Trial - Ross Harris #4

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I think some people in this thread appear to be letting their personal issues with law enforcement interfere in their judgement. Just my opinion of course, but I can honestly say I've never seen so much hate and vitriol towards the police than in this thread. Admittedly I'm a newbie here, so maybe it's not like that with other cases.

Blaming the police is the tactic used to get focus taken off evidence. It worked with OJ and Casey Anthony, and we are seeing it now.

However, if one wanted to, one could toss out all of LE testimony and convict JRH based on duration of time to drive from Chik-Fil-A to the Treehouse, recorded interviews, time stamped conversations and text messages alone. There is more than enough evidence to convict JRH if one so chooses to allow the prosecution a chance to make their case.
But in this particular case, WHILE he is supposedly forgetting about his son, he is actually texting someone ABOUT HIS SON, and the need to escape some of the responsibility.

So how can he forget him while discussing him?

Katy. He referenced Cooper ("my son" ) once in that exchange, at 9:15, and didn't again with anyone until at least 10AM or later, certaintly not when Cooper was in the car with him.

I know you see that 8:55-9:24 as all one flowing , one topic conversation, but I really disagree, in large part because we've learned 2 relevant things about RH: he has the attention span of a gnat and has characteristics of someone with ADD, and two, the man would say whatever he felt he needed to say to (forgive me ) have someone get into his pants.

That's what I see going on in that exchange- RH looking for someone who will tell him it's ok to want to go out with the boys. After she gives him that, imo, RH moves on. He got what he wanted, part one. Minutes later, at the intersection he either is checking her out for more , or just saying- yeah, sure thing. Bye.

Nothing to do with Cooper by then, and little to nothing to do with Cooper to begin with. jmo
What parent loads his beloved child into back seat into car seat, buckles him up and has a nice hug and kiss ..then gets into front seat and gets ready to drive to next location, NOT even speak to their beloved child? Never ever heard of any parent load up their child..enter driver's seat and NOT address their child in the car with them???? Things like..All ready to go buddy? or we're off to all settled?" or "Willl be at daycare so you can be with your friends soon?"

What parent completely divorces their child as soon as they enter the car after placing child into buckle-up mode"?? Something sure doesn't FIT in my mind :facepalm:

You cant understand why a parent might not babble on & on to a sleeping child? Or a parent taking a few quite moments to think, while the child is quiet back there?
So all the many HotCar deaths are incomprehensible, and therefore murder?

Not everyone chatters happily away in the car, sometimes there are tired babies... tired parents... everyone seems to think this will never happen to them "because'... That's why it's probably going to continue happening, sadly.
Once the jury left the room for lunch:

Staley Clark then says she'll hear a defense motion. Carlos Rodriguez speaks for the defense team. The motion concerns the prosecution's plan to use 3D computer animation of Harris's SUV. The prosecution's Jesse Evans argues that the judge has already ruled on most of the issues connected to the animation, but Rodriguez strongly disputes that.

Rodriguez notes that the 3D animation in question was a second (or later) iteration that was made after the trial had begun.

Evan says the rescan was of the interior of the vehicle and the changes from the first iteration were "negligible." And he notes that Staley Clark has already signed off on use of the animation.

Staley Clark says additional testimony from the police about why the scan was redone is necessary. She then asks for argument on the question of when the new evidence was handed over.

Rodriguez: "This was based on how the trial ... it was apparently brought to the attention of the state through cross-examination of the state's witness that they had not accurately measured the distance between the car seat" and another point in the vehicle.

"They should be stuck with that," Rodriguez says, and not be permitted to make up for the mistake after the trial begins. He notes that the state was required to turn over evidence at least 10 days before trial, absent a specific exemption from the judge.
"This was not done," Rodriguez says.

Prosecutor Evans cites several examples of case law in which evidence was introduced after the start of a trial.

Rodriguez says the prosecution asserted that the scans were 100 percent accurate as presented to the defense before the trial. He asks whether the animation is now more than 100 percent accurate.

"There hasn't been a single witness to testify to the recreation that you're going to see," he says.

Staley Clark says, "Trials are not static by nature. They're dynamic by nature." She rules that there was no discovery violation. "Defense motion 29 is denied in that regard," she says. But she relents on the defense suggestion that the prosecution must call a witness to explain the new animation scan, admonishing that she wants that testimony and the questions surrounding it to be very narrowly focused.

She then asks the parties about her "charge" regarding where Harris's SUV will be placed outside the courthouse and how the jury will be permitted to view it tomorrow morning. The prosecution says it's acceptable. The defense says it needs further refinement, specifically, regarding the distance from which the jury may view the vehicle and the length of time the display will take.

