TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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Is there a possibility that there is truly NO ONE (other than Brandon himself) that knows what happened that night? Could he have been undwr the influence of something, ran out of gas ans simply wondered off to become victim to the elements and wild life?

*(For the record, this isnt what I think happened.)

I have thought of this scenario many times.
Sometimes I think yes and sometimes no.
I want to be clear on one of my posts where I stated I was always suspicious of SO wife's articles and posts. I do not believe anyone in law enforcement had anything to do with Brandon's disappearance. What I believe is that there was attempted coverup and damage control for the unprofessional and blatant incompetent investigation ( or lack of one) in his disappearance.
What disturbed me most was SO wife opened her news account website right after Brandon's disappearance and posted articles about "fugitive in the area" and "it's confirmed BL is not in the county" and on and on. I believe whether unintentionally or intentionally, she poisoned the minds of the locals and this is why family had so much push back in those first critical days of trying to find Brandon. This could be why he has never been found. I also do not believe there have been effective ground searches done properly with search teams. That is a lot of area to cover. And I question how family and other groups have been turned down time and again for searches. If someone might be missing on my property... I would absolutely let family on to search even if it had been already searched. Family needs peace of mind, to feel like they are doing something.
In my opinion... I think Brandon is still out there close to where he went missing.

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There have been searches, it was also told some went out on the land without asking and that is the reason they are not allowing anymore searches.
Brandon is somewhere, I don't think he's in that area.
The one question I always have is why didn't the wife call the county they lived in and called the county his truck was in. How did she know where he had been since she didn't talk to him?

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LL did not have to talk to Brandon to know what county he was missing from. If he ran out of gas close to Bronte and he couldn't be found, I would have started in the closest town too. Bronte does not have a police department, just sheriff deputies. And sheriff's department covers the entire county. It is too small for a police department. If she had reported him missing from San Angelo (Tom Green County), when they found out he went missing from Coke County i think they would have turned the case over to them. JMO tho.
But how does anyone know, for certain, that he actually went missing IN Coke Cty? Per LL she was the last person to physically see him in San Angelo at their residence. So why wouldn't the initial report be filed in San Angelo? Yes the search would have started at the last known place he was seen & could've worked it's way toward Bronte but since NO ONE physically saw him at his truck, who's to say he was ever out there? Who's to say he ever made it out of San Angelo? Now almost 2 years later I guess it doesn't matter but shouldn't the investigation start from point last seen not last place they think he might have been? And the truck should have been examined to ensure there were no other fingerprints inside the truck, like from someone else who might have drove the truck to that spot.
I've said this before, my husband works in the town 20 miles east of the town we live in, he also travels to other towns/counties, God forbid he went missing, I'd call the town we live in 1st, not a town or county I thought he MIGHT have been in. If the local LE felt the report needed to be transferred to another town or county, then it would be. They are the professionals & would know the proper protocol better than I would.
Imo there is a reason local LE in San Angelo was not contacted, what that reason is, who knows????
Amen amen amen!!!!!! I have never understood why the report was filed in Coke Cty, unless. No I do not believe their was any friends out helping look that night, they would have already spoke up somewhere by now. I personally believe that Y area needs to be searched and there is one other place. The home should have been searched it was last place seen. But in my opinion this case has been handled badly on lots of levels.

These statements are just my opinions.
Exactly where were the friends? The coworkers? Why is no one talking if they helped search? Someone has something to say! And yes the house should have been searched, the truck should have been processed and not just handed back.

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Don't forget the truck was also sold or given back to the actual owner not long after B disappeared.

