TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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Has a time ever been mentioned when the trucker called in about the truck in the road? Or the girl mentioned on FB that she spoke to her mom about the truck in the road?
Has a time ever been mentioned when the trucker called in about the truck in the road? Or the girl mentioned on FB that she spoke to her mom about the truck in the road?

I'd have to go back to the 1st thread to get the link but I believe the trucker spoke to LE but LL was never given his name or the company who he worked for so if she wanted to contact him she had no way. But that is me just trying to go by my memory, which is only good 50% of the time...lol

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
I'd have to go back to the 1st thread to get the link but I believe the trucker spoke to LE but LL was never given his name or the company who he worked for so if she wanted to contact him she had no way. But that is me just trying to go by my memory, which is only good 50% of the time...lol

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

Here it is, as transcribed by OkieGranny (thread #1, post #36) from this talk show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/newcolony/2014/01/28/monday-with-orion
LL: No. Brandon's truck, the front of it was over the white line. The front of it was in the highway, a little bit on the road, and then Brandon's doors were not locked. And also, there was a second 911 call. The only thing that I'm not sure about is I don't know if Brandon called 911 first or if the truck driver did. But I'm pretty positive Brandon called 911 first, and then the truck driver called afterwards because he almost hit Brandon's truck because it was parked on the highway, and on 277 you can go pretty fast there, like 75 miles an hour. So he called 911 telling them that he almost hit a vehicle.

H: Okay. And that truck driver didn't seem like he (unintelligible).

LL: Yeah, I don't know who the truck driver is. I haven talked to him. I don't know his name. The cops talked to him.

H: Oh, okay, so the cops did make contact with him?

LL: Yeah, they told me that they, when I talked to WM, he told me he did.
I personally think Brandon's call is the one they have referred to as a stranded motorist. I have always assumed that call came before the trucker's phone call.
But again, that is just what I have always thought from everything I have read..

On another note, what if Brandon was being followed by someone he got into an argument with in San Angelo? There were rumors early on that BL was in the Walmart parking lot and got into an argument with someone. That has never been confirmed, but I see it as an option. He could have headed out to get away and they caught up with him when he ran out of gas. I guess we will probably never know unless someone confesses or talks and I doubt that will ever happen.
I just went back thru the posts I've made on BL's threads, I could've sworn I had made that same statement nannymo! I've always thought BL's call & the "trucker's" call was one in the same; either the 9-1-1 operator or the sheriff's office call taker assumed that Brandon is/was the "trucker"!
Everything LL said ^^^ during that Blogtalk radio show that the "trucker" said when he supposedly called in almost matches everything we've heard Brandon say during that 9-1-1 call.....
(And I'm just paraphrasing)
BL: My 'truck' ran outta gas, we ran into them, out here going towards Abilene on both sides. No the cops! Please hurry.
"Trucker": I almost ran into someone.
Yea out here on the highway. No the cops! Please hurry.
(To me it always sounded like B was irritated that the lady even had to ask if he needed an ambulance, like "uh no I need the cops, duh!" Or maybe he was irritated with whoever was with him, like "seriously dude, no! I need the cops!" - just my opinion).
I could see where someone could think B was a trucker calling in... Plus no one knows what this trucker said; if it was the exact same thing or something very different all together.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
This is now thread #4, so I wouldn't begin to know where to go look for information on my next question, so I'll ask - knowing it's probably a re-ask and I apologize for that.

Did they find his shoes down by the river?

