Trial - Ross Harris #7

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One point that the Def has made on the Travel Agent, was with Stoddard. They never contacted/interviewed her. Yet the State wants to make a big deal about RH not contacting her after she sent him info? And Boring on greeting the witness makes point of saying "spoke with you this morning and a few weeks ago" :thinking:
By planning expensive vacations? Illogical, IMO.
This wasn't a huge argument of mine btw just an observation, another piece to the puzzle about the mindset of RH.

I didn't consider $5k for a 5 person cabin an expensive vacation. My husband and I have spent more for 2 people. JMO
I have a good memory. IMO the defense is using the old standby of "bias" to deflect the attention away from their client.
I don't think it will sit well with the jury JMO

Oh, I don't know about that. Part of voir dire questions were directly related to whether or not jurors were open to believing LE are not infallible. I think the DT has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Stoddard, the lead investigator, was and continues to be deeply biased towards Ross.

I think impartial jurors will likely acknowledge that bias. That bias existed isn't any reason to give Ross a get out of jail card. But if the jury thinks bias and is diligent, what they should do is to review any evidence relevant to their deliberations that might have been tainted by bias. Like......the carseat and hot car recreations, for example.
I agree. For example a 3.5% down payment on a $200,000 home (average single family home price in Atlanta IIRC) is $7000
Ross spent $375 on one hooker (there may have been others as well). That's over 5% of the $7,000 the family needs for a home for his son

His son already had a perfectly fine home, fgs, with his own room stuffed with toys, a comfy bed, and books.
Michael Simmons has been my favorite Defense witness. He made me feel something that all of the others had not. MS was very sincere and authentic.

JRH left a long and wide trail of betrayal in his wake. JRH did out hang out with IT for dummies. Do not underestimate Harris' IQ.

And yet he did not delete any of that stuff off his computer...:thinking: or iPhone5
If I were on the jury, I'd say he was guilty of all counts because the only defense the defense is aiming towards is that the police didn't do their job right. Say what?!?

While I don't necessarily agree with your statement exactly as worded, I share the exact same sentiment. What have any of the DT witnesses done to cast reasonable doubt on tbe State's case? Nothing IMO.

LH's testimony helped LH, but it did nothing for Ross. My anger with Ross is growing exponentially with each DT witness. Please don't ask me to explain it because I am finding my reaction highly illogical.
For most of us, spending money is always a matter of prioritizing. The Harris's didn't have to put the trip on a credit card. They had $6k in savings, even with routine payments, car and student loan payments, and the cost of Cooper's daycare.

Ross wanted to create lasting memories for Cooper by taking him on the vacations RH didn't have when he was a child. I understand that sentiment and share it, and my DH and I have made that decision, over and over, for the sake of our son, out of love for our son. Good for Ross. IMO he had that priority exactly right.

How do we know his true priorities for taking vacations? According to one witness, sex with a man was a vacation activity. Granted, if Lena had caught that tryst when it happened, I guess that could have created a 'lasting memory' for the fam...
Michael Simmons has been my favorite Defense witness. He made me feel something that all of the others had not. MS was very sincere and authentic.

JRH left a long and wide trail of betrayal in his wake. JRH did out hang out with IT for dummies. Do not underestimate Harris' IQ.
I really agree with your last sentence. He's not dumb, he just has an oddball personality.
And he wants people to like him and not know what he's doing under the radar.

I won't ever forget that selfie with the urinal in the back ground. Yeeeewwww
Thank you to the person that mentioned that you could do two times the speed when you are watching YouTube to catch up!

I have never done that in the settings, but I just did this morning at 1.25 speed!

I learn so much here.


Ha ha you're welcome, so much more productive isn't it!
I didn't consider $5k for a 5 person cabin an expensive vacation. My husband and I have spent more for 2 people. JMO
Even if it uses all of your savings? Expense is relative to salary and savings IMO.
If I found a friend had been sexting underage minors, they wouldn't be my friend anymore.

Interesting how this guy sympathizes with JRH and thinks JRH just needs help, but says nothing about the teenagers JRH used and continued prowling around for.