Staley Clark tells the parties to work out those issues among themselves and suggests that they get to it right away.

The six attorneys, three for each side, now stand in a tight circle and confer quietly.

JMO. How about from the drivers seat? Just saying.
I agree 100% on the no other parent going back part, although I do find the extracurricular sexting activities played a major role, because they made him crave a totally different life.

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Also, JRH was thirty two years old at the time Cooper was born. He had lived most of his adult life child free. He was used to being able to do what he wanted until Cooper came along. I imagine that living the double life contrasted greatly against his life with Cooper, and he eventually figured out which life he wanted when he started texting people to not have kids, how his son was draining his bank account, how he would leave his marriage if not for Cooper, ect.
But Ross and his wife both seemed to worry it might happen to them. I find that very strange that it was their biggest fear and yet he did nothing to prevent it from happening. Even though 2 weeks earlier he posted how it'd be so 'horrible if my son was in that hot car. '

I should have said that I don't include Ross in the "people don't believe it will happen to them." I don't believe FBS is what happened that day.
And since there was no official time of death from the ME, it's also possible this sweet little boy was comatose at that time - still breathing and still alive but perfectly still. If that was the case, we'll never know what a good trauma team could have done to save him. I don't think that was on the agenda. His death was unimaginable, which makes me even more attentive to the parents' statements about the vet's PSA advocating for pet safety.

There are many dissonant behaviors and statements here:
Confide/confess to the church to pray him out of his sexual predilections
Ongoing contact and relationships with multiple women
Bragging online about his sexual needs/urges
Boasting that he played lead guitar at this church
Hurtful comments re: LH to women strangers
Sharing pictures of his young son with strangers
Reporting his squeaky clean image to LE, including inflating his employment with LE
Profuse online presence - at work, at home, night and day
During his interview telling LE he was "losing his mind" when he couldn't recall some things (makes sense) and then able to "alpha, bravo, charlie" spelling names!!!!!!
Choosing to interview with CFA for employment, leaving HD for reasons unknown, but possibly because his performance was so poor he was fearful of being fired ( if so, he had some insight)
Stating to LE Cooper's death was his "greatest fear"; however, no safety plan in place to prevent it. (In my opinion, this is simply illogical.)
Telling one or more of his female friends (I forget how many and it really doesn't matter how many) that he'd been caught so "had to lay low".........NOT I'M DONE! I WANT MY MARRIAGE!
During the interview, LH phone buzzed and a large picture appeared on the screen........not sure if it was Cooper.....there was no emotional response if it was. If it wasn't - this is off my list.
Asking when his car would be available to LH.......seriously.........the death scene? RH is being locked up, so LH didn't need that car.

I hope RH gets the supportive therapy he needs in the prison system. I can truly hope he has access to therapists, who can appropriately address his problems and still think he deserves whatever Georgia can give him for leaving Cooper to die in that hot car.

I'm just not convinced Cooper was a priority......not that day and not in the recent past.

IMO, I don't think Cooper was ever a priority for him. I think he was a convenient prop to appear as the doting dad, and I think he was a hindrance to his preferred lifestyle. I think he probably floated between the two. I don't know if that means intent, yet. But he was a despicable person that either killed Cooper on purpose, or cared so much about himself he forgot him in an instant. Either way, he deserves to be punished. Harshly.

what parent loads his beloved child into back seat into car seat, buckles him up and has a nice hug and kiss ..then gets into front seat and gets ready to drive to next location, not even speak to their beloved child? Never ever heard of any parent load up their child..enter driver's seat and not address their child in the car with them???? Things like..all ready to go buddy? Or we're off to all settled?" or "willl be at daycare so you can be with your friends soon?"

what parent completely divorces their child as soon as they enter the car after placing child into buckle-up mode"?? Something sure doesn't fit in my mind :facepalm:

t h i s !!!!!!!!!!!
That is the best explanation I've heard.

Not sure if it's already been mentioned in response to your post - but there was much discussion a while back that RH had planned to "find" Cooper when his friends dropped him off at the car and have the big scene of discovering him there with his friends (sympathetic witnesses). But this was thwarted when they quickly drove off! (I noticed on the video that there was a car waiting to back out of a space and maybe that's why they bolted so quickly)
I am not sure if this is a reasonable (subjective word) explanation since how would he know if the deed was done by then...
Or maybe that was the plan and he heard Cooper when he opened the door and so quickly closed it to finish the job (awful thought - I'm sorry ).


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If Ross deliberately left cooper in the car and knew he was there, it makes absolutely no sense that he would go to his car at lunch time to toss in light bulbs. Why would he do that?

To make sure the deed was done.
But in this particular case, WHILE he is supposedly forgetting about his son, he is actually texting someone ABOUT HIS SON, and the need to escape some of the responsibility.