Nothing of his were found.
I just went back thru the posts I've made on BL's threads, I could've sworn I had made that same statement nannymo! I've always thought BL's call & the "trucker's" call was one in the same; either the 9-1-1 operator or the sheriff's office call taker assumed that Brandon is/was the "trucker"!
Everything LL said ^^^ during that Blogtalk radio show that the "trucker" said when he supposedly called in almost matches everything we've heard Brandon say during that 9-1-1 call.....
(And I'm just paraphrasing)
BL: My 'truck' ran outta gas, we ran into them, out here going towards Abilene on both sides. No the cops! Please hurry.
"Trucker": I almost ran into someone.
Yea out here on the highway. No the cops! Please hurry.
(To me it always sounded like B was irritated that the lady even had to ask if he needed an ambulance, like "uh no I need the cops, duh!" Or maybe he was irritated with whoever was with him, like "seriously dude, no! I need the cops!" - just my opinion).
I could see where someone could think B was a trucker calling in... Plus no one knows what this trucker said; if it was the exact same thing or something very different all together.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

There was a call made from a truck driver seperate from Brandon's call. Someone at the truck stop also talked to the truck driver who made the call about Brandon's truck in the road.
Random thought..(I think) if Brandon was hiding in the bushes with the Deputy there(waiting)...he would have no need to be running 10 mins up the road in a field....sorry but that simply does not match up at all...

Also...I want to make sure I am understanding something else too...Kyle only helped in the 'search' the two days that LL stayed in the hotel in Bronte...he has not participated in any others? And if I follow correctly...he and his gf went with the gas cans...drove up and down the road for a bit...went back home? and came back out looking again with another friend? Or the friend was with them the first time? Or is the person that could have been with Brandon when he says 'they' ran into them? Maybe it was the friend hiding in the bushes?

The story of the "friend" or even "friends" as its been said, helping search for hours after the cop left, has never made complete sense nor ever been clarified. Its been asked many times who the friend or friends were that helped KL and his gf that night? Who contacted them? Where did they came from to search? But, to my knowledge, and Ive followed this case very closely from the start, no names or details have ever been given in regaurds to who else was present that night. I think it would be helpful to have the information and observations from anyone else that was there that night, especially someone who is not family, making them a little less emotionally attached, give their version of events. If anyone knows who else helped search, how they were notified Brandon was missing and where they came from to search where and for how long, in my opinion, it would be very helpful information. They may even know something they dont even realize is important and could bring new attention to Brandon's case and get the ball rolling in the right direction, for more investigation.
Another point of confusion was the whole searching by KL the gf and friend. It was said that they looked for only a little while then went home, because they figured he was hiding and that he'd just show up in the morning with a few scrapes and a story to tell them. Then another version was that they called oil field friends to come help search and spent hours and hours out there searching for him before finally going for gas to leave in his truck and going home. Too often in this case, stories have been changed and told so many different ways that its hard to know whats true and whats not. Ive always wondered why so little was ever heard from KL and his gf in the weeks and months after Brandon went missing. It didnt appear that KL & gf had much to do with actively participating in searching and getting word out following that night they went to rescue him.

All just my thoughts....
Here's what I don't get, it's probably been explained, but it's been a while since I read through all of Brandon's threads, and I can't find an answer.
Brandon called 911 at 12:54 am.
Brandon's brother, the brother's gf and a deputy arrive at Brandon's vehicle at 1:10 am.
Brandon was on the phone to the brother's gf at 1:19 am (and possibly a few minutes before, 1:19 was the last reported contact).
She was warning Brandon that a deputy was there bc she knew Brandon had a warrant out and she assumed he would try to avoid LE. She didn't know Brandon had called 911.
Why wasn't Brandon like, "Thank goodness! I'm the one who called 911 and asked the cops to come out here. I need help. Y'all have to find me. Get the cop to turn on his flashing lights and maybe I can make my way towards him." ?
Brandon requested the cops come out, and then doesn't mention that to the brother's gf, when she tells him LE is here? I don't remember if the cops were there bc of the trucker's call to LE or a motorist's call or Brandon's call, but it doesn't matter. Brandon would think they were there bc of his own call.
Any explanations?
(All of this is from a timeline posted in thread 3 and attributed to the Blogtalk interview. I didn't repost timeline bc I think someone mentioned a revision. This article gives supporting details, with times a few minutes different http://sanangelolive.com/news/2013-09-24/missing-dead-or-run-where-brandon-lawson.)
There was a call made from a truck driver seperate from Brandon's call. Someone at the truck stop also talked to the truck driver who made the call about Brandon's truck in the road.

