Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

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What would be the point? The would likely be wrong, or shown to have been altered.

Stop, you're giving me Arias flashbacks! :please:

Actually, that was one of the questions I have, did they ever check the memory sticks from the cell phones(all five of them.... oh and of course the ipad) for pics that may lend credence to either theory?
Doesn't look like the kind of thing that happens when you grow out a dye job. And Oscar was never blonde, was he? It does look like some sort of minor medical thing.

Hair dye only works for a couple of days as the hair strands are unable to hold the color. My daughter is jet black so relies on hair color & when all else fails black texta
But what if they had long cables and were plugged into sockets in the bedroom, while out on the balcony? So he just pulled them in, still plugged in to the sockets inside.

But then, why unplug one?

I have never seen a fan with a cable that long, but i live in England so we rarely need fans, lol.
I don't think there is grounds for dismissing charges - a woman's been shot to death and OP admits doing it. It's just a debate over if he meant to kill her or not really.

The scream testimony is most important, imo. And OP's failure to summon emergency help and telling people 'everything is fine'.
I have seen the police denigrated because they missed the bullet in the toilet bowl, but as seen from today's photos, the toilet bowl was full of blood and looks like it was easy to miss seeing a bullet in there.


Roux: "I put it to you, if you had flushed the toilet immediately upon arrival, you'd have seen the bullet"

or, had the cops flushed the toilet,

Roux: "I put it to you that you flushed the toilet without photographing its original state"

(The above is a joke).
For sure Roux is desperate to get Botha up there and tear him to shred's, the way things are currently going i don't think he ever needs to do that to be honest.
Yes he is certainly hinting at scenario (2), i don't personally believe that's what happened, i just think the whole episode was handled by total buffons.

I am certain that the prosecution has no intention of producing Hilton Botha as a witness for the State under any circumstances.If Roux wishes he can force him to appear as a hostile witness for the defense.
I have never seen a fan with a cable that long, but i live in England so we rarely need fans, lol.

Dehumidifiers were my thing in England - lots of them!

Any SA residents know if outdoor sockets are unusually installed on balconies?

Extension leads are a possibility too, but I think that kind of untideness would have offended OP's sensibilities - his home seemed rather neat and tidy.
I don't think there is grounds for dismissing charges - a woman's been shot to death and OP admits doing it. It's just a debate over if he meant to kill her or not really.

The scream testimony is most important, imo. And OP's failure to summon emergency help and telling people 'everything is fine'.

Thanks to Everyone for all the updates.Far behind today.Two year old Grandson slept overnight.:loveyou:
I am certain that the prosecution has not intention of producing Hilton Botha as a witness for the State under any circumstances.If Roux wishes he can force him to appear as a hostile witness for the defense.

That is exactly what I expect Roux to do. But the State has first claim on him I guess.

Originally, I suspected that OP could have bribed Botha with cash secretly (or his brother did it on his behalf) so that he would make the so-called mistakes that he did.
here we go. from long winded answers to long winded questions..

Roux up to x-examine VON

You kill me! The sun hasn't come up here yet and I'm sitting here in the dark by myself cackling away. This just struck me funny.
2 things we learned..

Oscar does have air conditioning, but it was broke......= fans.. ( so was the Jacuzzi, but I digress )

the dogs were there that night... arrangements were made by the police, to feed them and have them looked after by the gardener.. he was not allowed in the premises, but for the time being he was the chosen one to feed and water them..

so that's nice.. I was worried about the dogs..
Quick screenshot of bathroom and toilet window from the outside of house taken Feb 14 2013. A dog is also seen.

bathroom window.jpg
Dehumidifiers were my thing in England - lots of them!

Any SA residents know if outdoor sockets are unusually installed on balconies?

Extension leads are a possibility too, but I think that kind of untideness would have offended OP's sensibilities - his home seemed rather neat and tidy.

IMO extension chords are dangerous especially for a guy like Pistorius.

Tonight we learnt that OP does have air conditioning but it was broken so Roux said. Couldn't OP afford to have it fixed?

Also about the ladders. Von said there were about four or five ladders lying on the ground under the balcony side. IMO that is very telling but I did not see a photo of them. Were the ladders long enough to reach the bathroom window? Someone said that they were not a while ago.

Who do you think the next witness will, be?

I hope it is ballistics.
I have seen the police denigrated because they missed the bullet in the toilet bowl, but as seen from today's photos, the toilet bowl was full of blood and looks like it was easy to miss seeing a bullet in there.

Roux: "I put it to you, if you had flushed the toilet immediately upon arrival, you'd have seen the bullet"

or, had the cops flushed the toilet,

Roux: "I put it to you that you flushed the toilet without photographing its original state"

(The above is a joke).

Very true, but he conceded that he found a forensic tech picking up the cocked gun from the bathroom floor with his bare heads.The murder weapon
compromised is such a manner by the police is the height of incompetence.
The blood splash on the toilet bowl - it came from Reeva's hip, arm or head wound, I guess.

The hip bullet did not exit through her buttock I believe, so it is hard to see how it came from that wound while she was sitting on the toilet. It doesn't look like a blast/splatter pattern anyhow, it looks like blood falling down upon it.

So from her head or arm? With the pool of blood on the floor below it, it suggests to me thaat Reeva was on the floor, already bleeding from a hip and/or arm wound, with her head and/or arm resting on or near the bowl, when she was shot in the head/arm or both.

If that makes any sense. I am keen to hear the blood spatter expert because I think there is important info there, despite the contamination.
Does anyone know why OP's sis was allowed to remove a watch from the house?
Very true, but he conceded that he found a forensic tech picking up the cocked gun from the bathroom floor with his bare heads.The murder weapon
compromised is such a manner by the police is the height of incompetence.

that cocked loaded and ready to fire gun!!.. wasn't Oscar LUCKY he didn't step on the trigger when carrying Reeva's dead body out of the bathroom!!

then we would NEVER know what happened..

(not that we ever will know the crucial details re Oscar and Reeva.. one 's dead, the other will maintain the image to the grave. )
White patches usually indicate that the person has suffered from total hair loss due to alopecia, which is often caused by stress. When the hair regrows it commonly is a different colour and often grey/white.

My brother has the exact same type of patch, in the same area as OP...anyway, he's had it since his first hair grew in. It's some kind of pigmentation "flaw". Funnily enough, he married a girl with the exact same thing and in the same place. Just sayin'.
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