Trial - Ross Harris #5

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I'm sure they think about this case more than just when they're in their own car.

If a juror decides to put some books on the seat of their own car to simulate RH's height and looks in the back seat of their car, that would obviously be wrong. Just thinking about the evidence given to them is not wrong.


Thinking about it-no, wondering about a carseat's proximity in their own car--no, but bending down to pretend pick up something in the passenger well to see what they could see-problem, or adjusting their mirrors- problem, which, Paper Doll, is what I thought you meant. My apologies if I misunderstood.
Maybe not all of his goals with women were physical ones. Maybe he enjoyed controlling women emotionally via electronic devices and physical contact wasn't necessary. Hard to say.

It's all just wild speculation, imo, everything about his marriage, except that he cheated. About the last thing in the world I would rely upon as truth is what RH said to strangers he only knew online that he wanted to talk dirty with. I mean, really.

As far as Ms. Meadows. Who knows. I frankly didn't find her a credible witness overall. I do think , though, based on the extremely incomplete info we know about the longevity (or lack of it) RH texted with anyone else, that it's possible there was something he had with Ms. Meadows that he didn't have with others.

What that was is impossible to know, imo, but one possibility is that they were the friends Ms Meadows said they were; online friends with benefits, as it were. I think it's possible (more speculation) that RH needed an emotional intimacy he felt was lacking with his wife as much as the physical intimacy he claimed was lacking.

Or not, right? Who knows. The only relevancy for me Ms Meadows has is that I find the State's notion of Ms Meadows as motive implausible.
It's all just wild speculation, imo, everything about his marriage, except that he cheated. About the last thing in the world I would rely upon as truth is what RH said to strangers he only knew online that he wanted to talk dirty with. I mean, really.

As far as Ms. Meadows. Who knows. I frankly didn't find her a credible witness overall. I do think , though, based on the extremely incomplete info we know about the longevity (or lack of it) RH texted with anyone else, that it's possible there was something he had with Ms. Meadows that he didn't have with others.

What that was is impossible to know, imo, but one possibility is that they were the friends Ms Meadows said they were; online friends with benefits, as it were. I think it's possible (more speculation) that RH needed an emotional intimacy he felt was lacking with his wife as much as the physical intimacy he claimed was lacking.

Or not, right? Who knows. The only relevancy for me Ms Meadows has is that I find the State's notion of Ms Meadows as motive implausible.

All I can say for sure about the sexting/texting is that it doesn't give me a clear motive for RH to intentionally kill Cooper. JMO
I don't fault a juror for using their imagination. But getting into a car and physically trying to see what is possible or not is different.

I think that it's likely for a juror to go home at the end of the day, sit down on the couch,close their eyes and run all of the testimony through their head. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.

I think they are more likely to be influenced as the walk out to their cars at the end of the day. It has been unusually hot in Georgia - mid 80's - I think we broke a record one day this week. So, to listen to the testimony and then to get into a hot car... I can't believe they don't think of Cooper. :(
I think they are more likely to be influenced as the walk out to their cars at the end of the day. It has been unusually hot in Georgia - mid 80's - I think we broke a record one day this week. So, to listen to the testimony and then to get into a hot car... I can't believe they don't think of Cooper. :(

Yes. Things like feeling the hot interior of their car will cause them to think about Cooper and how he must have suffered.
<modsnip> the texts when he'd send them pics of his son and say he loved the boy and would never hurt him. That proved to be a lie. The last time Cooper was with his dad he got hurt. Real bad. JMO.
If I didn't have the sexting, endless texting and prostitute evidence, I might feel it is possible he actually forgot Cooper that morning. I'm not sure if that means I'm making moral judgement about his disgusting hobby though. He said some specific negative things about Cooper that could be interpreted as something much more darker than 'I wanna go to movies whenever I want'.

The other day I went upstairs in my house and I completely forgot why I came up for. I only knew I needed to get something. I know good people do forget, even babies, as we have seen in the news. I will be paying very close attention to Dr. Diamond's testimony.

(((Hope sis))) We are so nerdy... hehe..:p

I just don't believe we have the context-at all-- for what was different in May, when RH sent that cluster of texts, a few saying he wanted to be single, and just one in the bunch (or ever, out of many thousands of texts, etc) saying anything potentially negative about Cooper ( the "joker" being a drain on his paycheck).

That one text about Cooper is meaningless (though yes, jarring at face value), imo, without knowing the context of the conversation. I'm sure you know why I insist on texts and emails being put in context, and we have nothing of that one exchange except that single line, nothing about who he was texting with, and nothing about how that exchange fit in with was going on that day, week, month, or overall.

I'm especially unwilling to take that one line at face value given the absolute fact that the State has repeatedly misstated and misinterpreted and misled about RH's online activities and words.

One point of agreement -- I'm also very much looking forward to hearing Dr. D's testimony, and a very close next, Leanna's.
FWIW, I'm in the weeds reading about how LE initially handled parents who were responsible for their deaths of their children in hot cars, and from what I've read so far, it is very unusual for those parents to be taken into custody and charged the same day.

As one Florida LE said about a father who "forgot" his child who died - "we aren't in any hurry to rush the investigation, and we are sensitive to the fact we're dealing with a parent who has just lost his child."

