Try to have some compassion

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I take back my plea for compassion. Reality should have set in by now.

Garm2 - It is not only that reality should have set in by now, it is underrstandible that she does not want to belive Caylee is dead, but it is NOT understandible for her to be so mean and horrid to people trying to find her granddaughter, even if she does not agree with Tim searching for a body and she does not go on searches, does she have to say he is doing it for publicity and to receive donations to his organization?

Does she have to call the media and people maggots and leaches?
Does she have to say police are framing her daughter and are not doing their job?
Does she have to make up ridiculous lies to cover for her child?

She made this mess for herself, how different would this have been if Cindy came forward as a victim and thanked the media for the attention and when asked about her daughters lies she simply said, "I can't answer for my daughter, we are trying to understand what is going on and I want to find Caylee at all costs"

The media is on top of her because she is so mean and indifferent and nutso and the public has never seen such a crazy bunch of people, usually families are quiet and focused and never make outlandish claims.

I have no sympathy for these people. I feel sad for Caylee wherever she is.
I apologize to all of those who are obviously smarter and more intuitive than me. My heart got in the way of my brain.
Now that these master manipulators have lawyered up we shouldn't be
hearing much from them. Hopefully, the lawyer has advised her to disappear
for a while, stay off the phone, shut off her tv and let LE do their job.

Yesterday I said on chat that I was skeptic of Cindy from Day 1 and actually was
feeling sorry for Casey. It was all a matter of trying to understand why a little girl
just disappeared. First we had Cindy grabbing as much time as possible and continually
trying to manipulate how each interview should go. Then we had her challenging
experts. Then came the 911 calls and if you listen to them in order, as she suggested,
you see her propensity for manipulating this tragic situation. Casey wouldn't tell
her what she wanted to hear, so she drives her to the police, then calls the police only
mentioning Caylee as an afterthought. They go home, again she calls the police and
decides to stress that her granddaughter might be missing. When the police
don't rush right over, she calls a third time using her most hysterical voice and using the
most dramatic terminology she could muster.

Hearing what I heard made me think that Casey could have quite possibly hidden this child away from this overbearing woman. Unfortunately, what we are learning now is that Casey and Cindy aren't that different at all.

Cindy has created havoc in this investigation. Its so obvious that her version of cooperation veers far from the norm. There were probably many good hearted people advising her in the beginning and she chose to ignore them. Many people have rushed to
her side and she has dismissed them.

Gram2, I have compassion and admiration for you. You chose to speak the truth to your son. You did what you had to do. I had compassion for David Westerfields mother who handled herself with grace during his arrest and trial.
Cindy needs to be slapped silly - by a compassionate person, of course.
Your heart is in the right place. I hope this incident doesn't make you lose faith in those things you believe in. I think many people have tried to find compassion for this family. They sure don't make it easy though. You are a much better grandmother than CA will ever be. Please don't try to put her in your league.
Can't any of you find some?

George allegedly went after Casey in front of the bounty hunter guy. She attacked him pretty much and told him it would be nice if he acted like a dad instead of a cop. ( Geraldo interview)

Can't any of you understand deep denial? Even if there is only a 1% chance that baby is still alive, why shouldn't they hold out hope? How can anyone fault them for that...when the alternative is too horrid for their minds to even consider. How can anyone doubt they don't love and adore their grandchild?
No one can fault them for that. But they have gone beyond that. They are actively trying to help Casey get away with this. This is what people find horrible. IMO
Because either way enabling Casey is not going to get them to the truth. They can be grandparents to an alive but missing Caylee, or a dead Caylee, but they are no longer grandparents to a Caylee in their lives daily. Casey did this to them. This was done out of spite and malice. If she gave Caylee away or killed her, it was to keep her away from Cindy and George.
I'm a cold hearted you know what...

I have compassion for Caylee, she is the one being murdered over and over.
No one can fault them for that. But they have gone beyond that. They are actively trying to help Casey get away with this. This is what people find horrible. IMO

How so? I think they've been fully cooperative with LE
i can understand denying you're in denial, yup - that's my 1% of compassion. I do not agree with protesters at their house either, i think its a total waste.

I cannot understand their violent actions that are misdirected and their inaction and not physically helping with searches AND most likely receiving a large sum of money because of THIS case. That's downright disgusting and unforgivable.
Nope, sorry but I can't muster a single ounce of compassion for these people. As far as I am concerned, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I have total compassion that they have lost their beloved little granddaughter. I have zero compassion that they are allowing her murderer to get away with it. Period.
I'll tell you why in as nice a way as I can :)
Because If this was my daughter, I would throw her out, and she would be on her own for lying. Because if they loved their daughter they would not enable her, and if they loved their granddaughter like they say, thats what they would do. Until they do that, I have no more pity for them, sorry.
And why are they allegedly taking money for the dead granddaughters story ie vids and pics to 20/20 and doing nothing else?
It is possible to hold out hope sure, but to this extent? To flat out ignore/exclude any other evidence?

They aren't searching themselves for this child, instead they are focused on if people believe their daughter or not.. How do you have compassion for that?

I suppose if MY heart was telling me that we should be supporting, defending and helping KC then I would have compassion, but ME along with many other people in this world have in our hearts the desire to support, defend and help Caylee... so from that point, NO there is ABSOLUTELY no compassion.

I have to believe if I were in this situation, I would have common sense when faced with details or evidence. Something I have yet to see or hear from the Grandparents.
Because either way enabling Casey is not going to get them to the truth. They can be grandparents to an alive but missing Caylee, or a dead Caylee, but they are no longer grandparents to a Candle in their lives daily. Casey did this to them. This was done out of spite and malice. If she gave Candle away or killed her, it was to keep her away from Cindy and George.

What do you want them to do?

Denial is a very real survival mode it's not a conscience choice...I believe, they believe with every ounce & fiber of their beings at Casey would never harm Caylee and she's still alive. She's still their daughter and they love her.

Show me a set of parents that wouldn't react the same way....if there was one iota it wasn't true
rotting pizza
washing evidence
Lawyer'd up
Making money from 20/20 video
Using donated money for CAYLEE to pay high profile attorney

Nope, that ship has long ago sailed.
How so? I think they've been fully cooperative with LE

I dont know how you can say that? The LE, courts, judge etc. set her bond ridiculously high for a reason!! If the grandparents Loved Caylee as much as they claim, (I know none of this would have happened to begin with) they would be out doing something, ANYTHING. Alive, dead... LOOK...

When I first heard about the 1million $$ for pictures, my first thought "good idea, raise the reward to 1.225million $$" that would generate leads!! But no they hire a high profile atty....FOR WHAT!!!

A grandparent doesnt have an image to protect, they have a child to protect!!

Throw your daughter to LE, let them deal with her. It's called tough love and on every scale of raising a child, you must do it... They just enable her day and night, year after year.... That's why KC is what she is!!

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