Trial Discussion Thread #45 - 14.07.3, Day 36

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Snipped by me for the funny bit If you feel a flight response the adrenaline will make you run very fast. It actually helps you do superhuman things. I am...uhm, let's call it curvy, but I once jumped a six foot gate running away from a goat.

I am not sure if it was your intention, but that is the funniest thing I have read for ages,,,, laughing here….
Well, I know I'm the only one thinking this, but I think this doctor is quite helpful for the defense and he's tying a lot of things together and explaining OP's condition and the ways his disability affects his reactions

No, it doesn't!

I have known plenty of gun happy paranoid people who grab their gun at the first sign of any trouble. And they are not disabled. They are just a-holes. Does it occur to you that OP might possibly fit into this category?
Oldwage asks prof 'any comment' on OP being 'reported' to fly up to 100 times a year.

D: I had to consult with Mr P on several occasions when we flew, he has a specific fear on being trapped and unable to move.
:banghead:For crying out loud!! When are these two windbags going to wind this up?
Well, I know I'm the only one thinking this, but I think this doctor is quite helpful for the defense and he's tying a lot of things together and explaining OP's condition and the ways his disability affects his reactions
I agree. If the judge believes Oscar's intruder version then this is very strong and compelling testimony.
He doesn't mind trapping himself in a cupboard though.
O: Score of 61 on AAX indicates Mr P does not suffer from clinical anxiety.....71 on....any comment those two paras?'s at the borderline. If that one had been 71 and not 70, he would have been diagnosed....
Two and a half hours into a least favourite, pedantic professor as he gives his life's work lecture. The lecture is flawed as it's dated and he's enthusiastically gone beyond the rational.

You're stuck because you lost a drinking game and you have to stay with all your friends recorders, suffering alone.

(personal flashback - i.e bored)

I was thinking of Trivial Pursuit - which might be more relevant to this witness. You go out early and have to sit there whilst your mates carry on playing for hours, as you sit & listen to people spout garbage….
Nel should have objected to that, I think. 'Would have been diagnosed IF...'
So someone fires a gun in a TV show, OP was asleep, wakes up and runs to another room!!!!!

Yeah, and then he fired four bullets through the bathroom door. Why did he leave out that important detail? And it is a good thing no one was using the bathroom at the time :facepalm:

Am I really listening to this guy? Is this just a dream, a nightmare? WTF is going on? :scared:
No, it doesn't!

I have known plenty of gun happy paranoid people who grab their gun at the first sign of any trouble. And they are not disabled. They are just a-holes. Does it occur to you that OP might possibly fit into this category?

Yes, and is it not obvious to some that one of the 'many, many, many' things going through OP's mind at the time he shot Reeva was 'yay, I'll be able to get off this coz I can use my disability'. :facepalm:
I agree. If the judge believes Oscar's intruder version then this is very strong and compelling testimony.

Look at Judge Greenland on You Tube on yesterday morning's testimony. This is all irrelevant.
I've posted the link right near beginning of this thread.
Nel should have objected to that, I think. 'Would have been diagnosed IF...'

He can dismiss that in cross examination with one question….

'Your observation is after the 14th February 2013, am I right?'
So Oldwage is reading out portions of the psychological evaluation?
He doesn't mind trapping himself in a cupboard though.

Or locking himself into his bedroom but leaving his patio doors and possibly his bathroom window wide open as he sleeps, so noone could get in to help him if there really were intruders.
I mentioned several pages back they are coming home with a strong run. Yes there is babble but there are some gems of logic in there connecting the dots

But it also flies in the face of much of what we know about OP. This doctor talks about social phobias, fear of going out at night, being left out because cannot walk far, worries about relationships and intimacy, ....and yet OP is a known partier, routinely attending many social functions, having quite an active social life and active love life.
So, this 'professor' has 'diagnosed' generalised agoraphobia in OP (just generally, not after the shooting, but before as well) .. and yet only a minute or so ago he was saying about how OP would take up to 100 flights a year :facepalm:
But it also flies in the face of much of what we know about OP. This doctor talks about social phobias, fear of going out at night, being left out because cannot walk far, worries about relationships and intimacy, ....and yet OP is a known partier, routinely attending many social functions, having quite an active social life and active love life.

And speeding cars, boats - with witnesses saying he HAD been drinking when he had the boat accident.
I wonder if the Professor has a logical reason as to how the gun went off in the restaurant without OP's finger being on the trigger?
O just read a quote from somewhere ( I was interrupted) that OP's biggest dream of being able to compete against able bodied people may be an attempt to give psychological credence to his mother's treating him as a 'normal' person.

Or something like that.
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