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"Prior says jury will hear testimony that Lori's third marriage to Joseph Ryan was tumultuous."
Umm...OK? And?
Is Joe Ryan’s sister attending the trial?
I don't know if Annie will be there every day, most days, or any at all but I think she has been accepted for a victim impact statement (representing Tylee).
Judge Ashley on CTV explained not too long ago that Webex is handling the feed in the courtroom. I will be seriously disappointed if they cannot get this audio cleared up some. Not sure I even want to watch it if this is as good as it gets.
As I am thinking about this more, I just find it so sad that there was nobody in either Chad or Lori's life that thought what they were doing and saying was off. If anyone told me that they had visions of their spouse dying or if they started rating people on a dark and light scale or talking about zombies taking over someone, I'd like to think I'd say something.. do something.. I mean I just do not understand how everyone seemed to be under some spell.

I have heard people say they feel evil spirits, they feel down or fearful.. maybe they worry for their own safety, have anxiety about flying or driving, etc. I think that would be fairly normal to hear someone say they just feel a sense of doom or something.. I assume depression or anxiety cause people to feel like something bad might happen to them or a loved one. This is so far off from that and I just can't believe nobody was concerned for Tammy or at least telling Lori and/or Chad they are full of it. Seems many in their lives just fueled this path they were on. I am not saying others are responsible for what ultimately happened, but where are their friends and family to stand up and say you need help.
With Chad specifically, the only thing he told his family/the public at meetings was his doomsday prophesies, and most of his family shrugged, shook their heads, and made secret circles around their ears: 'loopy'. A lot of people are into that.

The predictions about Tammy dying, light and dark, zombies, was kept secret from most people. He only stated those things to the true believers in his ability to receive visions of the future, etc.

If you are interested, there are many interviews on Hidden True crime youtube (an approved source), such as with his brother's wife. She felt strongly about his doomsday predictions, but had no idea about how far it all went.

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Judge Ashley on CTV explained not too long ago that Webex is handling the feed in the courtroom. I will be seriously disappointed if they cannot get this audio cleared up some. Not sure I even want to watch it if this is as good as it gets.

Agreed. Hugely disappointing in comparison to the Murdaugh trial, where we literally felt like we were there. I feel completely cheated.
I was encouraged that selecting a jury seemed to go rather quickly and hoped perhaps the 10 week estimate might have been longer than they would actually need…until today. It started with both opening statements being much shorter than I would have guessed but then seems to have slowed to a snail’s pace. I’m not sure they really considered the time that would be lost with sidebars and JP’s objections, and scheduling issues - no court yesterday and none on Friday. First day of testimony will conclude shortly with the first witness still under direct examination. I know it seems tedious to me right now because it is the same info from LVD’s trial and that they have to go thru it all for this jury, but between the repetition and the quality of the audio/video and all things JP, I think I’d almost rather follow by tweet like we had to in LVD’s trial.
The picture feeding to my tv is fairly good, just a bit blurry. Audio is fine. I really do not like the courtroom arrangement. Kinda like I got cheap seat tickets to a concert. Cameras are placed too far away and one can’t see facial expressions, etc. I prefer a setup like the Crumbley trial where one could see Jennifer giving quick side eyes to her husband and her crazy lawyer making faces.
The picture feeding to my tv is fairly good, just a bit blurry. Audio is fine. I really do not like the courtroom arrangement. Kinda like I got cheap seat tickets to a concert. Cameras are placed too far away and one can’t see facial expressions, etc. I prefer a setup like the Crumbley trial where one could see Jennifer giving quick side eyes to her husband and her crazy lawyer making faces.
My sound is a bit better on the TV than on my iPad but I pull up the video on YouTube so I can zoom in - get a bit more blur but can see CD or the witness a bit better - not much help for the things they put on the screen though - too blurry to read any docs or see the pics very well.
Yeah, Prior isn't off to a great start, is he. Tries to tell the jury to focus on the 'facts' of the case, then immediately starts building his defense on Chad's ability to have 'premonitions', 'hunches', and predict the future. :rolleyes:

So it's the debut of the Some Other Prophet Did It defence, I guess. Had to happen sometime.

Poor Chad. Of all the gin joints in all the world. Out there selling his end of times tomes, with not a care in the world beyond family and faith, and then The Goddess has to sashay in behind the book stall.

