Trial Discussion Thread #48

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Reeva was handed over at 11am.... Lock Smith arrived respect

Still does not explain why a locksmith would be needed to crack the kitchen safe.

Still does not explain why none of this was mentioned at Trial by Lt Colonel Van Rensburg or warrant officer Bennie Van Staden.

The only safe mentioned at Trial was the bedroom safe IIRC
David Smith ✔ @SmithInAfrica

Botha: We asked to have the safes open. There was a specific safe in the kitchen but no key, so they brought a locksmith to open it.
That's news to me !!

Why would a locksmith be needed to open the kitchen safe ??… OP was present in the house with Carl and Oldwage… why not simply give them the combination ?

Police photographer was also on the scene… why have we NOT seen photos of that safe… also no testimony, nothing about that alleged kitchen safe ??

I seriously doubt that police investigators would allow Carl and a locksmith to crack a safe in OP's house (crime scene), about 1 hour after OP shot and killed Reeva, remove documents and a memory stick without documenting what was in the safe and what was being removed from the safe.

Also, the article you referred to was published on 20 February… so most likely the reporter got it really wrong about the safe.

The following is taken from tweets at the Bail Hearing.

10:27 - Botha: "Pistorius had an unlicensed .38mm pistol in a safe in his bedroom. He had a license for the 9mm pistol used in the shooting."

10:26 - Pistorius has begun to cry again after details of Reeva's gunshot wounds are presented.

10:25 - Botha: I was present during [the] post-mortem. Three entrance wounds: right side of head (ear), right elbow (broke arm), hip.

10:25 - Botha says he obtained statements from security guards and neighbours and attended the postmortem of the deceased.

10:24 - Botha: "....if he managed to leave the country, we might struggle to get him back [through extradition]."

10:23 - Nel asks about extradition. Botha: "Difficult. We don't want another Dewani to happen. We're still waiting to get him back in the country."

10:22 - Botha: "[Pistorius]'s lawyer came to the house with a locksmith to open a safe in the kitchen. It had a USB stick with details of offshore accounts."

10:22 - Botha: We asked to have the safes open. There was a specific safe in the kitchen but no key, so they brought a locksmith to open it.

10:21 Botha: "We know that he has offshore accounts and a property in Italy. We know this because we went through his safes."

BB1 I think pistol is incorrect. It was the ammunition that he held illegally UNLESS we have not been told everything LOL!

Still does not explain why a locksmith would be needed to crack the kitchen safe.

Still does not explain why none of this was mentioned at Trial by Lt Colonel Van Rensburg or warrant officer Bennie Van Staden.

The only safe mentioned at Trial was the bedroom safe IIRC

There was definitely mention of both safes during the trial because I remember posting about them. I was wondering why the safe with the 'dad's' ammo was in the bedroom and OP stated something along the lines of 'everybody' having access to that safe. At the time I found it weird because if you were giving everyone access to one of your safes, you'd have that one on the ground floor to save 'everyone' being able to traipse through your bedroom to get to it.
The following is taken from tweets at the Bail Hearing.

10:27 - Botha: "Pistorius had an unlicensed .38mm pistol in a safe in his bedroom. He had a license for the 9mm pistol used in the shooting."

10:26 - Pistorius has begun to cry again after details of Reeva's gunshot wounds are presented.

10:25 - Botha: I was present during [the] post-mortem. Three entrance wounds: right side of head (ear), right elbow (broke arm), hip.

10:25 - Botha says he obtained statements from security guards and neighbours and attended the postmortem of the deceased.

10:24 - Botha: "....if he managed to leave the country, we might struggle to get him back [through extradition]."

10:23 - Nel asks about extradition. Botha: "Difficult. We don't want another Dewani to happen. We're still waiting to get him back in the country."

10:22 - Botha: "[Pistorius]'s lawyer came to the house with a locksmith to open a safe in the kitchen. It had a USB stick with details of offshore accounts."

10:22 - Botha: We asked to have the safes open. There was a specific safe in the kitchen but no key, so they brought a locksmith to open it.

10:21 Botha: "We know that he has offshore accounts and a property in Italy. We know this because we went through his safes."

BB1 I think pistol is incorrect. It was the ammunition that he held illegally UNLESS we have not been told everything LOL!


Still puzzled why none of this was mentioned at Trial, or photographed like the bedroom safe was… or have I missed something ?

"Botha: We asked to have the safes open."… plural… but the bedroom safe was opened on 16 February NOT 14 February ?????
There was definitely mention of both safes during the trial because I remember posting about them. I was wondering why the safe with the 'dad's' ammo was in the bedroom and OP stated something along the lines of 'everybody' having access to that safe. At the time I found it weird because if you were giving everyone access to one of your safes, you'd have that one on the ground floor to save 'everyone' being able to traipse through your bedroom to get to it.