Which could lead one to believe, it was known then, he would NOT be coming back .....
Just my opinion when you have nothing to hide and nothing to cover up your story never changes, the timeline is spot on, there is no hostile actions towards people wanting to help, there is no running away, there is no going against LE or behind their backs. I'm not saying it is anything against anyone my point is this, people say no one has answers to questions that are being asked, I know that their has been questions asked that their is answers too. Such as did Brandon leave LL voicemails, why did Kyle take 2 gas cans, who were the friends with Kyle looking that night, those questions yes the family could answer and plenty more, but instead all anyone ever wanted was it to become a cold case. That is so sad for Brandon and his children they deserve better.
Or how did the calls from BL get missed, but the ones from Kyle were taken? How did the plastic Walmart bag with the rabbit foot end up the in closet and it wasn't found until AFTER the move? If you want to post stuff on social media and then when people ask questions and you get defensive, call names and say it's none of your business, the what are you hiding? Why post and then back track? Why ask in a radio interview how long will it take for this to become a cold case?

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Or what does he mean by right here on both sides going to Abilene? Is this a road they traveled often? Did he know Bronte was even there? Why run when you know your brother is coming? I'm pretty confident he was never hiding in the brush or this would not be where it is today. Has anyone ever made it to the furthest possible place out from the cell phone ping? Is there a map anyone has already done marking the towers, his truck, search area to get an idea of travel(on foot, and supposedly so intoxicated) That in itself is a question that could be answered, exaclty how 'intoxicated' was he that night, according to LL, since we aren't even sure of that except for those that live around there and know about the 'fields', which may not even be what BL was referring to....sighhhhhhhhhh
He was intoxicated, he wasn't intoxicated, he relapsed, he didn't relapse, there was an argument, there wasn't an argument. There was a truck driver, there wasn't a truck driver! Which is it? This isn't fair to the kids at all

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I've been listening to various tapes of BL's 911 call. He sounds very afraid, even in shock, by whatever he's witnessing. Almost as if he can't believe his eyes. Of course he could've been hallucinating but that isn't a given. The sentence immediately after he says he's "in the middle of a field" is almost unintelligble. I've heard him say what sounds like 3 or more different things on different versions over on YT. "Staplers"? "Staters?" Can anyone make out that second sentence where he's trying to describe who is doing what to whom?
Was it ever proved that the truck had actually run out of fuel? I wonder if the truck was checked from damage to the fuel tank.

One of my biggest questions is how were KL's phonecalls received byLL but Brandon's were not as the phone was outside charging? Can't be both. The lies and discrepancies in this case are astronomical. I cannot understand how they've not been looked into further. The house wasn't even searched, was it?

I'm still not convinced Brandon was out there at all that night.

Just my opinion.
Was it ever proved that the truck had actually run out of fuel? I wonder if the truck was checked from damage to the fuel tank.

One of my biggest questions is how were KL's phonecalls received byLL but Brandon's were not as the phone was outside charging? Can't be both. The lies and discrepancies in this case are astronomical. I cannot understand how they've not been looked into further. The house wasn't even searched, was it?

I'm still not convinced Brandon was out there at all that night.

Just my opinion.

I thought LL talked to KL and then put the gas can on the porch (or wherever). Then she put her phone in the van to charge. Maybe I need to review the details, I could be totally off.
I thought LL talked to KL and then put the gas can on the porch (or wherever). Then she put her phone in the van to charge. Maybe I need to review the details, I could be totally off.
Not that I recall but kind of stepped away from this a bit as I it annoys me so much so may have my stuff wrong.

That said, there's no way I could go to bed and leave my phone out of reach knowing my other half had driven off after a row like that. I guess we're all different.
The changing details, untruths, and unexplained behaviors in this case have led many to speculate that people close to Brandon might be involved in his disappearance. I am not dismissing that possibility. But I cannot image a scenario in which these people would conspire together. Am I missing something or can someone point me in a new direction...?
The changing details, untruths, and unexplained behaviors in this case have led many to speculate that people close to Brandon might be involved in his disappearance. I am not dismissing that possibility. But I cannot image a scenario in which these people would conspire together. Am I missing something or can someone point me in a new direction...?
I don't think we're allowed to discuss it as they're viewed as the victims per Websleuths rules. Kind of the main reason I stepped back.
I thought LL talked to KL and then put the gas can on the porch (or wherever). Then she put her phone in the van to charge. Maybe I need to review the details, I could be totally off.

That is the story that was told by LL, iirc it was stated on the BlogTalk radio interview, the 1st one LL did.
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