TX - Austin Package Bombs #3

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“I wish I were sorry but I am not,” Mark Conditt said in the cell phone recording, according to sources familiar with his statements. He described himself as a “psychopath” and said he feels as though he has been disturbed since childhood.

He knew what he was and he says even as a child there was something wrong with him.

I don't know how to link to my post in the previous thread, so I copy and paste it here:

"Ok, it took me days now to find my username using Google and looking through threads that I remembered posting in.

What I wanted to post about now - to all the people who are trying to understand why he did this and why this happened, I totally unterstand your need to find an answer to that, especially if it happened really close to you.

The answer though is very simple, he was a psychopath. You can't understand them. They have a brain that is wired in a completely different way than the brain of people who are not psychopaths. They are also born this way. And whatever motive he thought he had, if you are not a psychopath, you won't deal with it the way he did.

If you really want to try and understand what is going on in the mind of a psychopath (not much, they don't have any deep feelings, they feel bored a lot because of this and always start and cause drama, they have no empathy, no conscience and not for one second are able to feel love or compassion for anyone), I recommend the book "Without Conscience" by Robert D. Hare. And I also recommend this documentary:


I dealt with a psychopath for a couple of years and not only is it hell on earth, it is also impossible to change them (even treatment makes them worse, meaning, there is no treatment), it is almost impossible to understand what is going on in their heads - until you start to read about them in books, on the internet and watch documentaries."


Somebody posted this link here:


"Scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism"

I think it is interesting that the prefrontal cortex is involved in this, the prefrontal cortex is abnormal in psychopaths as well.
JMO: I don't think Oak Hill was random, at all. I don't think the first two deaths, both POC, and the only deaths besides MAC, are random either.

The men in Oak Hill could have been random targets, but I don't think the location was. Oak Hill is one of the neighborhoods in Austin that is uber inclusive, and a skip away from some trendy gay bars/venues.

So a resentment of the culturally liberal- all too commonly preached in some circles these days.

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Thank you, I also thought there should be a number to click on, but somehow it's not there? Where is it supposed to be? Isn't it usually in the top right corner or something? Maybe I'm just confused because the forum changed since I posted years ago, lol. I have to post more.

I wanted to recommend another book, it's called "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout.

To me and from what I read sociopath and psychopath is the same thing, people just tend to like to use one or the other.

And I wanted to add that I said they are born that way and he actually said in his "confession" that even as a child there was something wrong with him. Since it is not allowed to diagnose children as psychopaths because they are still developing, children who get diagnosed with "conduct disorder" usually become psychopaths as adults. It would be interesting to hear if as a child he was out of control and if he gave his parents a hard time (parents of these children are usually quite desperate), but I doubt the family would ever admit to that. But also, did he have a history of bullying/torturing other children, did he ever do ... let's just say, bad things to animals?

And if he had a motive or something that triggered it (like losing his job), that's very important for the investigation and for them to learn for the future. But for me or "us", it shouldn't really matter because they always find a reason why they are doing bad things. The psychopath that I had to deal with always had some reason like stress at work, always pointing the finger at others blaming them for whatever was wrong with his life. And then doing bad things to me or others with that excuse.

They also like to make and then see people suffer, which also fits with this case, he could watch all the suffering and terror he caused on TV 24/7. So I personally don't care what triggered it (although, like I said, as part of the investigation I'm interested in hearing whatever they can find), he had a brain that didn't work like a "normal" brain and they are just evil people.

But of course they know what they are doing is wrong, they just don't care, meaning they are not mentally ill in the sense of not being responsible for their actions.
Credit to HMSHood for contributing this article-

The Psychology of Terrorism- even though we believe he acted alone, his mindset and actions were a form of domestic terrorism, IMO.
For those of you wanting to better understand someone like MAC, THIS IS A MUST READ!!!!!

Some important comments from the article-

Histories of Childhood Abuse and Trauma and themes of perceived Injustice and Humiliation often are prominent in
terrorist biographies.

Freud wrote- The 2 themes consistently at the center of terrorism/violence
1. arise from hostility toward's one's parents

2. Terrorism is a product of early abuse and maltreatment.

Feuer wrote- "Conflict of Generations" Theory-
A psychological
reaction of sons against fathers, terrorism is rooted in Childhood Abuse.

extremely abusive families create damaged sense of self

on Injustice, Maltreatment and Humiliation

Common sense and experience tells us people who are badly treated and/or unjustly punished WILL SEEK REVENGE

Most terrorists studied suffered Chronic Physical Abuse and Humiliation (in childhood or adolescence)

Morning all.

