Trial Discussion Thread #37 - 14.05.12 Day 30

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W does not think 'she collapsed straight down'.

Nel says Reeva falling was the reason B missed, she was falling.

W: Milady, I think that's a bit of speculation.
Sorry to ask a thicky question, do we know if the DT do intend to rest this week (Tuesday), do you think they accounted for the length of dear old Wollies testimony?
Nel seems to be going a little gently with Wollie. I think he realises he has a very poor memory and I genuinely think he has. Age has not been kind to him in that respect.I don't get the feeling Wollie is being intentionally obstructive.
I agree. Even at the pork chops comment, Nel simply said 'Well, it's impressive you remember that.'

I think Nel is content that Wollie isn't really helping the defence case very much. There's really no need to attack a witness who isn't damaging your case, imo.
Talking about bullet hole C now.

N: A hit in the hip, B missed, whatever wound was caused by C, must have been around 99 cms high?...and your measurement of D...around 99.4... that would place her not sitting flat on the floor...

W: If she was sitting, I would agree, but if she was falling...

And Judge steps in to try and clarify what W is saying.
W saying off the top of his head bullet holes around 199 cms .. even I can see they're not that high! .. turns out his added another 100 cms to all of his guesses .. :facepalm:
W says C and D would have missed her if she was sitting on the floor.
Nel just asked about Reeva 'sitting on her haunches'. W does not know that word and N had to translate into Afrikaans.

W agrees with whatever it was Nel asked. The haunches convo distracted me.
W agrees with the evidence that she wasn't sitting on the toilet.
Anyone know what held court up this morning? I logged in before 8am to a talk radio station only to find a general discussion. Completely threw me.
Nel is going very carefully thru each shot with Wolll. heights, where Reeva was. where Oscar was. the angle of shot. her angle, his angle. very slowly, like too old blokes in the pub talking about the footy..

Nel is dealing with IMprobabilites. reeva sitting on the floor ,( improbable ) reeva laying on the floor ( improbable). etc..

Masipa wants this clarified. lying, v sitting.

Nel. also. what we have is. what we know. with the injuries to the right hip. it would have been very difficult for her to sit.. Afrikaans word, I think it means , backside, a very lovely word , respectful, not slang. Nel translates.. for Masipa..

Nel. if she sat on the toilet itself. he would not have been able to hit her?

Woll agrees with this improbability too. not rational . ..

Nel. the only other item, was the magazine rack. it would have given Reeva height. doesn't it make sense that she was sitting, or had fallen on to the magazine rack ?

Woll. I don't see that because of the injuries she has received.. I don't understand the question.
Nel. if she fell back she cannot support her own body weight. but she is sitting on the magazine rack and leaning forward. a falling forward.. that gives her the necessary height for C and D ( shots ) .

Woll. I am not sure.
N: She wasn't sitting on her haunches and she wasn't on the toilet. The only other thing that would have given her height was the magazine rack. Does that make sense?

W: I don't think she could have sat with her hip injury....
Nel: The magazine rack is the only thing that could have given her height?
W: He agrees.
Nel: If she fell back, she cannot support her own body weight, but she's sitting on the magazine rack, leaning forward towards the door. That could give her the necessary height for C and D to hit her.
W: I'm not sure.
N: You were not able to link laser from C to E from that position?

W: AS far as I can remember I couldn't do it.
Nel: If laser shone through C, that would affect the angle of the others if you used that position?
W: Yes.
W: When you fire a gun there's recoil. You don't bring it back to exactly the same position. That's all I want to say.
Nel is moving the laser beam now. he says. if he moves them. it throws off the other angles.

Woll. if you fire a gun with recoil. you don't come back to the same position ,you see?

Nel. you're right, you're right.. yes. .

Nel.. the interesting aspect of your reconstruction of C.. is the magazine rack.

Woll. when I arrived at the crime scene, it wasn't where it is now. it was on that side, the books in it, the magazines , were put on one side..

Nel. did any one give you a version whre the magazine rack was??/

Woll. no. no one. no milady. I hadn't even received the photos.. . oh the 8th nov, or the 8 th may? I , could you. ( nel says. the 8th Nov ) . ok ok says nel. I might have.
W: When I first arrived the crime scene the mag rack was not where it is now (in recon).

He mentions magazines in blood again and Nel seems to cut that angle off quick?
Nel: Did anybody give you a version of the magazine rack?
W: If you're looking at the magazine rack, the books that were in the magazine rack were on blood and there was disturbance?
Nel: Did anybody give you a version of where the magazine rack was?
W: No.
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