"What about the poor perverts?"
Worst part is boring says you wish you knew so you could stop him? And the guy says no to just be there for him, to help him....sigh..
Even if it uses all of your savings? Expense is relative to salary and savings IMO.

Well, it's been said they had 6k in savings, and they weren't bringing 5 people, so I'm guessing it wouldn't use all their savings.
If I'm on the jury, sitting there thinking this SOB did it on purpose, and the defense is saying the detective is biased, I have a problem with the attorney, because I would take it as he was saying anyone who thought he did it was just biased against him. (does that make sense?)

If the juror was paying attention, they would see that the detective is biased. And has made false statements. Under oath, and got witnesses to change their prior statements to fit his..JMHO from paying attention to the testimony thus far.
If I'm on the jury, sitting there thinking this SOB did it on purpose, and the defense is saying the detective is biased, I have a problem with the attorney, because I would take it as he was saying anyone who thought he did it was just biased against him. (does that make sense?)

You would be violating your oath as a juror if you sat through ANY testimony having already made up your mind as to his guilt. Jurors were asked in voir dire if they were capable of doing that. Presumably they all told the truth and are able to do so.
Im speaking as a real estate broker who has personally sold over 600 homes. Not to mention the sales of my colleagues. I'm licensed in two states and do market research nationally for trends.

It has been decades of experience in purchasing multiple homes during my life that leads me to believe that if one does not have at least ten percent to place down on the home, then it is not affordable although I realize some people do choose other options successfully. But, Ross' job was in jeopardy. LH/LT was seeking more hours to work. From LTs testimony, the couple held very little in savings. I don't know what their monthly bank notes for their vehicles may have been. I do know they still owed for JRHs college student loan.
I agree. For example a 3.5% down payment on a $200,000 home (average single family home price in Atlanta IIRC) is $7000
Ross spent $375 on one hooker (there may have been others as well). That's over 5% of the $7,000 the family needs for a home for his son


Man, I am really in the wrong line of work.
Even if it uses all of your savings? Expense is relative to salary and savings IMO.

Just weighing in on this - Judging by what I've seen and heard of Leanna, she's financially cautious. It's very possible that not being able to afford something is more than just the initial finance.

For starters, there's the upkeep and maintenance of a house you own yourself.

There's also the factor that has put me off many times myself with previous partners - it's not that I couldn't afford a house with them, I was just worried that i couldn't afford it if it all went wrong once the house was bought, i.e. if the relationship fell apart and I had to sell and get back on my own feet. I think maybe Leanna was feeling the same, if she felt her relationship was on the rocks.
My official excuse was I can't afford it when asked by others, but it probably seemed contradictory to people outside my circle of friends as I paid rent, bought gadgets and took holidays.
I didn't consider $5k for a 5 person cabin an expensive vacation. My husband and I have spent more for 2 people. JMO

And like the lady said, she didn't know if maybe the family with children would possibly be wanting that. She was just giving options for all as the group of individuals given. State is taking it again out of context again. JMHO
How do we know his true priorities for taking vacations? According to one witness, sex with a man was a vacation activity. Granted, if Lena had caught that tryst when it happened, I guess that could have created a 'lasting memory' for the fam...

Yah, Ms Meadows the Motive for murder witness said that he said or some such about that man on a vacation, but since I think the only motive that actually pertains to Ms Meadows was her motive to punish RH that she wasn't the One and Only side dish , I take every bit of her testimony with piles of salt.
While I don't necessarily agree with your statement exactly as worded, I share the exact same sentiment. What have any of the DT witnesses done to cast reasonable doubt on tbe State's case? Nothing IMO.

LH's testimony helped LH, but it did nothing for Ross. My anger with Ross is growing exponentially with each DT witness. Please don't ask me to explain it because I am finding my reaction highly illogical.

You can tell me how great he is/was all day ( except for that big fact that you didn't know any of the ugly) and it doesn't make me feel better about him.
Telling the church group about the *advertiser censored* was weird, I can just imagine the looks on their faces. Probably the most interesting meeting that they ever had. I think I'll bring it up in my group and ask what would their reaction be to that announcement.
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