Trial - Ross Harris #8

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There IS actually an article about surviving in prison. What does it matter if it's in the entertainment section?
I don't know about anyone else but I am kind of glad this is almost over. It has been a very long month full of long breaks, half days, and sometimes pointless testimony.

I like Moulton's suit, but IMO he is not only wasting everyone's time, he's wasting taxpayer dollar to the tune of 40k just to rehash what we already knew.

Someone put this trial out of it's misery already. :waiting:

so agree glad it is almost of those trials that no real strong personallities that are excite me to watch...all attys are fine doing their jobs...judge puts me to sleep and not exciting and with the exception of the "escort" and sort of Leanna witnesses not exciting either.

Of course I realize they are not doing this for entertainment but time to end this. I don't think the deliberations will be as long as i thought but at least 2-3 days. Pretty good feeling he will be held accountable for the death of Cooper.
He did NOT see an email that Leanna sent about leaving a child in a car...
He didn't see the emails from Leanna ?? Wonder why??

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Thanks, Kilgore isn't going to tell the Media anything so have to wait and see. But very possible the Judge did ask if had another witness that could go prior to the one on stand and said no..
This sounds more like a personal quarrel than the cross of a witness....
There is going to have to be a lot of synthesizing information and putting it in an understandable narrative for the attorneys' closing arguments.

I think Brewer was enough. Think about it:

The first inquiry for the jury is very simple: - Did Ross deliberately murder his son or did he forget him in the car?

I think when all of the state's evidence is considered, there are not many people who thought the state proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Ross planned this and deliberately murdered his son. This is the most circumstantial of circumstantial cases - the only thing the State presented is a possible motive, and that evidence was weak.

The jurors just need to be given an alternative and an explanation that this same thing happens every summer by accident and Ross' case is no different, and there's even scientific research that explains it.

The defense doesn't have to prove anything. They don't have to put on an equal amount of evidence proving it wasn't intentional. They on,y have to raise the doubt, and they have done that through a list of witnesses who never saw any hostility or resentment in the father/son relationship and with an expert to explain how people can tragically forget something so important.

The harder question for the jury will be whether forgetting Cooper was caused by criminal negligence.

And the defense didn't even call the expert to present this information to the jury.
Defense attorney Carlos Rodriguez and Moulton are talking about a website for Griffin Psychology that Harris was helping to develop on the side. They show that there were emails between Ross Harris and Dr. Michael Griffin from sometime in 2012 until June 17, 2014, the day before Cooper's death.

Moulton says Harris was being paid to develop the Griffin website and that there were frequent communications regarding the website.
Prosecutor Jesse Evans does the cross-examination. "Show me one piece of paper that documents what you've done in terms of a report," Evans says.

Moulton says he has not written a report. Evans seems incredulous. "$20,000 and not one single report."

He is referring to Moulton's earlier testimony about what he has billed for his work on the case.

Evans refers to a phone conversation between him and Moulton. He asks Moulton whether he declined to talk to Evans and his investigator about his impending testimony.

Moulton acknowledges that he did decline to talk about certain specific things that he had covered with the defense, which is employing him.
Are we CERTAIN that Dr. Diamond was supposed to be testifying? I really wish we could find out why he didn't. I would imagine he had already been paid or retained or whatever, right? I can't imagine it would be the DT thinking the animated guy from yesterday was enough and canceling him to save money or something, right? I would think the DT would want him to testify no matter what.

Diamond met with Ross, at least once, IIRC.
I've been looking for Leanna's police interview on the day of Cooper's death. The prosecutor's asked her to agree that she would seem odd to an objective outsider. She explained how she was in a daze. Can anyone tell me where I can find it? Was it played during the trial? If so, when during the trial? Thanks so much!
Oh my goodness, I'm finally caught up on this thread. This is the case that brought me to WS, and I've been following it since the beginning. Random thoughts:
1) Somewhere way, way far back someone asked if anyone had changed their mind since starting the trial. For me personally, I was convinced of his innocence when I first came to WS in 2014, quickly was convinced of his guilt of doing it on purpose, and now I think he may have forgotten at first, then remembered later and panicked which is why he dreaded seeing him, etc. However, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he did it on purpose. I'm just no longer 100% convinced he did the way I was when the trial started. If I was on the jury, I think there is enough reasonable doubt that I couldn't vote guilty on that count.

2) Some of this may be projecting because RH reminds me so very much of my ex-husband (they were even on the same message board at one point, which is how I found out about this and became interested in it), but I can totally see how someone who by all accounts loved his son could do something like this, and why the sexting is relevant. So my ex-husband was very well respected, but he was very impulsive like RH. He was a Baptist minister, so everyone thought he was the model husband and father. Very outgoing, very much the picture of high moral person. And then he did something rather horrific that is very much like what RH did to Leanna, but even then I still thought he loved our child. I blamed myself because that was the culture we lived in: if your husband struggles sexually, it's your fault for not knowing how to please him. (I think there has been a lot of improvement in this circle over the last decade, but that's how it was for us then.) It became apparent over time, however, that he didn't love our child as much as he loved not paying child support and looking like the perfect "single" father, which helped him pick up women. When it came to a head, he relinquished his parental rights of this child he couldn't live without to allow my new husband to adopt her so he didn't have to pay child support. Meanwhile, he blamed me for everything and was able to keep his image of perfect, now grieving father. Never underestimate how far some people will go to keep their image even if their thoughts or behaviors don't warrant it in the least. Especially in these more conservative communities where image is everything and divorce is very much frowned upon while death gives you all the attention and sympathy with the same freedom. Of course, to people who are not sociopaths or narcissists, death is completely different. To someone who lacks empathy for others, however, it makes perfect sense. ITA it is a more passive way to kill someone, and someone who would kill their child probably wouldn't think much about how much he suffered during the course of it. Does this mean RH killed his son? Of course not. Like I said, based on the evidence presented, I am not sure I could vote for a conviction. But does it mean I could see the hows and whys? Absolutely.

Justin Ross Harris arrives in court for what could be the last day of testimony in his murder trial at the Glynn County Courthouse in Brunswick, Ga., on Friday, Nov. 4, 2016. (screen capture via WSB-TV) WSB-TV

Looks like he is dressed to take the stand?
Are we CERTAIN that Dr. Diamond was supposed to be testifying? I really wish we could find out why he didn't. I would imagine he had already been paid or retained or whatever, right? I can't imagine it would be the DT thinking the animated guy from yesterday was enough and canceling him to save money or something, right? I would think the DT would want him to testify no matter what.

It looks like Dr Diamond did not want his years of study and research on FBS destroyed by RH. Good for him.
I'm thankful he is not testifying for one reason. I do not want to see criminals kill babies in hot cars and use FBS as their defense.
Under questioning, Moulton acknowledges that Harris did search for information on statutory rape. (He testified on direct that Harris's legal-related searches appeared to focus on how to start up a company.)

Evans cites criminal cases Moulton has worked on and asks whether Moulton ever testified in behalf of the prosecution. He says no.
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