Trial - Ross Harris #2

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Well, hate to say this, but I'm not going to be convinced of that unless someone local (hint, Peach) says the drive from CFA parking lot to the Treehouse parking lot can be driven in one minute. Even then it would mean RH put Cooper in his seat and got right back on his phone...leaving less than one minute for the drive if he wasn't texting as he drove.

Does someone else have easier access to the CFA texts (I'm on my phone). It would be interesting to see the time between the last and second to last text sent.

(And, if RH told his DT he wasn't texting and there was no proof they had access to that he was, they aren't breaking any rules by saying he was not. In fact, they're obligated to say he was not ).

While CFA and the Tree House are close, one minute would be a bit short. However, if you are talking timestamps, I believe the drive could be done in 1 minute, 59 seconds if Ross didn't catch the light. I would estimate the drive to be 2-3 minutes (meaning two full minutes and change). While I think that 1 minute, 59 seconds is possible, I also think that it is a bit unlikely.
Is there anyone else who is an "expert" on child car deaths? Does anyone know who decided David Diamond was a expert on this? Are any of his articles peer reviewed? Have there been studies behind his claims?

**I'm asking because I'm not finding much information on the internet.
There is a reason that the short drive time does not convince me that he did this on purpose.

The thing about "forgetting" is that it happens in a second. One second the thought is in your mind, the next second its not. Unless something triggers you to think back to what you forget, it stays forgotten. Kind of like a light switch- on or off... not a dimmer switch.

This makes the drive time irrelevant. If the drive was 20 minutes, its still the same. There would be a moment in time during a 20 minute drive in which his mind "forgets" that he hadn't dropped Cooper off yet. In a 20-minute drive, the moment of forgetting could occur one minute into the drive, or fifteen - it wouldn't matter.

That's it. Whether it's 1-min., 5 or 20, A person can't control when their mind flips over to auto-pilot. RH usually dropped Coop off at daycare before going to CFA. Once his mind flipped over to auto-pilot, he developed a false memory that he had already dropped him off. That false memory stayed with him for the rest of the day. IMO
I think the state would have had an easier time if they just tried to prove that he was so distracted by his phone, texting, sexting, sexual relationships with other women, etc, that he neglected to take proper care of Cooper.

I think they will go this way in the closing arguments.
I don't believe in the mind creating false memories of interacting with people during the day on the same day. That's too much. I do believe in false memories occuring in other types of scenarios though. JMHO
Defense disputing prosecution's earlier claim that Harris turned around to watch a person pass his car. They say he was just looking down at his phone.

All of the lies told by the prosecution. Just outrageous.
I think his obsession with his phone apps are what killed his son. I think the jury will be thinking along similar lines.

Unless the jury has some young people on it who are also obsessed with their phone.
Why didn't Ross call daycare and say Cooper was going to be late, like he usually did?
While CFA and the Tree House are close, one minute would be a bit short. However, if you are talking timestamps, I believe the drive could be done in 1 minute, 59 seconds if Ross didn't catch the light. I would estimate the drive to be 2-3 minutes (meaning two full minutes and change). While I think that 1 minute, 59 seconds is possible, I also think that it is a bit unlikely.

But how long is it between leaving CFA and then hitting the exit, where he needs to decide which way to turn? [ to the office or to the Daycare]
What was the defense arguing about with those 'legal emails' and the Home Depot security guy?
Criminal Def attorney Phil Holloway said the video of him throwing the bulbs in the car could be interpreted as intentionally not putting head down below the door frame.
I’m not buying into Ross’false memory. If he was in autopilot he should have dropped Cooper off at daycare before going to CFA. He would have forgotten Cooper at CFA instead of work. So Ross actually forgot abou tCooper right after he strapped him in the car seat? He actually thought he took him to daycare between the strapping in car seat and making a turn to go to work?

When he takes Cooper to daycare doesn’t Ross have to sign Cooper in? Isn’t he greeted by the workers at daycare? That is a production IMO. So between strapping him in the car seat at CFA and driving out of CFA’s parking lot, he thought he took him to daycare?

ETA: Sorry if some of my words run together, Ihave to type in Word because for some reason typing in WS quick reply doesn’twork well on my computer.
Why didn't Ross call daycare and say Cooper was going to be late, like he usually did?

One possible answer- because there is no real "late" to daycare. It's not school. The main reason he called late on other days, apparently, was to tell staff whether or not to hold breakfast, which ends at 9. His typical "late" was 8:30-8:45.

He was just arriving to CFA at 9. No breakfast discussion necessary.
Cooper was RH's responsibility that morning. No one else's. He did not say hello to the people to greet him and Cooper at the daycare. He did not wave to Cooper as he walked out the door of Little Aprons. He did not unbuckle him from his seat to get him out of the car. His hands, back and body would have "remembered" that part. Getting a kid in and out of a car seat that is too tight would hurt not only Cooper but it would hurt Ross as well since he had to lean in and grab him and pull him out of the car. SMH. He had just done it the days before. It was the middle of the week. Not a Monday, a Wednesday.
Can't wait to see the enhanced video and pictures jmo
grr accidently got on a link that was showing prior (started with ME Jackson) then realized not witness that was shown here as first after lunch. Caught the tail end of Sanders. Hmm so looks like State didn't include all the parking lot cameras in their evidence? Is this correct? Looks like lots of video/ note taking this evening lol.
AKMimi- do you have quick access to RH's texts at CFA? Im pretty sure they ran from just after 9 to 9:24, but after seeing today's timestamps want to re-sleuth them.
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