You may well be right, I don't know when the photo was taken, what tests had been done before he touched it, but he clearly understands procedure, he was angered by the forensic guy touching the gun without gloves and told him to put his gloves on, which indicates Van Rensburg has correct procedure in mind. He was at the house for on Feb 14, 15, 16 and 17th.
It does not take rocket science to figure out after seeing the bullet holes in the door for the first time two days ago in court that the four bullets holes in the door are pointing straight forward into the door and not angling downwards as claimed by Botha in his testimony at the BH to substantiate his theory that OP was wearing his prosthetics when he fired the shots. Why did Rensburg not overrule his subordinate Botha and save the SA police from this unwarranted disaster.
Sure, he informed OP that he is a suspect, read him his rights but he has not testified so far if OP informed him that he had engaged the services of an attorney. As a competent Commander it was his duty to probe further during preliminary investigation, interrogated him and asked him though questions right away.
Did VR ask OP to surrender the phone he used to communicate with anybody after the shooting?
Did VR take position of the gun and asked OP whether there were any more weapons and bullets located in the home?
Did he ask OP if he called the police?
Did he ask OP what prevented him from calling the Police that was his legal and moral duty, because he had all the time in the world to call up his friends, relatives and immediately engaged the services of an attorney. This should have been the biggest red flag in VRs mind a senior cop with 25 years experience regarding OPs intruder theory.
Did he ask OP if he had Informed Reevas family about her accidental death and if not, Why?
Did VR ask OP how many bullets did he fire, and why there are four holes in the door?
Did VR ask OP why did he not hear Reeva screaming out in pain?
Did VR ask OP why his hands and face were clean of blood unlike the rest of his body?
Did VR ask OP who gave him the permission to wash his hands and face?
Did VR ask OP who gave him the permission to break open the toilet door and remove Reevas body? The possibility of her having survived four bullets in such a confined area was ruled out,as OP claimed she never responded, this should have made VR most suspicious that OP had deliberately disturbed the crime scene with ulterior motives.
Did VR ask OP ifhe had any medical training?
Did VR ask OP if any person known to him had visited the crime scene?
Did VR ask OP for the origin of the white blankets and black garbage bags that were used to bandage Reevas wounds? This question is critical because Clarice Stander brought the towels from the clothes cabinets located in the corridor leading to the Crime scene. Who authorized this lawyer to enter the crime scene? In court Roux is picking holes in VRs statement that only he and Botha from the police toured the crime scene together, by referring to statements given by other policemen.
If OP would have refused to cooperate on the advice of his attorney, VR should have arrested him in the kitchen itself, and not wait for his subordinate HB to order him to make the arrest in the garage.
The answers to the above questions overwhelmingly proves, that VR did not understand and follow elementary procedures, that had to be strictly followed at any homicide crime scene, he willfully disregarded the reputation and celebrity status of his suspect treated him with kid gloves to his own peril that eventually forced him to resign from the police force in disgrace.