Trial Discussion Thread #37 - 14.05.12 Day 30

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Anyone know why Nel is pursuing where the rack was when the defence have already said she was hit as she fell?

OP contends that the Magazine rack was moved from corner (left of toilet) to right behind where Reeva was sitting. Wolly is trying to align his evidence with the DT. If he gets Wolly to agree that the abrasion in Reeva's back was caused by the Magazine's inconsistent with OP's testimony that the Police 'moved' the Magazine Rack.
Anyone know why Nel is pursuing where the rack was when the defence have already said she was hit as she fell?

Possibly to show oscar was lying when he says that's not where the magazine rack was...
W has just said all his own crime scene photos were of no value?
Good morning from Bonnie Scotland where it's not so bonnie today :)

Woolie seems a bit more adversarial today.
oh dear. Nel. why didn't yu put it where it was??

Woll.. I didn't have time!!. ( his voice breaks. its pitiful , pitiful) . I didn't have the time.. I

Nel. still gentle but relentless.. but you didn't put it where it originally was. you had Capt mungeenas report. you could have taken the detail from that.

Woll. I don't have any other answer milady. ( he is closing down. not gonna deal with it) .

Nel. the other experiments you may have been involved with. you visitied 8th may ,with capt mungeena.

Woll. I just visited the crime scene, took a few photos.. the pics I took were of no value, all the exhibits were removed by then.

Nel. when did yu go back. ( sorry , 8th March, not may in previous sentence) ..

Woll on the 8th nov. I was requested by the accused to remove some articles.. I was there at the request of the family or the legal team.

Nel. re the fragments, 18th feb when you found the fragment.

Woll. yes, I found it about 10 11 at night. I gave it to a warrant officer at the magistrates court.

Nel. feb 18th, 8th march, Nov, around the 8th.

Woll. yes, we had the door back by them.

Nel. did you do any other sound test at the scene??
Woll. no. no. I didn't. not at the scene.....
N: It's really not a memory test....

He is going thru a load of dates were W went to the crime scene/conducted tests.
More stifled yawns from OP. Must have been out on the razzle last night methinks
W is really making me cross is the way he is evading this .. he quite clearly conceded to it (i.e. that she was sat on the magazine rack) last week and then, after and adjournment, he came back and stated the opposite and he is still sticking with that and it seems too obvious to me that he realised his mistake when he conceded to it and is now being v.cagey and just won't give his real opinion about it because it goes against the DT version.

Edit: oh hang on, I think it was that he admitted to the magazine rack being in the postion where OP said it wasn't .. apologies, I got that slightly wrong

I think Wollie has a very real memory problem. I don't think he is being evasive. Maybe that is why Roux put Dixon on the stand, hoping not to have to call Wollie.
W: I think I told a lie Milady....

That was actually sweet. Nel was asking about W being at OP's house for a sound test, and W has launched into a huge explanation involving Christian?? and him shouting thru doors, and is trying to clarify exactly how 'involved' he was (or wasn't) in the test.
I thought Nel started out by saying this would not take long??
W: Christian is an artisan I asked to assist me, as I have a bad back.
Frank was there (shortly before) March 3rd when tests were conducted at Oscar's house. He opened the door. ;)

-> If I heard correctly.
OP contends that the Magazine rack was moved from corner (left of toilet) to right behind where Reeva was sitting. Wolly is trying to align his evidence with the DT. If he gets Wolly to agree that the abrasion in Reeva's back was caused by the Magazine's inconsistent with OP's testimony that the Police 'moved' the Magazine Rack.

I don't think that is quite right .. the first bit is correct, but I don't think Nel is trying to get W to agree that the abrasion was caused by the magazine rack, I think he is trying to get him to agree the opposite, i.e. that it was not the cause of her back wound and that it was a bullet fragment which caused it. Nel doesn't want the magazine rack to have caused the back injury because that would place Reeva sitting on the floor and not on the magazine rack .. and I can't personally see how the magazine rack would've cause the back injury. W doesn't think it caused the back injury either, he has conceded to that because it's too smooth.
N: “No, it’s not that…I’m testing your reconstruction…In a reconstruction, why did you not give detail to the important aspect of the magazine rack?”

Woll: “Milady I don’t want to make excuses. I had only a couple of hours on the scene. With photo’s reconstruction, the crime scene, I might have come to the deduction…sorry, I don't have the right word...I might have considered it. That’s the word I was looking for.

So, my time was very limited. And it was given to me a couple of hourse, hanging the door, reconstructing the crime scene, reconstructing the bullets through the door. To be honest Milady it’s unfair to come and ask me a question like that. If I had a week to reconstruct a crime scene like that it would have been it would have been something else.”

What? They had a year? Wolmarens is making a weak excuse.

He seems to be admitting time played a factor in his result and if he had more time he would have had a different result. If you gave him another week would he say that the Steenkamp's position and magazine rack was exactly as Mangena’s report?!

This seems so inappropriate for an experienced trial expert.
now. Woll did a SORT of sound test. he had a constable with him. he shouted at him . Christian!! CHRISTIAN!!... he said he didn't hear me . .

yes this test was done at the crime scene.. also there were the people who hung the door. that's all I can remember!!.. and FRANK was there !!.. he opened the door for us.. this Christian is a friend of mine, I asked him to assist me.. it was done in the day. I don't put any attention to it. it had no results worth reporting.. no body asked me to do it, I just did it!!.. I was asked by the legal team to rehang the door... a door from the garage to inside, it was the same as the bathroom door.. ( toilet door I presume) ..

Nel. anything else?? any other doors, or shouts??

Woll.. I think Dixon did a sort of test..

Woll I cant remember, I been a couple of times back there, but I cant remember the dates.,.
N: Why did you go to the scene to do the test?

W: I was asked by the legal team to go there and rehang the door. I'm not an artisan, that's why I took Christian.

W says he's been back a couple of times but can't remember 'the dates or anything'.
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