I finally feel like things are calming down here locally. While police are still around his house (I expect that for a few more days), they aren't as heavy, media isn't there at the house lining the streets, and I feel like we can finally get back to a little normalcy. It was pretty scary, but now I just want them to wrap up in the investigation, release the manifesto and other information to the public so we can form our OWN opinions, and then forget about it just like every other "story" in history (sad truth).
He knew what he was and he says even as a child there was something wrong with him.

I don't know how to link to my post in the previous thread, so I copy and paste it here:

"Ok, it took me days now to find my username using Google and looking through threads that I remembered posting in.

What I wanted to post about now - to all the people who are trying to understand why he did this and why this happened, I totally unterstand your need to find an answer to that, especially if it happened really close to you.

The answer though is very simple, he was a psychopath. You can't understand them. They have a brain that is wired in a completely different way than the brain of people who are not psychopaths. They are also born this way. And whatever motive he thought he had, if you are not a psychopath, you won't deal with it the way he did.

If you really want to try and understand what is going on in the mind of a psychopath (not much, they don't have any deep feelings, they feel bored a lot because of this and always start and cause drama, they have no empathy, no conscience and not for one second are able to feel love or compassion for anyone), I recommend the book "Without Conscience" by Robert D. Hare. And I also recommend this documentary:


I dealt with a psychopath for a couple of years and not only is it hell on earth, it is also impossible to change them (even treatment makes them worse, meaning, there is no treatment), it is almost impossible to understand what is going on in their heads - until you start to read about them in books, on the internet and watch documentaries."


Somebody posted this link here:


"Scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism"

I think it is interesting that the prefrontal cortex is involved in this, the prefrontal cortex is abnormal in psychopaths as well.

I agree. I had to deal with one in particular in my life and he had zero remorse for the things he did. They can be sadistic.
JMO: I don't think Oak Hill was random, at all. I don't think the first two deaths, both POC, and the only deaths besides MAC, are random either.

The men in Oak Hill could have been random targets, but I don't think the location was. Oak Hill is one of the neighborhoods in Austin that is uber inclusive, and a skip away from some trendy gay bars/venues.
So a resentment of the culturally liberal- all too commonly preached in some circles these days.

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The two injured men in Travis Country were near a park with a bunch of mountain biking trails. I think it is far more likely that he chose that location because he had noticed, while biking, how easy that street would be to plant a bomb unseen. Nobody really even knows about Travis Country unless they have a reason to be there. It is off the beaten path. I really don't know what you mean by "uber inclusive". That area is a mix of old Austin liberals and new Austin conservatives. It is not close to any gay bars. I don't think him picking that location was anything other than happenstance and noticing he could be near a lot of people yet still go unseen. JMO
Dummy used a credit card

Jody Barr @JodyBarrKXAN
24h24 hours ago
Store manager tells me the ATF found 30 customers who made similar purchases as Mark Conditt in last month or so. ATF took video of all 30. ATF matched time in video to Conditt's credit card swipe here, the manager says to confirm this is Conditt in the video:

View attachment 131905
Jody Barr

23h23 hours ago
ELECTRONICS STORE: ATF had video, receipts of #AustinBombings perp more than a week ago: http://www.kxan.com/news/investigat...austin-bomber-more-than-a-week-ago/1067015087 …

View attachment 131906

Slightly OT, but it's good to see Jody Barr reporting again. He was an investigative journalist who did a lot of very good reporting on the Rhoden Family Massacre in Pike County, OH 2 years ago, when 8 family members were killed one night in 4 different homes. He was working for a Cincinnati tv station up until about a year ago. He and another award winning reporter, Chris Graves, did excellent work covering the murders, but both mysteriously lost their jobs and had to move out of state. Jody ended up in TX, Chris in Minnesota. Two years later the Rhoden family murders are still unsolved and almost no information about the crimes has been made public. LE won't even discuss the case publicly anymore and it's assumed the case is no longer being investigated.


I'm glad to see Jody's career is still going well. He and Chris didn't deserve to be run out of Ohio.
Bomb at FedEx facility targeted Austin Med Spa employee, worker’s mom says

I wonder why Mark Conditt addressed one of the bomb to Anita Ward. Another strange turn of events.

I wonder about the other bomb in FedEx who that was addressed to.

I believe package was addressed to spa worker's daughter who also works at spa.
I found someone w/ same name who was a contestant in beauty pageant in Austin-
wonder if she was a romantic 'fantasy' of MAC or if he tried to meet her and was rejected. Must be a connection.
If I understand correctly it was addressed to an unnamed* woman, the daughter of AW.