So how can he forget him while discussing him?

Yes, yes, and a thousand times yes. Thank you.

I know I sound like a broken record, and I know I keep saying this - but it's impossible to forget about your child if you are talking about them.

This is the most damaging evidence against JRH since he claimed to have "forgot" his son while at the same time messaging on Whisper how he wanted to escape his son and his family. That proves 100% proves this was intentional, IMO.

Edited to add: Due to 6pm maintenance here at websleuths, I am logging out for the night. Will return when things are up and running again.
Katy. He referenced Cooper ("my son" ) once in that exchange, at 9:15, and didn't again with anyone until at least 10AM or later, certaintly not when Cooper was in the car with him.

I know you see that 8:55-9:24 as all one flowing , one topic conversation, but I really disagree, in large part because we've learned 2 relevant things about RH: he has the attention span of a gnat and has characteristics of someone with ADD, and two, the man would say whatever he felt he needed to say to (forgive me ) have someone get into his pants.

That's what I see going on in that exchange- RH looking for someone who will tell him it's ok to want to go out with the boys. After she gives him that, imo, RH moves on. He got what he wanted, part one. Minutes later, at the intersection he either is checking her out for more , or just saying- yeah, sure thing. Bye.

Nothing to do with Cooper by then, and little to nothing to do with Cooper to begin with. jmo

IMO, I don't think Cooper was ever a priority for him. I think he was a convenient prop to appear as the doting dad, and I think he was a hindrance to his preferred lifestyle. I think he probably floated between the two. I don't know if that means intent, yet. But he was a despicable person that either killed Cooper on purpose, or cared so much about himself he forgot him in an instant. Either way, he deserves to be punished. Harshly.


Wasn't one of the texts to one his many minions along the lines of when you have a kid it's great until the novelty wears off?

I would assume that wore off quickly for him.....
That lunch time trip to the car sure wasn't for the safety of the light bulbs. So they wouldn't get broken at work and would arrive home safely.
Not sure if it's already been mentioned in response to your post - but there was much discussion a while back that RH had planned to "find" Cooper when his friends dropped him off at the car and have the big scene of discovering him there with his friends (sympathetic witnesses). But this was thwarted when they quickly drove off! (I noticed on the video that there was a car waiting to back out of a space and maybe that's why they bolted so quickly)
I am not sure if this is a reasonable (subjective word) explanation since how would he know if the deed was done by then...
Or maybe that was the plan and he heard Cooper when he opened the door and so quickly closed it to finish the job (awful thought - I'm sorry ).


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Problem with that is RH could easily have kept them waiting if that was his intent- as he approached his car: hey guys, hold on a sec, about the movies tonight... Couldn't have been easier, especially since they were friends as well as colleagues. Checked and screamed, checked and gone to chitchat with his buds for a moment.
Not sure if it's already been mentioned in response to your post - but there was much discussion a while back that RH had planned to "find" Cooper when his friends dropped him off at the car and have the big scene of discovering him there with his friends (sympathetic witnesses). But this was thwarted when they quickly drove off! (I noticed on the video that there was a car waiting to back out of a space and maybe that's why they bolted so quickly)
I am not sure if this is a reasonable (subjective word) explanation since how would he know if the deed was done by then...
Or maybe that was the plan and he heard Cooper when he opened the door and so quickly closed it to finish the job (awful thought - I'm sorry ).


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Perhaps he planned to check on how things were progressing, but chickened out because "I dreaded how he would look". (and yes, it is a horrible thought)
I had the same car and a rear facing seat. NOT the same rear facing seat. (Mine was smaller, I can only assume. It was rated for a much smaller height and wait. Mine outgrew it at 11 months.) I am 5 foot 3, perhaps a tad taller. My seat was likely more forward, since RH is much taller. Something about this vehicle, is that you can't scoot it too far back, because the seat really does sit right there between the seats. My right elbow would hit the seat which drove me bonkers. I really, really cannot fathom how Ross didn't see Cooper. I was constantly aware of the car seat, and it's proximity was actually irritating at times. Like knocking it with my elbow juuust as the baby fell asleep, or getting my bag caught on it as I got in. I am trying to keep an open mind about a lot of things in this case, but I can't with the car seat. The texting, sexing, general disgusting behavior doesn't impact me much...but the car seat situation does it for me.

Thank you for posting this! This has been the hardest part for me to get past for exactly what you said!! I have always felt that RH body would have had to actually touch that seat given his size! Whether it was while just sitting in the driver seat or when leaning to the right to get his briefcase!

Logically based on what your experience is in the same car, I would assume his body was actually in contact with that seat.


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