BiB… must I missed that bit… If anyone has a video trial reference handy would appreciate it.

BiB… must I missed that bit… If anyone has a video trial reference handy would appreciate it.

I tried searching through my posting history to get a rough idea of what date's testimony I was watching but it appears you can't go too far back into your own posting history on websleuths (or maybe it was when they changed over servers?)
I tried searching through my posting history to get a rough idea of what date's testimony I was watching but it appears you can't go too far back into your own posting history on websleuths (or maybe it was when they changed over servers?)

Do you remember who mentioned the kitchen safe at Trial ?
Do you remember who mentioned the kitchen safe at Trial ?

Sorry AJ, Quite a few of the names were a bit confusing at the time. It's only as the trial went on and I was watching re-runs that I got to grip with a few more names. I'm pretty sure it was before OP's testimony so that must mean it was one of the state's witnesses.

BiB… must I missed that bit… If anyone has a video trial reference handy would appreciate it.

According to that blog link I posted, it was on Day 11, March 17/14 with Van Staden under direct. I don't recall if it was mentioned by anyone else on the PT but I seem to recall it being mentioned again by either or perhaps even both OP and CS. Sorry no links offhand but youtube should have the trial by date and I know Rens was first that day but quite brief so not sure which session the safes would have been mentioned in.
Karyn Maughan
Limpopo police: both Carl Pistorius and the driver of the Hyundai who collided with him had to be cut out of their cars. @eNCAnews
You DON’T call security.
You DON’T call police.
You DON’T call Netcare.

You call your buddy*.

There’s one reason and one reason only.

You want to make damn sure your girlfriend does not survive.

Oh, and to move a few things around, set the scene and dream up your “story”.

* The same buddy who helped you skate out of that 2009 domestic dispute with the girl and door**.

** OP seems to have a severe problem with women and doors.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with black and white dogs - though when the camera's in my hands, they can take on a kind of nightmarish quality........

Yikes zwie !! Is the caption for that photo this!? "The Last Thing the Intruder saw."

It’s perhaps one thing for ONE neighbor to testify to hearing screams, arguing, shots (and even then, just one very strong witness can potentially make or break a case).

It’s quite another for FIVE credible, well-regarded witnesses to essentially say the same thing.

Are they all lying?

Did they all meet for coffee to collude on their evidence - in some bizarre scheme to take down Oscar Pistorius?

If all these witnesses are lying, what in the world would they have to gain from it? Certainly not fame (or fortune) - NONE of them allowed themselves to be videotaped.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but all of them gave their initial police statements before they even knew about OP’s bail application “story”.

While Roux made the bold, brazen claim, defense NEVER proved that OP screams like a woman. (Having two female witnesses scream on the stand does NOT count. Omgwtf? Why didn’t Roux have his client scream?! We know why and so does he.)

Neither did defense prove that all five witnesses were lying.

With no real evidentiary challenge from the defense on this crucial point, the State’s evidence of FIVE witnesses hearing a woman screaming for her life must stand as fact.

Given OP’s “version”, this alone could and should send him to prison.
hi all, new member/long-time lurker/first post. Have found myself weirdly captivated by this trial, and have been reading all your insights with interest.

Sorry if this is emphatically O/T given current discussion - been waiting to post for a while and hope it's ok to do so here! There are things that have bothered me about some of the testimony from the DT's witnesses. Having observed how sharp you lot are I wouldn't be surprised to find you'd already picked up on these things in previous threads - and if so I apologise for the repetition (I tried searching but am obviously doing something wrong as it says I don't have access), but I'd like to get other's thoughts...

The first thing is something Carice Stander said during her testimony. Obviously, I sensed a palpable OP-biased agenda with both Standers throughout their evidence. But there's stuff I thought Nel would have picked up on and didn't - although maybe I'm missing something.

Anyway the first thing that leapt out was when CS is describing that night and her reactions to hearing the commotion from OP's place. She said she thought:

'Oh my gosh, I don't know where this is coming from and I don't know what to do [...] it sounded to me to be a man's voice, a man shouting, which means there must be terrible trouble because where's the lady?'

Given that she didn't hear a female voice, or know at this point that the sounds originated from OP's house (or, presumably, that RS was staying at OP's that night), the inference that there was 'a lady' involved in whatever was going on seems slightly odd to me?
There was definitely mention of both safes during the trial because I remember posting about them. I was wondering why the safe with the 'dad's' ammo was in the bedroom and OP stated something along the lines of 'everybody' having access to that safe. At the time I found it weird because if you were giving everyone access to one of your safes, you'd have that one on the ground floor to save 'everyone' being able to traipse through your bedroom to get to it.

I recently listened to the testimony of the two safes and also found it strange that OP testified the safe in the bedroom was used for many and the safe downstairs was his.

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