ETA *not publicly identified

It's possible MAC knew of her and developed a crush/stalked her.
There is a method to the madness we just cannot see the connections yet. Not enough yet.
I know I said yesterday that I feel bad for him, and I can't imagine how sad, dark, and depressed he must have been.

But dammit. If I have to read one more thing about his family talking about what a good guy he was...

NO! Your son/grandson/nephew KILLED PEOPLE. He may have been a good person 1, 2, 5 years ago but he KILLED PEOPLE. He's NOT a good person!

I get that it's hard for them to process. It HONESTLY may have come as a shock to them, but good grief, show some remorse for the people he KILLED and their families!

Ugh. Rant over.

His actions will most likely be attributed to “the devil”.

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Those were my thoughts also. What could be so terrible that Police Chief is sympathetic but does not discuss?

Chilling and diabolical. What a horrible person. I'm still waiting for an apology from his family. A real apology--not the one that asked for us to pray for their monster of a son. It sounds like LE has at least issued some apologies to one of the deceased victim's families. That's a start, but they didn't raise the bomber in their home.

Five more signs for trip-wire bombs, more names on his list. I don't think he was planning to stop anytime soon. LE caught him in time.
No proof that he didn't hide more pkgs, bombs around Austin and in the parks. People are still on edge in Austin.

I have no doubt that was the type of "discipline" that would have been used in the Conditt house. Some of these extremist families proudly talk about using actual metal pipes to "discipline" their children. They will deny that it's child abuse because they claim it's biblically instructed. I would like to see which homeschooling "curriculum" was used by the Conditt family. I have a feeling it was not anything mainstream or accredited by an actual educational organization.

From your link:

The serial Austin bomber had been part of a Christian survivalist group that would discuss weapons and dangerous chemicals - as authorities reveal he had a target list of future locations to continue his reign of terror.

Mark Anthony Conditt, 23, took part in the conservative club called Righteous Invasion of Truth (RIOT) as a teenager, which involved home-schooled youth studying the bible and being taught gun skills.

The bomber's grandmother Mary Conditt, who lives in Colorado, told CNN that she had never seen any sign of violence in him.

'If anything he's low-key and peaceful,' she said. 'He's from a family that is so tight, that works so hard to raise their children correctly. It's just horrible.'


'Our family is a normal family in every way. We love, we pray, and we try to inspire and serve others. Right now our prayers are for those families that have lost loved ones, for those impacted in any way, and for the soul of our Mark. We are grieving and we are in shock.'


(BBM above)

Red flags everywhere. "tight knit family trying to raise their children correctly" and "our family is normal in every way". Really? Because your "normal" son just terrorized an entire region with bombs, killed two people, and maimed several others.

This just screams religious fundamentalism and isolationist behavior. These are the "raising an army for God" so-called Christians who believe in the Old Testament laws even though they say they follow Jesus. Scary stuff.

Austin Police say if you still have surveillance video that shows anything that might be connected to the Austin bomber, they're still accepting it as they work to close the case on the six bombings that rocked the city.

It was home surveillance video that captured the sound of the fourth explosion Sunday in Southwest Austin.

I am always drawn to this simple verse: "My kingdom is not of this world, otherwise my disciples would fight." There is no violence in that.

A bomb found at a FedEx facility in Southeast Austin on Tuesday morning was addressed to an employee at Austin Med Spa, according to spa workers and the employee’s mother.

Anita Ward, a nurse at Austin Med Spa, said FBI agents and Austin police told her Tuesday morning that her daughter, who also works at the spa in downtown Austin, was to be the recipient of the unexploded bomb at a FedEx sorting facility at 4117 McKinney Falls Parkway near Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

Ward, who did not want to give her daughter’s name, said her daughter does not know Mark Conditt, who police say terrorized Austin with a series of bomb attacks that left two people dead and five injured.

The spa’s owner, Suzette Smith, said Conditt did not look familiar to anyone who works at the spa and was not a customer. https://www.statesman.com/news/loca...loyee-worker-mom-says/Ow90lvM3xRhFdJkbF2ScOI/

ETA: Ward’s daughter attends Austin Community College, but did not attend the school from 2010 to 2012, when Conditt was pursuing a business administration degree but did not graduate.

When I hear stories about how others live like this it makes me so thankful. Do you think they feel thankful when they hear how ‘normal’ live?
I don't understand what you are asking.
Brainscratch has uploaded a new video on the case. Iirc, LordanArt's videos are ok on WS.

I agree. I had to deal with one in particular in my life and he had zero remorse for the things he did. They can be sadistic.