And the rest, as they say, was nought to do with him.
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So it's the debut of the Some Other Prophet Did It defence, I guess. Had to happen sometime.

Poor Chad. Of all the gin joints in all the world. Out there selling his end of times tomes, with not a care in the world beyond family and faith, and then The Goddess has to sashay in behind the book stall.

And the rest, as they say, was naught to do with him.
You have me doubled over laughing my @$$ off!
And he is SO visionary that despite having an affair and all his BS behavior, but his wife suspiciously ends up dead of her own fault b/c she won't go to the dr and uses natural supplements. Sure CD, sure.
I want to hear what happened the night Tammy died. Was one of Tammy's son's sleeping in that same house? How far from Tammy's bedroom was he? Did he hear anything? I can't imagine Tammy died quietly if she was restrained and asphyxiated. If the son was there and didn't hear anything, maybe she wasn't murdered. What was the red foam around her mouth? What were the result of the tox screens after she was exhumed? I will be interested in the prosecutions reconstruction of her death.

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I want to here what happened the night Tammy died. Was one of Tammy's son's sleeping in that same house? How far from Tammy's bedroom was he? Did he hear anything? I can't imagine Tammy died quietly if she was restrained and asphyxiated. If the son was there and didn't hear anything, maybe she wasn't murdered. What was the red foam around her mouth? What were the result of the tox screens after she was exhumed? I will be interested in the prosecutions reconstruction of her death.

What I have wondered is if this is the same son that Chad called home from college early and told him he needed to move home because of the bad spirits at the college. The son did so. If he is the same one who was living at home, did Chad convince him his mother had turned dark and needed to die to release her soul? Would the son buy into that belief? I have wondered thst a long time. I believe the son plans to testify for the defense.
What I have wondered is if this is the same son that Chad called home from college early and told him he needed to move home because of the bad spirits at the college. The son did so. If he is the same one who was living at home, did Chad convince him his mother had turned dark and needed to die to release her soul? Would the son buy into that belief? I have wondered thst a long time. I believe the son plans to testify for the defense.

IMO, there is NO WAY a good son would buy into the murder of his own mother, for any reason, and then lie about it to protect the murderer.
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With Chad specifically, the only thing he told his family/the public at meetings was his doomsday prophesies, and most of his family shrugged, shook their heads, and made secret circles around their ears: 'loopy'. A lot of people are into that.

The predictions about Tammy dying, light and dark, zombies, was kept secret from most people. He only stated those things to the true believers in his ability to receive visions of the future, etc.

If you are interested, there are many interviews on Hidden True crime youtube (an approved source), such as with his brother's wife. She felt strongly about his doomsday predictions, but had no idea about how far it all went.

Thank you! I'll check out the Hidden True Crime's YouTube channel!
What I have wondered is if this is the same son that Chad called home from college early and told him he needed to move home because of the bad spirits at the college. The son did so. If he is the same one who was living at home, did Chad convince him his mother had turned dark and needed to die to release her soul? Would the son buy into that belief? I have wondered thst a long time. I believe the son plans to testify for the defense.
I seriously think Chad's pulled the wool over his kids' eyes and they think he really is innocent. I don't think they would testify in his defense if they didn't believe that.

That makes me sorry for them, and it makes them very unpopular, but if they truly believe it, you can't blame them.

I think that's what years of cult inundation can do. But, a person can only believe what they believe. I'm so sorry for his kids. I'm so sorry for everyone that evil ugly slug has damaged.
So it's the debut of the Some Other Prophet Did It defence, I guess. Had to happen sometime.

Poor Chad. Of all the gin joints in all the world. Out there selling his end of times tomes, with not a care in the world beyond family and faith, and then The Goddess has to sashay in behind the book stall.

And the rest, as they say, was nought to do with him.
I had to laugh reading this one because there is a distillery in my town named "End of Days".
Yeah, Prior isn't off to a great start, is he. Tries to tell the jury to focus on the 'facts' of the case, then immediately starts building his defense on Chad's ability to have 'premonitions', 'hunches', and predict the future. :rolleyes:
Consider LDS culture, in which a certain amount of visionary experience is not considered odd. How many jury members are Church members; do we know?
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