Found Deceased TX - Angela Morris, 47, Austin, 20 August 2018

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Quote: "Andi Davies said his fiancée, Angela Morris, is 47-years-old and that he didn't have any concerns about her health-wise or personally at the time she disappeared."

Quote: "In a press conference Monday evening, police said her fiance reported that she had a medical condition that made her susceptible to heat conditions."
Yesterday I had all but convinced myself this was a case of her walking away. I was completely wrong. I'm sorry I doubted. There are so many baffling things, even now that we know the outcome. In the police press conference Chief Manley said (@2:50 in this video) that the wheel lock tool had fallen down a storm drain.

So not only was she going to walk a very long way back in the heat, wearing jeans and sandals, she decided to do so walking through the woods which were unknown to her, only to then somehow fish the tool out of a storm drain once she got there. What was going on with this couple to have led to such thinking?
Angela’s death is so tragic......I keep reviewing scenarios desperately wishing for another outcome which I know is not possible. It seems so many things had to go wrong. I do hope the reviewed procedures prevent this from happening again.

Rest well sweet Angela and comfort to all who love you.
Yesterday I had all but convinced myself this was a case of her walking away. I was completely wrong. I'm sorry I doubted. There are so many baffling things, even now that we know the outcome. In the police press conference Chief Manley said (@2:50 in this video) that the wheel lock tool had fallen down a storm drain.

So not only was she going to walk a very long way back in the heat, wearing jeans and sandals, she decided to do so walking through the woods which were unknown to her, only to then somehow fish the tool out of a storm drain once she got there. What was going on with this couple to have led to such thinking?
What the heck was going on? I’m so lost it doesn’t make sense to me their actions. Hinky meter still going off I’m sorry. Rest In Peace Angela.
Angela’s death is so tragic......I keep reviewing scenarios desperately wishing for another outcome which I know is not possible. It seems so many things had to go wrong. I do hope the reviewed procedures prevent this from happening again.

Rest well sweet Angela and comfort to all who love you.
How does all that wrong happen in just a few hours? :( Two flats. One disabled person. One w heat related condition and a drain? What? She has this condition but he waits 6.5 hrs to report it? On top of not sending the phone w her? Cmon this just didn’t make sense to me right now
With the heat and humidity of Texas (especially in AUGUST) - and this would have been during the hottest part of the day - he would have experienced the effects quickly sitting in a car - not sure how a person with health issues survived several hours. The car would need to be running to engage the air conditioning.

Is this a well traveled road? I find it unusual that a police car had not seen them or patrolled that road in over 6 hours.

I’ve traveled thru several cities in Texas and have pulled over on the side of busy roads and less populated areas (make a phone call, etc) and within 30 minutes someone has asked if I needed assistance. Maybe Austin is different in that regard.

My half would be questioning where I was after just an hour or two - much less 6 hours with those conditions.

Just has me questioning how this happened.
He didn’t see her reach 360, but did he see her walk in the building? If so he should have seen her exit the building if she had come out the front door. But she went out the back door and so he couldn’t have seen her, he didn’t wonder where she was? .... and then waits almost six hours to call police? And no way he could have sat in a hot car that long, ac or not. The ac doesn’t cool for long when the car is idoling anyway, I know I’ve tried it. Not to mention, how could you do it mentally, sit in a hot car waiting six hours ? Something’s just not right here.

Austin police to review policies after woman found dead, chief says
Now we are getting more specific details and clarifications to Angie's tragic story. Her body was found at around 10:00 am not 5:00 am, she was found much further away from the building that she washed her hands in, the tire tool was dropped into a storm drain, etc. Here is the article: Austin Woman Missing For 7 Days Found Dead (Updates)

Such a horrible collusion of events. So many unanswered questions. I wonder if someone in the building where she washed her hands suggested walking through the woods instead of along 360. I don't know why else she would exit the rear door unless someone pointed it out to her.
There's video here from a local news station that shows the general forested area where she was found and the building she was found behind. Building owners say she DID come into the building and there is a video of that that they have viewed. What's unclear is that she could NOT have cut through the woods to 360. If you look at Crimedog's great video in an earlier post, there are tall rock walls along the highway right up to the point you turn on Courtyard. Did she find that obstacle, then return to the building only to have the heat and the walk catch up with her?

She was walking for some time to have made it as far as she did. Then again we don't know if she had made it back to the first flat location and was on her way back or not (yet). I assumed, from the first report of her body location, that it was just behind the office building she washed her hands in.
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WHEN was she seen walking on the highway? Because it had to be on the way BACK from looking for the tire tool, if she was found dead behind the hand-washing building. So when did she die?

I don't mean to be critical, well yes I do. This is poor journalism in my opinion. The reporter is across the street from Bridgepoint Plaza where Angie washed her hands but the reporter states "we are behind this office building". Then when the reporter is at the intersection of West Courtyard and 360 the videographer keeps panning up and showing Courtyard Ave across the 360 intersection and then down to Pennybacker Bridge both locations that have nothing to do with this case. The devil is in the details but when a person is missing or found deceased the details are what matter. If a citizen thinks "I may have saw a person walking that day" but then sees this news report it may cause them to change their mind about reporting it. Sorry I'll get off my soapbox now.
This doesn’t make sense.

A flat tire occurs. He says “they” change the tire. He is unable to get out of the car to go get help or assist. SHE takes the flat tire off and puts the spare (blowup) on the car and places the tire in the trunk. Drive a short ways and the blowup goes flat. All of this on her own in the heat.

No need to take that one off since you don’t have another spare (no way she’s toting two spare tires in her trunk if they are living on the edge)

And you know the tool is in the drain? What in the world was their thought process?
So did he encourage a woman with health problems to walk back to search for a wheel lock that was dropped in a storm drain, in 100 degree weather, after 2 flat tires?? Where were they going? Whose idea was the trip? Did she have life insurance? Things that make you go hmmmm.
So did he encourage a woman with health problems to walk back to search for a wheel lock that was dropped in a storm drain, in 100 degree weather, after 2 flat tires?? Where were they going? Whose idea was the trip? Did she have life insurance? Things that make you go hmmmm.

And then not call anyone for six hours..... Yes, hmmm.
This is so sad and frustrating. She should have never agreed to make that trip in that weather, and I wish someone would have helped her :( RIP Angela
Here are my questions:
1. Where was the car parked on West Courtyard after the second flat?
2. What did the fiance do for 6 hours? Did he need to cool off, go to the bathroom, get hungry?
3. Did the tire repair truck ever show up? He stated earlier that one was coming to help them and that's the reason she set out to get the forgotten/lost tool.
4. Knowing your girlfriend has intolerance for heat why would you wait 6 hours before calling for help?
5. Why go back to the first flat location knowing that the tool is in a storm drain?

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