Do you have a link to verify that? Because I've never heard or read anything in regards to a truck stop? What truck stop? Who was the person?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
Do you have a link to verify that? Because I've never heard or read anything in regards to a truck stop? What truck stop? Who was the person?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

I was told it directly from Ladessa, and do remember reading it on the FBL FB page. Ladessa also states in her blogtalk interview that the truck driver had been interviewed by LE. When I have more time this weekend, I'll go hunting for the link about this.
Here's what I don't get, it's probably been explained, but it's been a while since I read through all of Brandon's threads, and I can't find an answer.
Brandon called 911 at 12:54 am.
Brandon's brother, the brother's gf and a deputy arrive at Brandon's vehicle at 1:10 am.
Brandon was on the phone to the brother's gf at 1:19 am (and possibly a few minutes before, 1:19 was the last reported contact).
She was warning Brandon that a deputy was there bc she knew Brandon had a warrant out and she assumed he would try to avoid LE. She didn't know Brandon had called 911.
Why wasn't Brandon like, "Thank goodness! I'm the one who called 911 and asked the cops to come out here. I need help. Y'all have to find me. Get the cop to turn on his flashing lights and maybe I can make my way towards him." ?
Brandon requested the cops come out, and then doesn't mention that to the brother's gf, when she tells him LE is here? I don't remember if the cops were there bc of the trucker's call to LE or a motorist's call or Brandon's call, but it doesn't matter. Brandon would think they were there bc of his own call.
Any explanations?
(All of this is from a timeline posted in thread 3 and attributed to the Blogtalk interview. I didn't repost timeline bc I think someone mentioned a revision. This article gives supporting details, with times a few minutes different http://sanangelolive.com/news/2013-09-24/missing-dead-or-run-where-brandon-lawson.)

I agree, that its very odd that he called 911, before his brother arrives, yet texts and talks to him and his gf and neglects to mention that he is scared and in danger. It just doesnt add up. I dont recall there ever being an official interview or statement made by the gf about that night, the time line and content of their conversations with Brandon. As well as who the friend(s) that helped search were. Did I just miss it? Anyone aware of such thing taking place?

The sheriff's department wasnt notified of Brandon's call and were respinding to the call from the truck driver about his truck being a hazard in the road. I know there is a few references to this in a couple of the previous threads.
Without a transcript (which doesn't exist) of the calls between Brandon and his brother and Brandon and his brother's girlfriend, we have no idea what was really said on those calls. I take whatever KL & his gf say with a big fat grain of salt.
I was told it directly from Ladessa, and do remember reading it on the FBL FB page. Ladessa also states in her blogtalk interview that the truck driver had been interviewed by LE. When I have more time this weekend, I'll go hunting for the link about this.

I know that Ladessa has said it & it was covered during the first Blogtalk radio interview, but has LE ever confirmed it? It very could have been, I just am not remembering it. [emoji12] I just keep trying to wrap my head around certain things that have been said, then retracted or changed, or just not said at all & SO much of this situation makes absolutely ZERO sense whatsoever to me that is. & every time I think ok, let's try this again, I start trying to put the pieces together all to end up with more questions than I started out with.....

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
If I recall right, not much was said from KL girlfriend, because she was put into a hospital not too long after this

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If I recall right, not much was said from KL girlfriend, because she was put into a hospital not too long after this

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If I recall right, not much was said from KL girlfriend, because she was put into a hospital not too long after this

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Really? I don't recall ever hearing this. Interesting.
If I recall right, not much was said from KL girlfriend, because she was put into a hospital not too long after this

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Is it known for what reason? Surgery? dry out? psychotic break? flu? ebola?
Not permanently... I don't know the circumstances around why she was in the hospital, but it was posted on her page at one time she was happy to be out and glad to be home. It was about 6 to 8 weeks after his disappearance.

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Well one hopes she is better...Are her and K still together? What job did K move into after Brandon disappeared?
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