TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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JB's reactions/body language is overall more authentic and really even more of a giveaway then her panic attack...especially when you see her non-reaction or callousness to his genuine distraught behavior.
I wonder how LA's rehearsal dinner is going. :lol:

Caylee would have been SUCH an adorable flower girl...ugh, I am getting so sad. Trying not to cry here. Sorry!
We can sit around and wait to see what Cindy will say next? I don't know. Good point. I'm sure there's something that can be done about it in long run, considering all the nonsense lawyers around the country are trying to pull now by referencing this case. I don't know what, but I'm quite sure someone here is brilliant enough to come up with something we can all get behind. I pray.

UGH ... I hadn't thought of that ... Cindy won't be able to refrain from making a statement about the video ... I expect we'll be hearing from her or her lawyer soon ... like Cindy's spin is anything anyone's interested in :rolleyes:
---Jay Blanchard Park Search---
Caylee Search Divers Find Bag With Toys, Bones
GRACE: Straight out to Drew Petrimoulx with WDBO. Drew, what was Casey Anthony`s reaction behind bars? I understand she was actually watching the coverage of the dive search and the apparent discovery of bones.
PETRETIMOULX: OK. We can put it that way. But she saw the early stages of the investigation today, and she saw that -- you know, that they -- it wasn`t determined yet that this was false, and she basically just turned around, went back into her cell with no reaction.
Aired November 13, 2008 - 20:00:00
Second part wasn't as good as the first, but one does have to ask the question: Why call Baez in if she wasn't 100% sure the body was Caylee's? They had 'found' things before that she didn't have a panic attack or demand to see her lawyer about. So, you know she KNEW. And the way Baez was bent forward in that chair, I thought it was going to flip it over on him any minute :) He was worried, very worried, he kept wiping his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with the left hand he was leaning on. I bet he was trying to figure out what to do next. So she must have enlightened him in on the fact that she did kill Caylee and that is where she put her and there goes her chances of being set free because of the lack of a body.

God, if only. I am so sorry Caylee. So sorry. :(

Hmm - I didn't ever hear SHE called him - I understood he called in to say he wanted to see her because he heard the news and wanted to tell her. He was apparently really annoyed they kept him waiting - after all - he was off to have dinner with the Anthony's at the "Ritz".
IIRC, and I'm pretty certain I do, the day the remains were found was the day Dr. Tim Huntington (the former student of Dr. Haskell) got a call from the DT requesting his expertise. Huntington volunteered that on his own while on the stand at trial. There was not yet a positive ID for sweet Caylee and the DT is on the horn contacting "expert witnesses".

No one was contacted when remains were found at Jay Blanchard Park, wonder why? (rhetorical question)

So, ya'. That video was a glimpse of FCA watching what she thought was the "game-changer" and believing her goose was well and truly cooked.

I'm still incredulous at the outcome, even now.
Caylee would have been SUCH an adorable flower girl...ugh, I am getting so sad. Trying not to cry here.

I tried to find the group hug emoticon but I was a failure. Hugs to you!

Unfortunately, nobody in that family put Caylee first, they still don't. It's very sad. :(

IIRC, and I'm pretty certain I do, the day the remains were found was the day Dr. Tim Huntington (the former student of Dr. Haskell) got a call from the DT requesting his expertise. Huntington volunteered that on his own while on the stand at trial. There was yet a positive ID for sweet Caylee and the DT is on the horn contacting "expert witnesses".

No one was contacted when remains were found at Jay Blanchard Park, wonder why? (rhetorical question)

So, ya'. That video was a glimpse of FCA watching what she thought was the "game-changer" and believing her goose was well and truly cooked.

I'm still incredulous at the outcome, even now.

Was it "found" or "officially identified"? I am trying to remember because I recall being startled at the trial when he said that.
His dear sister is like a bad meal. She just keeps coming back up on him and at the worst possible moments.

And you know it is sad to say she will for as long a CA continues to coddle the one who murdered (IMO) Caylee. casey lucked out this time, but I hope Lee has seen the light and will live a seperate life with his new wife. God bless him on that journey.
IIRC, and I'm pretty certain I do, the day the remains were found was the day Dr. Tim Huntington (the former student of Dr. Haskell) got a call from the DT requesting his expertise. Huntington volunteered that on his own while on the stand at trial. There was yet a positive ID for sweet Caylee and the DT is on the horn contacting "expert witnesses".

No one was contacted when remains were found at Jay Blanchard Park, wonder why? (rhetorical question)

So, ya'. That video was a glimpse of FCA watching what she thought was the "game-changer" and believing her goose was well and truly cooked.

I'm still incredulous at the outcome, even now.

That witness and his testimony spoke very clearly to the fact that both JB and his client knew right then and there that it was Caylee and that they needed a bug expert to determine if there was ecological and insect forensics that could help the defense...or to find out what was there that might hurt their case.
Second part wasn't as good as the first, but one does have to ask the question: Why call Baez in if she wasn't 100% sure the body was Caylee's? They had 'found' things before that she didn't have a panic attack or demand to see her lawyer about. So, you know she KNEW. And the way Baez was bent forward in that chair, I thought it was going to flip it over on him any minute :) He was worried, very worried, he kept wiping his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with the left hand he was leaning on. I bet he was trying to figure out what to do next. So she must have enlightened him in on the fact that she did kill Caylee and that is where she put her and there goes her chances of being set free because of the lack of a body.

