TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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I think they figured out it's not til 3...for some reason WESH had a live feed on the clock though. The sound went in and out.
I agree but I don't believe they have footage of Casey's dismissive reaction towards the possibility that they found human remains in the lake. That was something a witness came forward with.

It's valuable because Jose's goal was to distance his client from the death and disposal of Caylee claiming it was an accident and George handled the disposal, that Casey didn't know where he put her when clearly she knew exactly where Caylee's body rested was because she was the one who put it there in that condition. "Follow the duct tape."

It is valuable because it destroys Cindy's; "I was told Caylee wasn't found where Casey had put her and that's why Casey couldn't go to the police about the drowning because they wouldn't believe her." latest cow pie for sale.

It is valuable because she didn't so much as shed one tear. After hyperventilating and showing her hands to the guard, she said; "this isn't happening" and began talking about an upcoming football game.

It is valuable because prosecution believed they had enough on her that they didn't even need the tape of her reaction for a conviction but according to interviews with the jurors, they believed Jose's claims that George was somehow involved. This tape is not going to change the fact that Caylee is gone and Casey is free but it could change some minds.

It is valuable because of Caylee. She deserves for her mothers "inflammatory" (because of how cold she was towards her dead baby yet concerned with her own fate as the suspect) reaction to her remains being discovered. Any revelation of the truth is justice for Caylee as far as I am concerned. Let Casey live with the consequences of her actions. :twocents:

However, I have the feeling the video will remain sealed. :banghead:

I for one would rather see the footage from when Baez got there and he was talking to his client in view of the cameras. No sound so it doesn't violate attorney client privlege and it is well stated that the area is recorded so it's not like OCC pulled a fast one.

Excellent post. I totally agree with you. And part of me wants it released so it can be sent to the Pinellas 12. I want them to watch it and feel that pit of doom grow in their stomachs. I want them to worry about Casey being free because of their selfishness and greed.

Darnit, I wish the hearing was this morning. I'm so used to morning hearings, LOL.
...Agree on the must see TV - absolutely NOT ashamed of that at all. Not an iota, not a scintilla, not a neutrino. I've read every document, every interview, reviewed every scrap of evidence. This fits that category. No opinions, no interpretations, just the vid.

I will not watch the ex post facto made for TeeVee blather.

Eh, I'm just nosy. The fact that the DT fought so damn hard to supress it is what makes me want to see it.

I totally agree ... I also want to see this video !

The DT fought very hard to suppress EVIDENCE ... and it's time to UNSEAL all of this evidence so we will know WHAT it was that was so INCRIMINATING regarding FCA that her and her DT wanted sealed ! :maddening:

Now ... what I would also like to see UNSEALED are the "photos" referenced in Cindy's STATE Deposition where the SA and JB were discussing some photos that had been placed under seal.

Does anybody remember this and IF a photo was sealed, what could it be ? I am really curious about this.

there is no audio as I recall. pity. that would have been only interesting bit. if the quality of the video is as poor as the fall in the elevator footage was, then there isnt much to it. HH judge strickland said at the time it was sealed as it was too prejudicial but later (I think it was he) said it wasnt much of a big deal - he's read the transcripts same as us. we already know what it was like.

I agree and IIRC, she was led into an area that was considered part of the medical facilities in the jail. Wouldn't it then be considered protected by HIPPA laws about releasing medical info? Which is why I think the TV Station is pushing this issue, it's not about KC, it's not about the 'public's right to know' or the Sunshine Law, it's trying to set a precedence to get access to yet more information. Otherwise, why spend so much money on legal fees for a chance to air a 2 minute video?
I agree and IIRC, she was led into an area that was considered part of the medical facilities in the jail. Wouldn't it then be considered protected by HIPPA laws about releasing medical info? Which is why I think the TV Station is pushing this issue, it's not about KC, it's not about the 'public's right to know' or the Sunshine Law, it's trying to set a precedence to get access to yet more information. Otherwise, why spend so much money on legal fees for a chance to air a 2 minute video?

I don't think she was "inside" the medical facility - I thought she was just outside in the holding I doubt HIPPA would apply here would it?

Her reaction is probably going to be something like the day she had to leave the courtroom during the jury selection...hyperventilating, something going on with her hands and her face was flushed...
I totally agree ... I also want to see this video !

The DT fought very hard to suppress EVIDENCE ... and it's time to UNSEAL all of this evidence so we will know WHAT it was that was so INCRIMINATING regarding FCA that her and her DT wanted sealed ! :maddening:

Now ... what I would also like to see UNSEALED are the "photos" referenced in Cindy's STATE Deposition where the SA and JB were discussing some photos that had been placed under seal.

Does anybody remember this and IF a photo was sealed, what could it be ? I am really curious about this.