And another FWIW- in every case I've read about so far, the non involved spouse forgave the responsible parent, immediately. That surprised me, but there you have it.
Is Ross a creep ? yes


I need to ask this . If all circumstances were the same but Ross was texting for side work staying up till 3 planning his side work and up at 5 leaving him exhausted and did the same thing after breakfast leaving Cooper to die while wheeling and dealing. Is he guilty of a lesser charge because we approve of those activities but not sexting ?

I myself wonder honestly if those prejudices are in play here. Our disdain for Ross over shadows our ability to objectively look at his case.

For me they were in play.
We can only go by what has been entered into evidence. And those figures so far are 14inchs from rump to crown and the car seat being 19 1/4 inches. That is where I get my 5 1/4 inch from evidence & testimony presented by States witness ;)

JMHO just one more inaccuracy of evidence in this case and a point being brought out by the Def. JMHO the State should have had all these things locked down prior to first day of trial. It creates reasonable doubt in itself of a thorough investigation.

No, the jurors can only go by what is evidence. We can look at the measurements in the report, the seat specs from the manufacturer, and the photo of Cooper darn near maxing out the seat in a photo that shows him a few months younger. Then we can use our common sense and determine that he was *far* too big for the infant seat he was in. We can objectively look at that information and at least be willing to admit that RH and LH neglected to provide a safe car seat for Cooper. I think refusing to acknowledge even the most basic and obvious facts of this case is bizarre. Just because the report had a typo doesn't mean we have to disregard what we see. We aren't the jury so we are free to do that. Luckily I think the jurors will be able to see from the evidence that he didn't fit the seat, although even a proper seat wouldn't reduce his guilt in any way so it's probably not worth arguing about.
With the large amount of "relationships" RH had going at the same time he had to have done some lying.

I feel bad for these women. I'm sure that they wouldn't have engaged in or continued these "relationships" if they knew the truth. JMO

Imo. "If you go into a Vipers Den your gonna find Vipers"! You'd be surprised how many of the... I hesitate to call them, "Ladies", are into the exact same thing that RH was... It's a depraved, addictive "hobby" and the women give as good as they get online. (so to speak).
No, the jurors can only go by what is evidence. We can look at the measurements in the report, the seat specs from the manufacturer, and the photo of Cooper darn near maxing out the seat in a photo that shows him a few months younger. Then we can use our common sense and determine that he was *far* too big for the infant seat he was in. We can objectively look at that information and at least be willing to admit that RH and LH neglected to provide a safe car seat for Cooper. I think refusing to acknowledge even the most basic and obvious facts of this case is bizarre. Just because the report had a typo doesn't mean we have to disregard what we see. We aren't the jury so we are free to do that. Luckily I think the jurors will be able to see from the evidence that he didn't fit the seat, although even a proper seat wouldn't reduce his guilt in any way so it's probably not worth arguing about.

If there's not an agreement among Websleuths members about the safety of the carseat, it makes me feel that the jury may not unanimously agree that it was unsafe. JMO
<modsnip> the texts when he'd send them pics of his son and say he loved the boy and would never hurt him." That proved to be a lie. The last time Cooper was with his dad he got hurt. Real bad. JMO.

Don't recall those "would never hurt him texts? Have you got a source? <modsnip>
Imo. "If you go into a Vipers Den your gonna find Vipers"! You'd be surprised how many of the... I hesitate to call them, "Ladies", are into the exact same thing that RH was... It's a depraved, addictive "hobby" and the women give as good as they get online. (so to speak).

I'm a man who tries to not disparage women that I don't know. I do understand what you mean though.
RH texted/sexted with, iirc, 35 or 36 women that day, "just" one of those being a minor, right? The other sexting was perfectly legal, but not, I imagine, anything RH would offer up to LE, any more than he offered it up to anyone in his life, much less to LE about what he was doing as his son died.

Yes, Ross said he had a 10 o'clock meeting. Maybe he couldn't provide more details about his workday because his entire work day was spent sexting. Or, maybe neither he or LE felt it was relevant to go in the weeds about what exactly he was doing at work, hour by hour. What difference did it make to the investigation at that point?

OMG! 35 or 36 women in one day??!!! I thought it was like 5-6! My word, how did he have time for anything else? I'm surprised he didn't have tendinitis in his thumbs!
I was once engaged to a Manic Depressive DBA... During a mania hundreds was a very manageable number for him!
You've decided there is no reasonable doubt (minors aside) before the defense has presented it's case?

He was replying to a question, about NOW how does he think it would unfair to say he is not waiting for the defense.
RH texted/sexted with, iirc, 35 or 36 women that day, "just" one of those being a minor, right? The other sexting was perfectly legal, but not, I imagine, anything RH would offer up to LE, any more than he offered it up to anyone in his life, much less to LE about what he was doing as his son died.

Yes, Ross said he had a 10 o'clock meeting. Maybe he couldn't provide more details about his workday because his entire work day was spent sexting. Or, maybe neither he or LE felt it was relevant to go in the weeds about what exactly he was doing at work, hour by hour. What difference did it make to the investigation at that point?

To me, the fact that he was texting/sexting 35 women a day====mental health crisis.
To me, the fact that he was texting/sexting 35 women a day====mental health crisis.

How would the fact that RH was having a mental heath crisis impact this trial? I don't think the State used that in their case in chief. Will the defense use it somehow?
:thinking: don't remember seeing that charge. I would assume this is your opinion.

He hasn't even yet been convicted as a sex offender, let alone charged with serial anything

sending pictures of his junk to a 14 yr old and a 15 and 16 yr old, makes him a sex offender, in my opinion.
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