TX - Austin Package Bombs

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I don’t know about Austin, but San Antonio schools were on spring break this past week. Also, private schools may be on a different spring break schedule than public schools.

Reason I wasn't sure is the schools in towns where my grands go to / then some of my extended family few counties over are on spring break this week (starting 19th)T




[FONT=&amp]UPDATE: @AustinISD says, due to explosion in SW Austin, its school buses will be unable to go into Travis Country neighborhood Monday. Tardies/absences will be excused http://bit.ly/2HL6nSj?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_KXAN_News …


CBS Austin
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5m5 minutes ago
More CBS Austin Retweeted Austin Police Dept
We will stream this live on Facebook and http://cbsaustin.com

Austin Police Dept
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Media Chief Manley will be available at 130 am to discuss reports involving a trip wire in the 4800 block of Dawn Song Dr. Same media staging area off Boston.

1:06 AM - 19 Mar 2018
So the perpetrator is switching up his/her MO due to people being more careful about suspicious packages. This is a nightmare!
Anyone find a working link to the press conference?

[FONT=&quot].@chief_manley says it’s possible this explosion was triggered by a trip wire, urges public not to approach suspicious packages @KXAN_News


[FONT=&quot]Such bombings aren't easy to solve without communication — or without more "events" to provide more clues, Jenkins said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"This isn't like a convenience store holdup," he said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]There can be few witnesses. Patterns can be difficult to detect. Evidence can be destroyed in the explosion.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"This requires reconnaissance," he said. "This requires target selection. They have to think about building a device that works. They have to build that device. They have to think about delivering that device in a way that enables them to conceal their identity."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A key question, Jenkins said, is determining what motivated the bomber or bombers. Were the attacks a one-off event driven by personal grievance — or were they the beginning of something larger?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"These individuals who become serial bombers — they start campaigns and we don't necessarily understand what their campaigns are," he said. "Motives that seem reasonable to them are not discernible to us."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In 2002, for instance, Lucas Helder planted bombs in mailboxes across the United States in an arrangement that would allow someone looking at the United States from space to see a smiley face.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Those are things that are not easy for outsiders to figure out," Jenkins said.

‏@melanietorre 1m1 minute ago

OTHER INFO: @AustinISD says buses will not run to Travis Country tomorrow and student absences will be excused. APD asks residents to stay inside until 10am. If you need to leave due to an emergency call 911.

Adam Hammons
@AdamH_CBSAUSTIN 13m13 minutes ago
UPDATE: APD chief confirms reports this latest explosion was a trip wire. Asks residents to stay inside until 10 am

‏@melanietorre 4m4 minutes ag
NEW: APD confirms the two victims were riding or pushing bicycles when the explosion happened. No details about the type of explosion, presentation of device or extent of injuries released.

‏@melanietorre 14m14 minutes ago
NEW: APD says it’s unconfirmed but possible the device was activated by a trip-wire. He says that changes the safety message for the public related to handling packages since this explosion was not triggered by handling.

Adam Hammons
13m13 minutes ago
UPDATE: APD chief confirms reports this latest explosion was a trip wire. Asks residents to stay inside until 10 am
From the PC - residents of the Travis Country neighborhood are asked to stay inside their homes until 10 am to allow time for the area to be searched for additional explosives after daylight. (paraphrased)
* The package on Sunday was left on the side of the road.
* The two injured men were either biking or pushing bicycles when the explosion occurred.
* Police are waiting for daylight to process the scene.
* Residents living near the scene have to stay indoors until 10 a.m.
* Hours before the latest blast, the chief appealed directly to whoever was responsible for the bombs.

This is awful and terrifying.

I have to think this 4th incident has to be related because it seems close enough to the other three. They said it was further away but I do think it is close enough to be the same bomber. .

The bomber(s) have to be careful not to blow themselves up when putting together one of these devices and I think arming it at the very end is probably one of the most dangerous times for them.

They mentioned the two that were injured were on bicycles or near bicycyles either walking or riding. I realize they are likely victims and I hope they recover fully but the bicycle thing had me wondering if that maybe how the bomber is getting in and out of the area.

Just been wondering how the bomber is getting in and out of the area without bringing suspicioun onto themselves and a bicycle could be a mode of transportation.

Some of the other locations were right in middle of a long street. So the bomber had to go a long ways into the street. If by foot then more chance of being seen. A car would be suspicous as everyone is now watching for any unrecognized cars on their street. So was thinking a biycle would not draw suspicoun as much as walking.

I am sure LE is doing a thorough investigation and I hope they give the public more details how people can be safe. With all the security cameras nowadays I would think there has to be video surfacing of possible suspects. Im surprised there has not been video released yet from the public or LE.

