Trial Discussion Thread #58 - 14.17.10, Day 47 ~ sentencing~

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Judge Greenland:
#oscartrail199 #OscarPistorius Roux's claim that OP is a victim coz of some people's views and media exposure is highly objectionable

Rebecca Davis (from the Daily Maverick)
I cannot believe that Roux has been banging on about the media again. WERE WE SUPPOSED TO PRETEND OSCAR DID NOT KILL HIS GIRLFRIEND?

D. Dadic:
A lot of unfair trial being made here. Wonder if it will have some future relevance.
Roux reading from a doctor's report? Didn't catch the name. Someone who gave evidence in trial? Basically saying OP's punishment began as soon as he committed the crime.

Lost my feed. :(
This is exploiting the parents of the victim for his own benefit, pure & simple
I've just realised, Roux is the one controlling how today will go and can easily bite into Nel having to cut short his arguments.
From a laypersons point of view (please excuse my ignorance in these matters). Can OP sue the state for wrongful accusation of premeditated murder, consequently loosing sponsors, real estate and lively hood. I get the feeling that since he has been charged with CH - he is feeling cocky. What avenue would he have to recoup money? Can he sue the media?

I'm pretty sure he can't sue the State - every acquitted accused would be suing if that was possible.

And even if he could, he wouldn't. All the evidence (and any new stuff) would be rehashed again in a civil court which has a lower standard than the criminal.

Remember OJ? Not guilty in criminal court, guilty in civil court.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about his vulnerability. What about the vulnerability of society when they're exposed to him? You're not even safe going to a restaurant when he's around.
Roux going through OP's emotions and anxiousness; 'What this has done to him'.

R: 'Dr Foster also testified how individuals who are anxious...have to have control of their environment...when you take this person and put them in jail, it's not conducive to helping them cope with their anxiety...'
Karyn Maughan @karynmaughan

Roux reveals that Pistorius still owes money for his legal fees - but chose to sell his car to support Reeva parents

How can we test if that's true fps?
Nel should ask for proof of that, otherwise it shouldn't be taken into account.

Roux also asked Kim if she was aware that OP had written to her family after the killing, but had been advised not to send the letters. If I remember correctly, OP said during testimony that he had wanted to write to them, but couldn't find the words??? Weren't the words already on the letter he was advised not to send? Where's the proof of this letter?
R:....he said he should continue to receive clinical care....if he did not, it increases thee risk of suicide...
I have a big problem with Roux talking about the trial and charges already being a moral punishment. OP totally denied responsibility for culp hom, and was the one found to have lied to and deceived the court on the fundamental aspect of why he fired the shots and what his intentions were. To turn around and talk about unreliable evidence hurting him seems incredible.

Roux says OP accepts the judgment, and Roux says his own view is that culp hom was always correct. That means OP accepts he lied, that he wasted the court's time and honour by denying responsibility, and that it was OP who instructed Roux to deny culp hom against advice.

About the media reports - I'm sure OP said to Nel he never looked at them, so how could they have hurt him?

Roux does a great job of final arguments. But the substance is nonsense. It is intellectually dishonest to compare OP to an honest witness who confided in the court and who admitted culpable homcide and recognised his crime.
Roux continually talks about the money Pistorius allegedly gave Steenkamps - which actually seemed to make them "neutral" and perhaps 'non-vengeful' in this trial.

He's basically trying to use their acceptance and welcome of some pittance amount of Pistorius cash as part and parcel of the judicial punishment.

And it actually could be seen part of "restorative justice" - as a piece of the 'triad of Zinn'.

Manipulative and depressingly calculated. He's damned them by accepting and welcoming cash that under SA law could possibly be seen as part of 'justice'.

Aftrewards he uses their recent monetary non-acceptance to show how charitable his client is to let them have the amount given, irregardless. Roux suggests the Steenkamp family could give it to 'charity' as Pistoirus has "lost everything...given everything he has..."
R:..when we see disability, we don't realise the full impact...I'm not going into details, but it's all there milady, in the report (that Roux is reading from)
R: Yesterday, M said a normal jail wasn't suitable for OP. I accept what he said.
Nel should ask for proof of that, otherwise it shouldn't be taken into account.

Roux also asked Kim if she was aware that OP had written to her family after the killing, but had been advised not to send the letters. If I remember correctly, OP said during testimony that he had wanted to write to them, but couldn't find the words??? Weren't the words already on the letter he was advised not to send? Where's the proof of this letter?

That's a good point actually. Roux said OP had written pages and pages of letters to the Steenkamps so where are these letters?
My husband has a t-shirt that has "Me....Me....Me" on the front of it, I must post it off to Oscar
oh cry me a roux is concerned about the hospital section with people who are ailing
My Lady, learned assessors ... he's never referred to the assessors before, but he's raising their status now in his subtle way and wants specifically to include them. And so he should, they're part of the Gang of 3 that has brought so much embarrassment and disgrace to South Africa. It was supposed to be a show trial. And so it was. A comedy show on the world stage.
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