Found Deceased TX - Angela Morris, 47, Austin, 20 August 2018

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Unclear where they parked from the inconsistent news reports.

I wasn't able to determine if they stopped on the gravel shoulder just north of Pennybacker Bridge or West Courtyard Drive either from the different descriptions given. According to the Austin Police reports the address is 5921 West Courtyard Drive ( +2018-2321576&Submit=Submit) however there isn't a building associated with this address according to Google maps. Once she walked down to State Capital Drive and turned north she would be hidden from the retaining walls.
This is a strange case. The hand washing thing stands out to me. Why bother when it’s 104 out, and you may get dirty again, plus you have a disabled person waiting for you. I’m not familiar with traffic or topography in the area, to locals; is it possible she got hit by a car and is in a ditch with no one else seeing? Like, is traffic light and are the ditches not maintained, maybe have a lot of brush or bushes that may hide her body there? It seems like a hit and run case. The guy doesn’t seem shady, it truly seems that he really needs her help.
My understanding is that the wheel lock is specific to each car and is required to remove the wheel- to prevent theft or something like that. Our car has one and it is necessary to change the tire.
Thank you mwatson11, that makes a whole lot more sense why she'd be so insistent on walking back to find it.
I don’t think anybody would walk along 360. This story makes no sense to me. I have the heeby jeebies from the interview with the significant other.
Re: your bolded: I do to. Something's seems amiss, just not sure what. There could be several possibilities .

Also, as someone posted previously, there are surveillance cameras at various places along that highway. Would LE not have been able to pinpoint her location at some time or other? I guess I've followed too many of these type cases, but nonetheless, I'm not getting a good feeling about it all.
Questions I have:
How many people drive around with a "spare tire" and a "donut"? 2 tires just in case?
If he is so debilitated then we must assume that Angela changed the first tire? Or, at least did a majority of the work. If she was going to have to get her hands dirty again why bother going to wash them?
I never underestimate handicapped people.
One case we had a man with no arms was able to strangle his wife and put her in the freezer.
Questions I have:
How many people drive around with a "spare tire" and a "donut"? 2 tires just in case?
If he is so debilitated then we must assume that Angela changed the first tire? Or, at least did a majority of the work. If she was going to have to get her hands dirty again why bother going to wash them?
I never underestimate handicapped people.
One case we had a man with no arms was able to strangle his wife and put her in the freezer.

- I don't think they had a spare and a donut. I think they just had 1 spare which was the donut type. I think they had a flat, replaced it with the donut, and then that too went flat.
- He has a prosthetic leg so he may have assisted in changing the tire. He just couldn't walk back to retrieve the wheel lock.
- The only reason I can think she'd bother to wash her hands was if there were a place to do so RIGHT THERE.

That brings up a question I have - where did they actually stop after the 2nd flat? I'm leaning towards that they parked somewhere on Courtyard because
- he said she was going to wash her hands. There is no way she'd walk all the way up Courtyard to an office building to do that if they were on 360.
- he stated "she walked back down Courtyard"
- the police report gives a Courtyard address.
BUT in another interview he said they pulled over onto a gravel area. There is no gravel area on Courtyard. Maybe he was thinking of the first stop? This is an inconsistency in his story (or in the reporting, hard to tell).

Do we know where their appointment was? Maybe it was in that office complex area off of Courtyard. Why else would they have turned onto Courtyard and gone up that hill? If you had a flat while on 360, it would not be a good option to turn onto that street because there is no flat area or shoulder area to fix a flat right there. The better option would be to just pull over to the side of 360.
I am wondering if the tires were punctured, and not "blown out." Need to know, asap. Two tires blowing? I disbelieve.
No one has talked about what exactly happened other than to say "blow out". But I can believe 2 tires going bad. The second tire was their donut that was underinflated to begin with. They weren't going to get far on that.

We live in this area and have 2 vehicles and have had 7 flats in the last 2 years. It's ridiculous. There is a lot of construction and we are constantly getting nails in the tires. Tire shop on speed dial :D
1st flat near Lakewood Drive, 2nd flat near Pennybacker bridge. About 1.5 miles distance along a very busy road on a very hot day in the middle of the afternoon. I wonder if she could have been hit by a car and thrown into the brush or down a steep hill? This is very puzzling. Someone must have seen something.

Dear CrimeDawg,

I agree that she would have been noticeable, especially as you describe, walking on the side of such a busy road on such a hot day.

The police have also asked motorists if they picked up any sightings of Angela on their dashboard cams.

This is mysterious and I hope she is okay.
It just makes no sense to me why they didn’t get the tire place to help them instead of her walking a mile and a half one way in the summer heat. The more I think about it the less I believe what he’s saying.
On the other hand if she did want to use the situation to escape him I guess I can see that, so maybe she insisted on walking for the tool for that reason.
The other issue I have, it seems to me it would have been safer to just drive back the mile and a half, even on a flat. It can be done even on a flat tire if done very slowly, and better and safer than a woman out walking alone.
Either he’s lying or she chose this as her escape route. JMO
The consensus here seems to be things don't add up. And I agree. Ok, maybe they weren't the brightest bulbs in the box but many things are wrong with the story. First, I don't know too many women who would change a tire on the side of 360. Plus, even if they tried, Austin is the kind of town where someone would stop and help. Plus, why not call for assistance at that point. Maybe no AAA and no $$$ but odd. Second, replace the tire with another tire that blows or is flat? Odd. Likelihood of that is pretty small. Third, why not drive on the freakin' rim to a gas station. There are many around there. In fact, there's a gas station like a half mile from the bridge. Fourth, it says she realized she left the lug nut key back at the first flat. She said she'd walk back to get it. Why? Did they have another spare? unlikely. What was she going to do with it. Even if you are someone who would change their own flat, I don't think anyone can manage changing two flats with only one spare. They would have to call someone, so why didn't they. Five, 4 hours before calling someone.

At the end of the day, Occam's Razor usually holds. I assume we'll be hearing the true story in a couple of days.

I wonder if they ever found the lug nut key?
And the bit about using this as an opportunity to leave him? That doesn't make sense either. After nine years, I've decided I'm going to leave you. Literally, on the side of the road with two flats. If she wanted to leave, she could get home and walk out of the house. You certainly don't take a flat and no transportation as the opportunity to leave someone.
Some observations:
1) In the television interviews there is a walker near the fiance which suggests that he needs it to walk or at the very least transfer. So knowing that I can understand him not being able to assist with changing of the tires or volunteering to walk back to get the tool.
2) Since they are sharing a cell phone it makes me think finances may be limited and therefore car maintenance (including new tires) got delayed until it absolutely had to be repaired. I think this is bolstered by them attempting to call friends first to help them instead of a tire company/wrecker.
3) Then again if finances are limited how do you start a reward for information?
4) There are too many cameras in that stretch of highway for her to just disappear. Whenever LE sits down to review them we should find out what happened or at least narrow down what happened.

All just my opinion of course.

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