round in Tasha's restaurant or the car sunroof shooting.

No loss of hearing was noted, though other people posit it may have been hearing loss that caused him to not hear Steenkamp's screams from the first shoot.

Instead he either plans a coverup, talking to his friend to take the blame because of his image/publicity. Or as Taylor and Lerema said Pistorius laughed from shooting inside a car.

After shooting the gun in restaurant: "'Please take the blame for me - there's too much media hype around me'," Lerena quoted Pistorius as saying. "'Take the blame because this can be big.'"
I think the tweet has since been deleted but there's still talk about it if you dig deep enough on google. As for the screenshot of it, you have to make sure you have the page allowed if you have a script stopper on your browser and then it will show up. The tweet itself was apparently sent at 10:59pm on 13 Feb 13, if I'm reading it correctly.

Thanks, Val :thumb:

<doh>.. yeah, I got it now .. I just didn't scroll down far enough when I clicked on that link previously! <doh>
Haha Steve. Although, nope. Mrs Stipp thought she'd witnessed a light figure (Oscar) going from left to right. Not an intruder. Oscar. ;-) Then realised she'd included her husband's words/witness account.

Only person who ever mentions/claims intruder is OSCAR. Quelle surprise!

If Oscar had a Mystery Machine and was a member of the Scooby Doo gang, he'd claim it was the Mr McGraw, the janitor :p haha

I know. :smile:

I wasn't giving any weight to the similarities. Just tongue in cheek.

I do accept that her final statement is conveying what she thought at the time.

I'd probably not handle myself half as well as she did, if I were on the witness stand.
Don't know how the DT can make the arguing and screaming evidence go away, truly. I imagine roux bringing in 15-20 neighbors that slept though all of it, but that just means that they slept through all of it, that doesn't mean that those who awoke did not hear what they heard. Also, OP screaming like a girl and arguing with himself for all of that time, culminating in Reeva's death, is just not going to fly; I'm really amused that they would even try that!

I imagine Roux bringing in direct next door neighbours who were woken to gun shots, OP screaming for help and no arguments. Hence the reason we haven't yet heard from Stander or the other family whose lights were all on. The state would have used them if they were helpful to their own case.
Oscar's story is just too embellished.

What DID he go upstairs to do?

I'd also like him to recount everything he/Reeva/they did that night up until Reeva's life shockingly and unnecessarily ended. And I wouldn't accept "watched tv and movies" WHICH PROGRAMMES AND FILMS?


etc etc I want specifics
It's also bonker's to suggest that when oscar shouts "get out of my house, reeva call the police" that she wouldn't say anything back, in fact she had her phone with her so why didn't she call the police?, she would have at least had time to make the connection, at this stage Oscar is not even in the bathroom.

Careful... you're falling into the rabbit hole.
I had posted this awhile back and noone seemed to notice just what the tweet had said... bbm seriously??

I think there was a later statement from his agent denying he had said certain things. Hence also why he was not called by the state.
Has a fingerprint specialist been on the stand?

Watch case, wall being headboard, air rifle, baseball bat, cricket bat and handle, iPads, iPhones, bathroom window, toilet keys, bedroom keys/handle, duvet, outdoor jeans . .

Remember when some of those photos of Reeva's body came up on the court screens by accident? (I wasn't watching live at the particular point, and I don't think it was actually shown on the live streaming .. but I heard the report about it later) Well, I've got a theory that they actually show the occasional image 'by mistake' on purpose, and have body language experts there assessing his reaction to seeing them. I'm pretty sure I saw a photo of one of Reeva's ex's flash up on the screen while they were going through her What'sApp messages .. and I thought it most peculiar at the time, it was so quick and was flashed over, with nothing whatsoever being said, but I am sure that is what I saw (I need to go back and watch that entire part of the court case again to see if I can find it).

I hope they do do that, it's brilliant! As for possibly seeing the pic of RS's ex, do you recall if it was the jockey or the one that made that tweet?
Would having Gina Myers on the stand have helped the PT? Reeva seemed to be in most constant contact with Gina. Could she have shed light on how Reeva was latterly, her fears, worries, troubles, Oscar??

Calls, texts, massages, in person conversations they'd had?
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