TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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It's strange for sure. I don't know quite what to think yet. The brother going to check on LL has me a bit perplexed. He left then CAME BACK when he got the call from Brandon saying he was out of gas. LL put the gas cans on the porch for him.

I know I read that Brandon called his father before leaving the house. I can only think that the fight was quite bad (possibly physical?) and the Dad called K and asked him to go check on LL? IDK?

The timeline and story is just not adding up.

So at 4:30am LL woke up, realized she had like 10 missed calls from K and 3 from Brandon and when she talked to K he was in a panic because it had been several hours and Brandon still had not returned to his truck? Had he stayed out there all that time? Perhaps he did. I know that about 7am he went into Bronte and got gas and put it in the truck in case Brandon showed up. Then around 8:30ish (I think) the cops towed the truck.

So here's my thing. LL went to bed without her phone knowing that Brandon was unaccounted for out in the boonies where his truck had run out of gas? Or did she assume K found him, got him gas and Brandon went back to his house with him?

She (or someone using a phone in her name) texted Brandon at 1:19 (19 minutes after cops and K arrived) warning him that cops were at his truck. And then she just fell asleep?

BBM, I wonder if they were drinking together and that's why she could just pass out?
I certainly couldn't go to sleep if my husband had stormed out after a row and was then stuck in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, no matter how angry I was with him.

Does anybody know what sort of relationship Brandon had with his parents? They don't seem to get a mention which I also find strange. The whole thing is just so bizarre.
I certainly couldn't go to sleep if my husband had stormed out after a row and was then stuck in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, no matter how angry I was with him.

Does anybody know what sort of relationship Brandon had with his parents? They don't seem to get a mention which I also find strange. The whole thing is just so bizarre.

I know that LL said she was very close to his parents. I would assume Brandon was too but maybe not. Supposedly he called his Dad that night before leaving the house.
LL: It's hunting land. It's really rough.

H: And I think that's something we may have skipped over right quick, was that this is an extremely rural area of Texas.

LL: Yeah.

H: The area he went in is basically nothing but wildlife.

LL: Yeah, it's deer hunting. There's a lot of wild hogs out there. There's rattlesnakes. And, you know, in the Texas weather, it's hot. And the rattlesnakes are not rattling because of the wild hogs. There's been a lot of rattlesnake bites out there in the past and stuff, so you've got to be real careful. When it's hot, they're out more.

H: Okay, and when the police were there, was there any type of investigation done that night?

LL: Not really. They just, when I called, my phone was in my van charging, because I told K that I was going to put the gas cans outside the porch, because I was, it was my son that was sick for two days. He had a double ear infection at the time. Well, I told K, go give your brother gas and tell him to come home, or let him cool off at your house, because my brother-in-law was the only one that, any family we had in San Angelo. Well, I went to sleep and then I woke up at 4:30 and I kind of was having a bad dream, panicking, and when I woke up, I went and looked at my phone, and I had three missed calls from Brandon and I had like ten from K and I had a text message that they were going to tow the truck, and they couldn't find Brandon. Well, I got scared and I called Brandon many a time and it went straight to voice mail. I could not get ahold of him. I called K and, when I told K, K was kind of panicking, and he couldn't find Brandon. He didn't know where he was at. The cop was there at the time. He didn't know where Brandon was at. He thought once the cop left, Brandon would come out. We still never knew Brandon called 911, or it would have been a whole different situation.

Above copied from the blog talk transcripts.

Since this is hunting land with deer, boar etc, again I wonder if Brandon could have run into poachers out there (illegal hunters)? Instead of saying something like preachers could he have been saying poachers? And if there are lots of rattlesnakes could he have gotten bitten by a snake while hiding out in the field?

How could she have not seen that she had 3 missed calls from Brandon prior to going to sleep when she texted Brandon at 1:19am (after the 3 missed calls) and warned him that cops were at his truck? UNLESS K or his GF had a phone in LL's name? The text was reportedly sent by someone using a phone registered to LL. Maybe this is where the confusion is coming in? Maybe we are talking 2 different phones? If not I'm thrown for a loop on that one.

I thought it was Kyle's gf and Brandon texting at 1:19 AM. They were the ones who told him the cops were closeby-which he had requested at 12:50 in the 911 call.

Also, How would Ladessa know the cops were there? I guess I am confused.

From the BlogTalk Radio interview:

LL: No, the cadaver dogs didn't pick up anything. But I believe LM, the sheriff's wife, she owns the Observer-Enterprise, and she informed me that they did pick up some hog scent. I guess because the hogs' blood out there is real strong. I'm not sure, but she informed me of that

ETA: Yes, thank you. I thought I heard that and went back and listened again to BTR.