I agree! WM feels strongly that there are more sealed items. I think every shred of sealed evidence should be out - and if not, we, the citizenry of the sunshine state should be given a reason why anything should remain under seal.
Why does she have a new attorney? Does he have connections to the DT?
Did he volunteer or get paid or is he working on future earnings? Has he had time to research the case or will he ask for a postponement citing he hasn't had enough time?
He's in Melbourne. Could that be where KC is?
I agree! WM feels strongly that there are more sealed items. I think every shred of sealed evidence should be out - and if not, we, the citizenry of the sunshine state should be given a reason why anything should remain under seal.

Hi mombomb ! BBM: I totally agree !

Oh ... I read that chapter from WM's book online here that talks about the "sealed evidence" ... The last time I saw WM on tv she was "spouting off" some "strange theories" ... but I read the chapter of her book that was provided ...

And I am very curious :innocent: as to what photos JB wanted SEALED that was discussed during Cindy's State Deposition. What was so "INCRIMINATING" against FCA ?

Links to Cindy's depo :

Cindy Anthony State Deposition - July 28, 2009

Cindy Anthony State Deposition - July 29, 2009

MOO ...
I read on another board somewhere that she was probably with the lawyer who's husband is in prison. I could see this because I'm sure she is getting bored but would probably be less bored with her than the other lawyers. Just a thought!
I agree! WM feels strongly that there are more sealed items. I think every shred of sealed evidence should be out - and if not, we, the citizenry of the sunshine state should be given a reason why anything should remain under seal.

Oh why not release everything? We already know the worst thing there is to know about her. Even her Dad said what he thought she did to a little kid. What could be worse or more inflammatory about seeing what she really is? Why should the State of Florida go to any length to protect a self-professed liar - Someone who took pride in lying about the single most important thing in life?

Oh, I forgot. According to her mother Cindy, it was just a bunch of "mistruths", you know, kinda like a little white lie. I have come to despise that word.
I read on another board somewhere that she was probably with the lawyer who's husband is in prison. I could see this because I'm sure she is getting bored but would probably be less bored with her than the other lawyers. Just a thought!

Which lawyer are you speaking of? Dorothy Simms? If so I didn't realize her husband is in prison.
Why does she have a new attorney? Does he have connections to the DT?
Did he volunteer or get paid or is he working on future earnings? Has he had time to research the case or will he ask for a postponement citing he hasn't had enough time?
He's in Melbourne. Could that be where KC is?

These are some good points -- WHY does FCA have a "new attorney" on this PARTICULAR ISSUE ? Good Grief ... it's like a "revolving door" ... how many attorneys has she had ?

:waitasec: Could it be that JB has "dropped" FCA ?

:waitasec: Could it be that CM has "dropped" her EXCEPT for the Lying to LE appeals and the $$$$$ owed to the State of Florida for the Costs involved in the Lying Counts ?

:waitasec: Could it be that the DT has FINALLY had enough of FCA ?

MOO ...
Which lawyer are you speaking of? Dorothy Simms? If so I didn't realize her husband is in prison.

I think ... she is referring to the woman who is married to a SK ...

Her name is Rosalie Bolin ... there was a thread here on her. She was at the Jury Selection.

I hope this helps ...
Which lawyer are you speaking of? Dorothy Simms? If so I didn't realize her husband is in prison.

Jack Kirschenbaum. If you scroll up, someone put up his credentials. I just want to know why these lawyers keep wanting to represent her? They have to know there's no money and no good press in it for them! Yet she keeps getting new lawyers like flies!
I don't think she was "inside" the medical facility - I thought she was just outside in the holding I doubt HIPPA would apply here would it?

Her reaction is probably going to be something like the day she had to leave the courtroom during the jury selection...hyperventilating, something going on with her hands and her face was flushed...

I thought she was in the common area. :waitasec:
I don't think she was "inside" the medical facility - I thought she was just outside in the holding I doubt HIPPA would apply here would it?

Her reaction is probably going to be something like the day she had to leave the courtroom during the jury selection...hyperventilating, something going on with her hands and her face was flushed...

Thanks for reminding me of that. I was thinking about the 'attack' she had during the trial, I had forgotten about the first one.

I don't have a reference, sorry, but whatever article I read about her 'reaction' to news that they had found a body down the street from her parents house, it had given me the impression that she was led out of her cell and into an area of the medical facility at jail. That's what made me think that the court may rule that the HIPPA law would be the reason the judge would give for not releasing it. IMO, it may not make any difference if she was directly in the medical part of the building or not, she asked for sedative and got, that it would be considered a 'medical treatment'. It will be interesting to see how he rules on it. Has any of the lawyers weighed in with an opinion?
I thought she was in the common area. :waitasec:

LOL - I was responding to someone who said she was inside the medical facility and I think she was outside - in the holding "common" area...:floorlaugh: Holding meaning waiting for a doctor to come and get her...
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