God, if only. I am so sorry Caylee. So sorry. :(

Yep, all of the above ... KC probably had already been given a sedative and had probably moved on from panic to anger and self pity ... Jose had just come from court where he waived her right to a speedy trial ... bummer ... bad day for Jose and KC ... :boohoo:

Also, interesting is Dec 10th Jose Baez requested Caylee sightings video through subpoena duces tecum ...
When you look at it from YOUR perspective, privileged with having viewed ALL information on this case, what do you see? What explanation for Caylee are you left with that makes any sense?

thank you for asking!

none of it makes sense to me...i tend to think logically, and rely on exact sciences. unless there are smoking guns (finger prints, eye witnesses, DNA etc) I am hesitant to draw any conclusions. I watched all of this unfold, right here on this site (lurking) from week one (or two) and kept my fingers crossed that something concrete would surface. read most "doc dumps" or somebody's summary of them, but knew, sadly, for most of those yrs she was locked up that she would walk.

I think there is some truth to the drowning at home, or of some accident at the home. I think she freaked out, and tried to make it look like something that it was not. then it was too late to correct her mistake. I also think that she does have some mental issues. issues that allowed her to live a "normal" life up until she was arrested. I do not think that she placed duct tape over her childs mouth/nose and smothered her to death. if she place this duct tape where it was found, it was to try to throw things off. but, I am not convinced that she placed the duct tape there either. I dont believe it was found exactly how they say it was found. I think the M.E. is more of a celebrity than an M.E. I also think M.E.'s are given far to much responsibility with naming cause of death when it is not apparent (ie; blood work, DNA sampling etc).

as I have said repeatedly "I think"...I am convinced of nothing but the fact that a child is gone, and we do not know how or why
I just find it such BS that stuff like this wasn't allowed in court. This was an honest reaction, why SHOULDN'T the jury be allowed to see it? IMO it's not going to taint their mind any more than all the recordings of her endless fairy tales and carefree shopping trips!! Her team would just explain it away like every other situation.
lets see :waitasec: a small childs remains are found within a block from the accused home...
It's obvious that these are 2 separate jailhouse videos, one with Casey sitting in a chair in the medical facility looking at a TV, and the other video is Casey and Jose sitting at a table.

Do I think these videos would have made a difference to the jury? No, because the jury didn't ask to look at any evidence during their deliberations. I'm sure if the video of Casey in the chair was admitted that the defense would have come up with some bogus explanation.

Casey also didn't get any "medical" attention from any nurse, or anyone else that I could see in the videoclip of her sitting in the chair. It didn't look like anyone came up and talked to her or that she was talking to anyone either. When did Casey ask for and get a sedative? That's not shown on the video.

To me the video of Casey in the chair shows consciousness of guilt. It's too bad that the video quality isn't very good. It's so grainy -- it's a shame that the regular jailhouse camera wasn't working because the camcorder tape quality wasn't very good, IMO.
lets see :waitasec: a small childs remains are found within a block from the accused home...

Okay, but then why did she make and shake the "fisties" just before the guards escorted off for her sedative? Why was she rageful if, in fact, she already knew Caylee drowned on June 16th. Why was she panicked and rageful?
thank you for asking!

none of it makes sense to me...i tend to think logically, and rely on exact sciences. unless there are smoking guns (finger prints, eye witnesses, DNA etc) I am hesitant to draw any conclusions. I watched all of this unfold, right here on this site (lurking) from week one (or two) and kept my fingers crossed that something concrete would surface. read most "doc dumps" or somebody's summary of them, but knew, sadly, for most of those yrs she was locked up that she would walk.

I think there is some truth to the drowning at home, or of some accident at the home. I think she freaked out, and tried to make it look like something that it was not. then it was too late to correct her mistake. I also think that she does have some mental issues. issues that allowed her to live a "normal" life up until she was arrested. I do not think that she placed duct tape over her childs mouth/nose and smothered her to death. if she place this duct tape where it was found, it was to try to throw things off. but, I am not convinced that she placed the duct tape there either. I dont believe it was found exactly how they say it was found. I think the M.E. is more of a celebrity than an M.E. I also think M.E.'s are given far to much responsibility with naming cause of death when it is not apparent (ie; blood work, DNA sampling etc).

as I have said repeatedly "I think"...I am convinced of nothing but the fact that a child is gone, and we do not know how or why

Can you explain your theory of the "exact science" and "logic" you are relying on, to support an accidental drowning or accident whatsoever? Thanks in advance. There is an entire thread on the duct tape, so I won't go there right now.

Back to the jail house video. Why would FCA react in the manner in which she reacted, if she didn't have previous knowledge it was Caylee's body? FCA reacted because she threw Caylee's body in the woods, there is no other explanation to her reaction in the tape released today. You don't have a reaction like that, unless you have first hand knowledge the body was indeed Caylee's. That little fact wasn't released until days later. JMO
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