Ladessa does say she "believes" it's owned by the sheriff's wife. I have not independently confirmed that the sheriff's wife does own this weekly. It may be objective but does seem a bit slanted to me. I have quoted it, but wonder if this is a reliable source.
I thought it was Kyle's gf and Brandon texting at 1:19 AM. They were the ones who told him the cops were closeby-which he had requested at 12:50 in the 911 call.

Also, How would Ladessa know the cops were there? I guess I am confused.

You and me both! I read the 1:18 (not 1:19 my error) text was from LL's phone then somewhere else I read it was K's GF who sent the text. Perhaps she had a phone in LL's name?

There is a lot of conflicting information.

This is interesting. And that's what I thought I read, Deputy Neal was coming from the North (Bronte area) so if there were cars or a car or people on the highway he would have passed them coming in. Or if there were any State Troopers out there he would have seen them. I'm curious as to what Deputy Neal was doing in Bronte? Was that his usual post? The Sheriff station is the opposite direction west of Bronte.

The tow truck was not contacted by the Sheriff’s Office until the next morning (Friday, August 9) and the vehicle was picked up at approximately 8:30 am because it was considered a traffic hazard. Before leaving the vehicle that night, Deputy Neal inspected the vehicle for damage or signs of a struggle (blood, broken glass, etc.), turned on the vehicle's flashers and locked the vehicle. Since Deputy Neal had arrived at the scene from Bronte and had not seen anyone walking, he proceeded to drive south on Highway 277 to the Coke/Tom Green County line to see if the man was walking in that direction. He then turned around and looked for the man all the way back to Bronte and at Stripes, the only place in Bronte to buy fuel.
The warrant was from 2005 and supposedly they didn't know about it until Brandon went to go register the truck he bought. And supposedly they were getting ready to take care of it.
LL: No, the cadaver dogs didn't pick up anything. But I believe LM, the sheriff's wife, she owns the Observer-Enterprise, and she informed me that they did pick up some hog scent. I guess because the hogs' blood out there is real strong. I'm not sure, but she informed me of that.

ETA: Yes, thank you. I thought I heard that and went back and listened again to BTR.

Ladessa does say she "believes" it's owned by the sheriff's wife. I have not independently confirmed that the sheriff's wife does own this weekly. It may be objective but does seem a bit slanted to me. I have quoted it, but wonder if this is a reliable source.

I must have misheard the sheriff's wife's name. Thought I heard "Linda" but it's actually "Melinda." She's listed as publisher and editor on the newspaper's website.

That can't be the entire call. They never asked him for his name! Whenever I've called 911, they ALWAYS ask my name and a number I can be reached at. But they didn't in that recording!

I do believe Brandon was running for his life. Whether it was a real danger, or a paranoid delusion due to some drugs/alcohol, I don't know. But in his mind, his life was in danger. You can hear his breathlessness as he is running, and the rapid talk in trying to get out as much information as fast as possible. No way do I believe he would have called the cops, knowing about the outstanding warrant that would sent him to prison, without there being a severe concern. With him being missing, I'm leaning towards it was a real threat, but leaving open it could have been a delusion.
It's strange for sure. I don't know quite what to think yet. The brother going to check on LL has me a bit perplexed. He left then CAME BACK when he got the call from Brandon saying he was out of gas. LL put the gas cans on the porch for him.

I know I read that Brandon called his father before leaving the house. I can only think that the fight was quite bad (possibly physical?) and the Dad called K and asked him to go check on LL? IDK?

The timeline and story is just not adding up.

So at 4:30am LL woke up, realized she had like 10 missed calls from K and 3 from Brandon and when she talked to K he was in a panic because it had been several hours and Brandon still had not returned to his truck? Had he stayed out there all that time? Perhaps he did. I know that about 7am he went into Bronte and got gas and put it in the truck in case Brandon showed up. Then around 8:30ish (I think) the cops towed the truck.

So here's my thing. LL went to bed without her phone knowing that Brandon was unaccounted for out in the boonies where his truck had run out of gas? Or did she assume K found him, got him gas and Brandon went back to his house with him?

She (or someone using a phone in her name) texted Brandon at 1:19 (19 minutes after cops and K arrived) warning him that cops were at his truck. And then she just fell asleep?

BBM - I'm pretty sure I read it was Kyle's girlfriend that sent the text at 1:19, not Brandon's girlfriend (aka LL).
Could Brandon have been giving his location in the beginning of he call - the part we can't makout...does any of that sound like it could be his location...
It's strange for sure. I don't know quite what to think yet. The brother going to check on LL has me a bit perplexed. He left then CAME BACK when he got the call from Brandon saying he was out of gas. LL put the gas cans on the porch for him.