Remember with the Tampa serial killing shootings recently. There was video released right away and often as more video surfaced. Someone had to have caught the suspects on video by now I would have thought.
I googled images of the area, plus googled that nearby YMCA to see pics' of local folk. And I read criminal profiling articles just now on these bombers.

The locals look to be middle affluent sorts.
The profilers say for sure the bomber is angry about something.
My guess is the bomber is a local middle aged male who's a sneaky loner type and definitely knows the area - I read that normally the 1st crime scene is really imp' cuz the offender knows that spot and felt most safe to commit the type crime there initially.
I say the bomber is a sneaky sort who thinks he can and will outwit police, FBI, etc., and prob' has a little higher IQ lol than most.
I wonder if the bomber did these 2 as a ruse to confuse and mislead police that he really is, say, a racist filled with hate toward African Americans. This makes most sense to me.
But if this keeps going on and the victims are just a big mix of area folks of all sorts then maybe the man is angry at the Austin govt' or some particular branch of it?

I notice how in press confs' they have big 'FBI' decals showing - surely to entice the bomber who they guess has a dimension of his personality that is he feels REALLY SUPERIOR to 'those idiots' and so is being subtly pressured to 'get cocky' and slip up so police can catch the guy.

HOW IN THE WORLD can the guy get away with planting all these freakin' bombs all over the place? The areas look to be densely populated. Surely the man plans, so maybe he dropped off the boxes deep in the night? To set up trip wires for bicyclists as it's said he's doing on these 2 bombs of yesterday, surely he planned the sites in daylight and then my guess is he came back deep in the night (when no one's walking around or walking the dog) to set things up. He's got to get 'a high', right?, from setting out the bombs/traps, because he always runs the risk of getting caught or seen by Someone.

Up here in MN IMO there are cameras all over the place publicly - for those of 'us' who live in that area, are there cameras around in the areas where the 5 bombs have happened? One would think that study of surveillance of area, businesses and homes, would at least show a suspect vehicle (but maybe the man rents cars?). Don't a Whole Lot of people nowadays tend to have those camera systems set up at their homes- I know nothing on 'statistics' but my impression is that recording video all over the place, by govt' and bus' owners and home owners and renters is so very common it may well be the norm in all of the areas involved but esp' the relatively affluent area where these 2 most recent attacks occurred (surely in time the police will tell us if those 'trip wires' were in areas aways from homes (IE, no cameras...).

Sounds HORRIFIC !! No one anywhere in that area can be safe even to walk down their street now !!
The type of videos that I think has to be out there are home security videos where a person points it at their porch and is catching part of the street.

Surely someone by now has video of someone walking or driving by in a car or bicycle on the streets where the bombings have occurred.

Its a lot of video to pour through and I am sure LE is looking at all of it but I hope they release to public as soon as they think they have a suspicous character.

That was one way they were able to catch the Tampa shooter.
If the bomber used a trip wire this time then I think what he must have done is put the wire across the sidewalk or a driveway. I am thinking sidewalk right now.

It would not have been across the street I dont think because then a car would have triggered it sooner. If bicycles were being pedaled or walked down the sidewalk then a tripwire across the sidewalk could set it off.

The bomber is very sadistic because a small little girl on a bicycle could have killed herself with this type of method. The bomber dont care about anyone. Small children or elderly it dont matter to them. Which is sadistic and sick.

This case is really upsetting. It reminds me of all the past serial bombers like Unibomber.

This last one went off at 8:30 pm CST. which means it was dark. The bomber had to have just put it out there right before dark IMO. Shortly before the bicycle people went by.

I think LE should be able to narrow down their timeline good with this latest incident. I dont think the bomber would have placed it in daylight. So maybe a 1 to 2 hour window from setting the device and it going off.

If it gets dark at 7 or 7:30 pm then really he only had about an hour. This should really help LE.

I am familiar with home security cameras because I finally installed a set myself. They are making them real easy and cheap to install.

The brand I got was from QVC called BING. It took about two hours to setup three cameras and there is no monthly fee. I was impressed how easy the instructions were. Just had to have a Smartphone compatible with the device. Mine was Android version phone and it was a smooth download of their application and next thing I knew i had three working security cams.

Years ago they were more difficult but now they are making them very simple and easy for anyone that wants security cams. The whole kit was a little over 200 dollars and with no monthly fees I think it was worth it. I am impressed with how it automatically snaps video with motion detectors built in the cameras.

Lots of other brands are doing basically the same thing as the brand I ended up getting.
Just got another alert. I am about 6 miles from incident 4.

Austin ISD goes back today. SB was last week.
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