Oh, they are very sadistic. To them other people are things, not human beings. They use them to get whatever they want, manipulate them, also, one huge red flag is that from the beginning they complain about their life just to get your sympathy (and empathy) and then manipulate you with that and try to get whatever they want and need, mostly material things like money. Parasitic lifestyle. They are pathological liars as well.

Which, in this case with the "confession" that was full of complaining about his life, fits perfectly as well.

In general and especially in this case, just don't waste your time with feeling sorry for him, like "he was so young, what went wrong with this poor soul?" - they don't have a soul. Just focus on yourself, he doesn't deserve your empathy. If you ever meet a psychopath, they will just use your empathy against you.
Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshal Darren Sartin said the search and takedown of the Austin bomber was a case of a lifetime, and a type of situation he hopes to never deal with again.
Deputy U.S. Marshal Brandon Filla said when the task force members received information that Conditt may have been in the Round Rock area, they went to work. They conducted mobile surveillance and checked out every single hotel, motel or restaurant that was still open in the area. They fanned out in search of a vehicle Conditt was known to drive.

Early Wednesday, they struck gold. Filla said officers found Conditt’s vehicle in a hotel parking lot.

Filla said it was in a dark spot, with no lights on either inside or outside of the vehicle. About 15 minutes later, in the chilly morning air, an investigator spotted exhaust coming from the vehicle’s tail pipe

Deputy U.S. Marshal Brandon Filla said when the task force members received information that Conditt may have been in the Round Rock area, they went to work. They conducted mobile surveillance and checked out every single hotel, motel or restaurant that was still open in the area. They fanned out in search of a vehicle Conditt was known to drive.

Filla said there was no indication that Conditt knew authorities were watching him. As Conditt got onto the Interstate 35 service road just south of Old Settlers Boulevard, officers made a “tactical stop,” which Filla described as “certain movements to surprise these subjects to put them at a disadvantage against law enforcement officers.”

Conditt’s vehicle came to a stop in a ditch, and as officers surrounded it and moved in to grab Conditt, a bomb blew inside.

Officers backed off and sought cover after the blast. One officer was injured, and another had fired his weapon at Conditt.

Arkansasmimi, I'm bringing forward your post yesterday with the interview with a US Marshal describing the capture of MOC. JMO, this is probably the most accurate description. It's the only account I've read so far where the LEO sounds as if he were actually there instead of repeating someone else's account.

He describes MOC's car sitting quietly in the parking lot, lights out. Suddenly they see exhaust coming from the tailpipe of his car, so they knew he was preparing to drive somewhere. No mention of him having been inside the motel and walking out. After leaving, they made the tactical stop, got out and were moving in on his car when the bomb went off.

I'm sure investigators will come out with a full report once their work is finished. For now, there are a couple different versions of the story.
If you ever meet a psychopath, they will just use your empathy against you.

yes, absolutely they take advantage of good-hearted people.
This is why I refuse to have any sympathy for the Austin Bomber aka Terrorist. I'm done wasting emotions on people who clearly do not deserve it.
Anyone hear any statements from the MAC?Austin Bomber's church? Offers of condolences to the victims?
Anything? radio silence is deafening.

ok, I finally found his church:

"Two of the bombs were set in lower-income neighborhoods while the most recent explosion occurred in a middle-class neighborhood in Southwest Austin. There has been speculation as to whether they are coordinated and targeted – a hate crime or something else – but that is still unclear."

First bomb was set off in a nice neighborhood. Why do they even mention "lower-income".


and in no way do they mention MAC attending their own church or offer links to help the victims' families.
Arkansasmimi, I'm bringing forward your post yesterday with the interview with a US Marshal describing the capture of MOC. JMO, this is probably the most accurate description. It's the only account I've read so far where the LEO sounds as if he were actually there instead of repeating someone else's account.

He describes MOC's car sitting quietly in the parking lot, lights out. Suddenly they see exhaust coming from the tailpipe of his car, so they knew he was preparing to drive somewhere. No mention of him having been inside the motel and walking out. After leaving, they made the tactical stop, got out and were moving in on his car when the bomb went off.

I'm sure investigators will come out with a full report once their work is finished. For now, there are a couple different versions of the story.

Yes, I agree this is the most detailed account I've seen.

I've been confused all along about why he was at the Red Roof Inn parking lot. Did he stay at the Red Roof Inn? If so, why? He lived just a few miles from there. What was he doing sitting in that parking lot....

As far as "tactical stop" I guess that means the LE white van rammed the living ***** out of his car. I've read other places that MAC "pulled into the ditch" but clearly he did so after being hit by the van. Well done LE to stop him and not let him get out onto IH-35.

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