I know I read that Brandon called his father before leaving the house. I can only think that the fight was quite bad (possibly physical?) and the Dad called K and asked him to go check on LL? IDK?

The timeline and story is just not adding up.

So at 4:30am LL woke up, realized she had like 10 missed calls from K and 3 from Brandon and when she talked to K he was in a panic because it had been several hours and Brandon still had not returned to his truck? Had he stayed out there all that time? Perhaps he did. I know that about 7am he went into Bronte and got gas and put it in the truck in case Brandon showed up. Then around 8:30ish (I think) the cops towed the truck.

So here's my thing. LL went to bed without her phone knowing that Brandon was unaccounted for out in the boonies where his truck had run out of gas? Or did she assume K found him, got him gas and Brandon went back to his house with him?

She (or someone using a phone in her name) texted Brandon at 1:19 (19 minutes after cops and K arrived) warning him that cops were at his truck. And then she just fell asleep?

The questions just keep adding up, don't they?

Do we know for certain that the phone was in the the van/vehicle charging while LL was asleep?

Where did the story that "Brandon was hiding" when the cop was at his truck come from?

The cop, the online weekly, Kyle said this to the cop, LL?

This is not believable to me. Whoever told this story originally is very fishy...

If BL called for help, then hid, he would have just come out from hiding after the deputy left. But he didn't. He called 9-1-1 almost 20 minutes before the deputy and Kyle showed up, so that is when he was in trouble. IMO.

Someone on here said she had messaged LL on the fb page for BL.

Maybe we could put a list of questions together and ask her (LL) if she could help answer. I have a feeling a lot (not all) of our confusion on many small but important basic facts could be cleared up if LL is asked directly.

She would either know the answers or KL would.
Could Brandon have been giving his location in the beginning of he call - the part we can't makout...does any of that sound like it could be his location...

Good question. Or does 9-1-1 have the capacity to locate a person generally through GPS, or some other means? It doesn't seem as there are many roads through there, which is what I mean by "generally."

If a stranded driver anywhere called 9-1-1, does anyone know for certain if that person could be found through the cell phone alone, with a specfic location or coordinates?
I listened to the 911 call today with my headphones on and my hearing aids. It was very hard to understand and I firmly believe that is not the whole recording. It sounds edited. And if that is the whole recording, ( which I don't believe it is ) , That is one of the worst 911 operators I have ever heard. This case is all over the place. Very very confusing. I went through the face book page until I was ready to gouge my eyes out.

I think something happened to him. I honestly do not think he is in hiding. Doesn't make sense.
Good question. Or does 9-1-1 have the capacity to locate a person generally through GPS, or some other means? It doesn't seem as there are many roads through there, which is what I mean by "generally."

If a stranded driver anywhere called 9-1-1, does anyone know for certain if that person could be found through the cell phone alone, with a specfic location or coordinates?

I hadn't even thought of that possibility. Does anyone know if GPS location would be standard procedure for 911 calls if someone is in a distressed condition and their location is unknown?
I listened to the 911 call today with my headphones on and my hearing aids. It was very hard to understand and I firmly believe that is not the whole recording. It sounds edited. And if that is the whole recording, ( which I don't believe it is ) , That is one of the worst 911 operators I have ever heard. This case is all over the place. Very very confusing. I went through the face book page until I was ready to gouge my eyes out.

I think something happened to him. I honestly do not think he is in hiding. Doesn't make sense.

I totally agree. His 911 call is a huge red flag. He was fearful and needed help. He wouldn't have called the cops on himself otherwise, especially if he just talked to his brother, who was 10 minutes out. I also agree the 911 call is chopped.
I hadn't even thought of that possibility. Does anyone know if GPS location would be standard procedure for 911 calls if someone is in a distressed condition and their location is unknown?

I have called 911 on my cell phone and a red bar came across my screen that they were tracking my location or something like that. I am pretty sure it said 911 Tracking Location ActivatedI am pretty sure you have to activate that option on your phone though. I am not sure how accurate it was since I gave my approximate location. We were driving and witnessed an accident.

This whole situation is odd. I still haven't got to listen to the 911 call with headphones yet. Not sure it would help though.

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I have called 911 on my cell phone and a red bar came across my screen that they were tracking my location or something like that. I am pretty sure you have to activate that option on your phone though. The 911 operator did know where I was.

This whole situation is odd. I still haven't got to listen to the 911 call with headphones yet. Not sure it would help though.

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That's interesting. If Brandon did not have that feature I wonder how the deputy, or the dispatcher, knew where he was, or where his truck was?
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